Zobrazují se záznamy 451 - 475 z celkového počtu 2082
Hardy, Stephen Paul.
The earlier fiction of Raymond Williams. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory.
2008, s. 55–61.
Hardy, Stephen Paul.
Introduction. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory.
2008, s. 7–17.
Hardy, Stephen Paul.
White chappell : scarlet tracings. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory.
2008, s. 106–112.
Hardy, Stephen Paul.
Conclusions. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory.
2008, s. 126–132.
Hardy, Stephen Paul.
People of the Black Mountains 1: The beginning. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory.
2008, s. 62–79.
Hardy, Stephen Paul.
Bibliography. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory.
2008, s. 133–139.
Hardy, Stephen Paul.
Place, poetics and the earth. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory.
2008, s. 39–54.
Šalamoun, Jiří.
Acknowledgements. In: Šalamoun, Jiří. The satire of Ishmael Reed : from non-standard sexuality to argumentation.
2019, s. 6.
Šalamoun, Jiří.
Introduction. In: Šalamoun, Jiří. The satire of Ishmael Reed : from non-standard sexuality to argumentation.
2019, s. 9–13.
Šalamoun, Jiří.
Conclusion. In: Šalamoun, Jiří. The satire of Ishmael Reed : from non-standard sexuality to argumentation.
2019, s. 104.
Šalamoun, Jiří.
Discussion : Argument-based satire against post-raciality. In: Šalamoun, Jiří. The satire of Ishmael Reed : from non-standard sexuality to argumentation.
2019, s. 96–103.
Pantůčková, Lidmila.
Thackeray as a reader and critic of poetry. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature.
1972, s. 313–341.
Pantůčková, Lidmila.
Thackeray's conception of criticism. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature.
1972, s. 100–126.
Pantůčková, Lidmila.
Thackeray's qualifications as a literary critic. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature.
1972, s. 15–42.
Pantůčková, Lidmila.
Thackeray as a critic of non-fiction books. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature.
1972, s. 370–413.
Pantůčková, Lidmila.
Thackeray's dramatic and theatrical criticism. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature.
1972, s. 342–369.
Šalamoun, Jiří.
Bibliography. In: Šalamoun, Jiří. The satire of Ishmael Reed : from non-standard sexuality to argumentation.
2019, s. 108–115.
Šalamoun, Jiří.
Ishmael Reed : the opinions of the man behind the novels. In: Šalamoun, Jiří. The satire of Ishmael Reed : from non-standard sexuality to argumentation.
2019, s. 14–23.
Šalamoun, Jiří.
Definition of satire and irony : refusing to struggle with Proteus. In: Šalamoun, Jiří. The satire of Ishmael Reed : from non-standard sexuality to argumentation.
2019, s. 30–33.
Šalamoun, Jiří.
Satira Ishmaela Reeda : od nestandardní sexuality k argumentaci : resumé. In: Šalamoun, Jiří. The satire of Ishmael Reed : from non-standard sexuality to argumentation.
2019, s. 105–107.
Šalamoun, Jiří.
The evolution of satirical techniques in the novels of Ishmael Reed. In: Šalamoun, Jiří. The satire of Ishmael Reed : from non-standard sexuality to argumentation.
2019, s. 34–95.
Šalamoun, Jiří.
Research methodology : an interdisciplinary approach. In: Šalamoun, Jiří. The satire of Ishmael Reed : from non-standard sexuality to argumentation.
2019, s. 24–29.
Zita, Antonín.
Acknowledgments. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands.
2018, s. 8.
Zita, Antonín.
Zusammenfassung. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands.
2018, s. 181–183.