Title: Stratégia žánru a literárna onomastika (Anton Pavlovič Čechov)
Source document: Opera Slavica. 2011, vol. 21, iss. 1, pp. 17-23
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/117655
Type: Article
License: Not specified license
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Čechovove poviedky ťažia z mena postavy. Tento postup využívajú autori ruskej literatúry 19. storočia. Autor vyberá také literárne pomenovania pre postavu, aby ju fyzicky i typovo, spoločensky, rodovo charakterizoval, ale oveľa častejšie si vyberá meno podľa profesie postavy. Poviedka neumožní rozvinúť sujet postavy, teda ide o statické mená.
Genre Strategy and Poetics of Onomastics. Tchekhov's stories benefit from the character's name. Such method was applied by the authors of the 19th century Russian literature. The author chooses such literary name of the character that can be characterized physically, as a type, socially, from the aspect of its origin, but he most often chooses the name based on the character's profession. The story does not allow a character development through plot development, therefore the names are static.