Title: Sacra
Year: 2024
Volume: 22
Issue: 2
1214-5351 (print)
2336-4483 (online)
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/digilib.81002
Department FF MU
Title | Document |
Úvodník | 5–6
Hodes, Aleš |
Title | Document |
George Soros ako "pojmový Žid" v naratíve slovenského politického spektra | 7–26
Popluhár, Dominik |
Title | Document |
Hex the patriarchy : about the history of feminist witchcraft and how witches on social media correspond to it and shape it | 27–42
Verbeek, Julia |
Girard and the sacred : a mimetic approach to religion | 43–55
Moreno Villanueva, Emilio |
Title | Document |
Austrian druidry and its understanding of sacred places | 56–74
Verbeek, Julia |
Title | Document |
Interdisciplinarity of the study of religions at Masaryk University : goals and expectations according to the heads of CEDRR, LEVYNA, and DISSINET | 75–89
Houserová, Petra; Kunert, Tomáš; Spáčilová, Terezie; Lang, Martin; Zbíral, David; Glomb, Tomáš |
Title | Document |
Religionistická exkurze ve Znojmě, 27.-29. 5. 2024, Znojmo, Česká republika | 90–93
Kunert, Tomáš; Kormaňáková, Barbora |
Title | Document |
Výběr titulů z českého a slovenského mezioborového studia náboženství | 94–99
Mokrý, Matouš; Hodes, Aleš |
Title | Document |
Pokyny pro autory | [101]