Title: Brno studies in English
Year: 2024
Volume: 50
Issue: 1
0524-6881 (print)
1805-0867 (online)
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/digilib.80938
Department FF MU
Title | Document |
Fifty volumes of Brno Studies in English | 5–11
Chovanec, Jan |
Title | Document |
Memetic drift, floating signifiers, and the jetsam of politics | 13–31
Attardo, Salvatore |
Metaphorical depictions of women : exploring animal metaphors in Victorian prose fiction | 33–53
Hryzhak, Liudmyla |
A layered taxonomy of lexical anglicisms | 55–70
Klégr, Aleš |
Phrasal verbs and semantic prosody in late Modern English (1750–1850) : a corpus-based study | 71–86
Leone, Ljubica |
Between detachment and commitment : hedging and boosting from scientific articles to university press releases | 87–113
Petrocelli, Emilia |
Intersubjective politeness in a Charlie Chan detective story : a case of intercultural faceWork | 115–135
Renna, Dora; Santulli, Francesca |
Title | Document |
When everything is about 9/11 : on reading contemporary fiction through 9/11 and the boundaries of the 9/11 novel | 137–153
Eikonsalo, Sini |
Roman Jakobson's view of realism in the light of early discussions of realist literature | 155–165
Fořt, Bohumil |
'The subtleties of the American joke' : Mark Twain versus Europe | 167–183
Giarelli, Andrew L. |
Disability and indigeneity in Moloka'i : challenging colonial paradigm of leprosy | 185–200
Indriyanto, Kristiawan; Adi, Ida Rochani; Adhitya, Galant Nanta |
Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon : ethics, individual and state secrecy | 201–215
Pérez-de-Luque, Juan L. |
Transforming perspectives : aging, anger, and the environment in Margaret Laurence's The Stone Angel | 217–233
Studená, Pavlína |
Title | Document |
Brno Studies in English : guidelines for authors | [234]–[235]