Title: Playing a tyrant – rethinking an autocrat in Asya Voloshina's Antigona: Redukciia
Source document: Theatralia. 2023, vol. 26, iss. 1, pp. 29-54
ISSN1803-845X (print)2336-4548 (online)
Persistent identifier (DOI): https://doi.org/10.5817/TY2023-1-3
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/digilib.77964
Type: Article
License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International
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Written by Russian playwright Asya Voloshina, the 2013 Antigona : Redukciia is, as the author herself refers to it, 'a political satire with elements of poetry and reduction', which recasts Sophocles' title character, Antigone, from an existentialist tragic figure to a political rebel, whose actions of protest become inevitably and ironically performative in the highly mediatised culture of social media influencers and performative post-truth. A radical juxtaposition between the individual and the state, Voloshina's play exhibits deep internal connections with Bertolt Brecht's Die Antigone des Sophokles (1948), which serves as its contextual and analytical entry point. Like Brecht, I argue, Voloshina interprets the tragic conflict of Sophocles' Antigone as highly pragmatic. In her acknowledgement of Antigone's new reality – which simultaneously reminds of George Orwell's 1984 and Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games – Voloshina challenges the premise of the 20th century political tragedy. Her Antigone stands to combat the state-based machine of manipulation with her personal truth. She 'is motivated neither by religion nor by kinship'; for her Creon's law is 'simply a pretext to protest against her country turning into a totalitarian state' (SYSKA 2022: 4); and so eventually she is cancelled out from the history and from the myth. I conclude that Brecht's and Voloshina's plays connect the two centuries together, diagnose their respective dark times, and demonstrate that the cultures of populism produce corrupt moral standards, compromise personal dignity, and cultivate post-truth, all channeled through the role of an autocratic, if not tyrannic, state leader.
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[3] DOTSENKO, Elena. 2020. 'In-Yer-Face Theatre' as a Problem or a Process. In William C. Boles (ed.). After In-Yer-Face Theatre: Remnants of a Theatrical Revolution. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020: 103–119.
[4] DUARTE, Bruno C. 2017. Rhythm and Structure: Brecht's Antigone in Performance [online]. Performance Philosophy 2 (2017): 2. [accessed on 20.10.2022]. Available online at https://www.performancephilosophy.org/journal/article/view/95.
[5] FISCHER-LICHTE, Erika. 2010. Politicizing Antigone. In S. E. Wilmer and Audronė Žukauskaitė (eds.). Interrogating Antigone in Postmodern Philosophy and Criticism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010: 329–352. DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199559213.003.0019.
[6] GESSEN, Masha. 2017. The Future is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia. New York: Riverhead Books, 2017
[7] JONES, Frank and Gore VIDAL. 1957. Tragedy with a Purpose: Bertolt Brecht's 'Antigone.' Tulane Drama Review 2 (1957): 1: 39–45.
[8] ISMAILOVA, Alina. 2020. Kak Asia Voloshina stala glavnym rossijskim dramaturgom novoj shkoly [How Asya Voloshina Became the Main Russian Dramatist of the New School] [online]. Sobaka.Ru (2020). [accessed on 20.10.2022]. Available online at https://www.sobaka.ru/entertainment/theatre/111001.
[9] KISLOVA, Larisa. 2015. Antichnyj mif v Russkoj 'Novoj drame' rubezha XX–XXI vekov [Antique Myth in the Russian New Drama at the Threshold of the 20th and 21st Centuries]. Philology and Culture 42 (2015): 4: 221–225.
[10] MARKELL, Patchen. 2018. Politics and the Case of Poetry: Arendt on Brecht. Modern Intellectual History 15 (2018): 2: 503–533.
[11] MASLAKOV, Denis. 2018. Asya Voloshina: 'Dramaturgiia – eto oprokinutyj psyhoanaliz' [Asya Voloshina: 'Dramaturgy is the Psychoanalysis Upside Down'] [online]. Mnogobukv. Vse o creative writing (9. 10. 2018). [accessed on 20.10.2022]. Available online at https://mnogobukv.hse.ru/news/225501993.html.
[12] NEVINNAIA, Ivetta. 2020. Dramaturg Asya Voloshina: 'Vse seichas v pole gigantskogo eksperimenta' [Dramatist Asya Voloshina: 'Everything is Now in the Field of Some Gigantic Experiment'] [online]. Mk.RU (15. 5. 2020). [accessed on 20.10.2022]. Available online at https://www.mk.ru/culture/2020/05/15/dramaturg-asya-voloshina-vse-seychas-v-pole-gigantskogoeksperimenta.html.
[13] REVERMANN, Martin. 2022. Brecht and Tragedy: Radicalism, Traditionalism, Eristics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022.
[14] SCHULER, Catherine A. 2015. Priamaia liniia s Vladimirom Putinym: Performing Democracy Putin-Style. TDR: Drama Review 59 (2015): 1: 136–160. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1162/DRAM_a_00433.
[15] SOKOLOVA, Nataliia. 2018. Asya Voloshina: 'Khochetsia zanimatsia teatrom, otsylaiushchim k vertikali' [Asya Voloshina: 'I Want to Do Theatre, Which Refers to the Vertical'] [online]. Prochtenie (19. 1. 2018). [accessed on 20.10.2022]. Available online at https://lensov-theatre.spb.ru/pressa/asya-voloshina-hochetsya-zanimatsya-teatrom-otsylayuschim-k-vertikali/.
[16] STARODUBTSEVA, Nataliia. 2020. Khudshij iz grekhov – smireniie [The Worst Sin is to be Humble] [online]. OKOLO.me (27. 12. 2020). [accessed on 20.10.2022]. Available online at https://okolo.me/2020/12/hudshij-iz-grehov-smirenie/.
[17] STEINER, George. 1986. Antigones. How the Antigone Legend has Endured in Western Literature, Art, and Thought. New Heaven/London: Yale University Press, 1986.
[18] SYSKA, Katarzhyna. 2022. 'Antigona/Reduction' Asi Voloshinoj. Performance bunta [Antigone : Reduction by Asya Voloshina. Performance of Riot]. Unpublished Manuscript. Personal correspondence with the author (20. 8. 2022).
[19] TYUTELOVA, Larisa et al. 2022. Transformation of 'Alien' Text as a Technology for Generating the New in Russian Drama of the 1990s–2010s. In Daria Bylieva and Alfred Nordmann (eds.). Technology, Innovation and Creativity in Digital Society: XXI Professional Culture of the Specialist of the Future. Cham: Springer, 2022: 376–389.
[20] VOLOSHINA, Asya. 2018. Gibnet khor. Chetyre piesy o Rossii [Chorus Perishes. Four Plays about Russia]. St. Petersburg: Seans, 2018.
[21] VOLOSHINA, Asya. 2022a. Personal correspondence with the author (30. 7. 2022).
[22] VOLOSHINA, Asya. 2022b. Personal correspondence with the author (31. 7. 2022).
[23] VOLOSHINA, Asya. 2022c. Personal correspondence with the author (27. 8. 2022).
[24] ŽIŽEK, Slavoj. 2016. Antigone. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016.
[25] WILMER, S.E. and Audronė ŽUKAUSKAITĖ. 2010. Introduction. In S. E. Wilmer and Audronė Žukauskaitė (eds.). Interrogating Antigone in Postmodern Philosophy and Criticism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010: 1–17.
[2] CLAYTON, J. Douglas. 2015. Alexander Pushkin's Boris Godunov as Epic Theatre. In Yana Meerzon, Kathryn Prince and David Dean (eds.). History, Memory, Performance. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015: 98–115.
[3] DOTSENKO, Elena. 2020. 'In-Yer-Face Theatre' as a Problem or a Process. In William C. Boles (ed.). After In-Yer-Face Theatre: Remnants of a Theatrical Revolution. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020: 103–119.
[4] DUARTE, Bruno C. 2017. Rhythm and Structure: Brecht's Antigone in Performance [online]. Performance Philosophy 2 (2017): 2. [accessed on 20.10.2022]. Available online at https://www.performancephilosophy.org/journal/article/view/95.
[5] FISCHER-LICHTE, Erika. 2010. Politicizing Antigone. In S. E. Wilmer and Audronė Žukauskaitė (eds.). Interrogating Antigone in Postmodern Philosophy and Criticism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010: 329–352. DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199559213.003.0019.
[6] GESSEN, Masha. 2017. The Future is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia. New York: Riverhead Books, 2017
[7] JONES, Frank and Gore VIDAL. 1957. Tragedy with a Purpose: Bertolt Brecht's 'Antigone.' Tulane Drama Review 2 (1957): 1: 39–45.
[8] ISMAILOVA, Alina. 2020. Kak Asia Voloshina stala glavnym rossijskim dramaturgom novoj shkoly [How Asya Voloshina Became the Main Russian Dramatist of the New School] [online]. Sobaka.Ru (2020). [accessed on 20.10.2022]. Available online at https://www.sobaka.ru/entertainment/theatre/111001.
[9] KISLOVA, Larisa. 2015. Antichnyj mif v Russkoj 'Novoj drame' rubezha XX–XXI vekov [Antique Myth in the Russian New Drama at the Threshold of the 20th and 21st Centuries]. Philology and Culture 42 (2015): 4: 221–225.
[10] MARKELL, Patchen. 2018. Politics and the Case of Poetry: Arendt on Brecht. Modern Intellectual History 15 (2018): 2: 503–533.
[11] MASLAKOV, Denis. 2018. Asya Voloshina: 'Dramaturgiia – eto oprokinutyj psyhoanaliz' [Asya Voloshina: 'Dramaturgy is the Psychoanalysis Upside Down'] [online]. Mnogobukv. Vse o creative writing (9. 10. 2018). [accessed on 20.10.2022]. Available online at https://mnogobukv.hse.ru/news/225501993.html.
[12] NEVINNAIA, Ivetta. 2020. Dramaturg Asya Voloshina: 'Vse seichas v pole gigantskogo eksperimenta' [Dramatist Asya Voloshina: 'Everything is Now in the Field of Some Gigantic Experiment'] [online]. Mk.RU (15. 5. 2020). [accessed on 20.10.2022]. Available online at https://www.mk.ru/culture/2020/05/15/dramaturg-asya-voloshina-vse-seychas-v-pole-gigantskogoeksperimenta.html.
[13] REVERMANN, Martin. 2022. Brecht and Tragedy: Radicalism, Traditionalism, Eristics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022.
[14] SCHULER, Catherine A. 2015. Priamaia liniia s Vladimirom Putinym: Performing Democracy Putin-Style. TDR: Drama Review 59 (2015): 1: 136–160. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1162/DRAM_a_00433.
[15] SOKOLOVA, Nataliia. 2018. Asya Voloshina: 'Khochetsia zanimatsia teatrom, otsylaiushchim k vertikali' [Asya Voloshina: 'I Want to Do Theatre, Which Refers to the Vertical'] [online]. Prochtenie (19. 1. 2018). [accessed on 20.10.2022]. Available online at https://lensov-theatre.spb.ru/pressa/asya-voloshina-hochetsya-zanimatsya-teatrom-otsylayuschim-k-vertikali/.
[16] STARODUBTSEVA, Nataliia. 2020. Khudshij iz grekhov – smireniie [The Worst Sin is to be Humble] [online]. OKOLO.me (27. 12. 2020). [accessed on 20.10.2022]. Available online at https://okolo.me/2020/12/hudshij-iz-grehov-smirenie/.
[17] STEINER, George. 1986. Antigones. How the Antigone Legend has Endured in Western Literature, Art, and Thought. New Heaven/London: Yale University Press, 1986.
[18] SYSKA, Katarzhyna. 2022. 'Antigona/Reduction' Asi Voloshinoj. Performance bunta [Antigone : Reduction by Asya Voloshina. Performance of Riot]. Unpublished Manuscript. Personal correspondence with the author (20. 8. 2022).
[19] TYUTELOVA, Larisa et al. 2022. Transformation of 'Alien' Text as a Technology for Generating the New in Russian Drama of the 1990s–2010s. In Daria Bylieva and Alfred Nordmann (eds.). Technology, Innovation and Creativity in Digital Society: XXI Professional Culture of the Specialist of the Future. Cham: Springer, 2022: 376–389.
[20] VOLOSHINA, Asya. 2018. Gibnet khor. Chetyre piesy o Rossii [Chorus Perishes. Four Plays about Russia]. St. Petersburg: Seans, 2018.
[21] VOLOSHINA, Asya. 2022a. Personal correspondence with the author (30. 7. 2022).
[22] VOLOSHINA, Asya. 2022b. Personal correspondence with the author (31. 7. 2022).
[23] VOLOSHINA, Asya. 2022c. Personal correspondence with the author (27. 8. 2022).
[24] ŽIŽEK, Slavoj. 2016. Antigone. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016.
[25] WILMER, S.E. and Audronė ŽUKAUSKAITĖ. 2010. Introduction. In S. E. Wilmer and Audronė Žukauskaitė (eds.). Interrogating Antigone in Postmodern Philosophy and Criticism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010: 1–17.