Zobrazují se záznamy 476 - 500 z celkového počtu 2082
Zita, Antonín.
Czechoslovakia of the fifties and sixties: an introduction. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands.
2018, s. 103–118.
Zita, Antonín.
The reception in the United States: current reception. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands.
2018, s. 83–102.
Zita, Antonín.
The reception in the Czech Republic. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands.
2018, s. 143–162.
Zita, Antonín.
Bibliography. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands.
2018, s. 184–197.
Zita, Antonín.
Introduction to the Beat Generation. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands.
2018, s. 9–23.
Zita, Antonín.
The United States of the fifties and the sixties: an introduction. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands.
2018, s. 36–47.
Zita, Antonín.
Motto. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands.
2018, s. 7.
Zita, Antonín.
Index. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands.
2018, s. 198–200.
Zita, Antonín.
The reception in Czechoslovakia. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands.
2018, s. 119–142.
Zita, Antonín.
Summary. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands.
2018, s. 178–180.
Zita, Antonín.
The reception of the Beat Generation: a discussion. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands.
2018, s. 163–174.
Zita, Antonín.
The reception in the United States: the fifties and the sixties. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands.
2018, s. 48–82.
Zita, Antonín.
Conclusion. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands.
2018, s. 175–177.
Zita, Antonín.
Theoretical background. In: Zita, Antonín. How we understand the beats : the reception of the beat generation in the United States and the Czech lands.
2018, s. 24–35.
Štěpaník, Karel.
Předmluva. In: Štěpaník, Karel. Básnické dílo Johna Keatse.
1958, s. 5–[6].
Štěpaník, Karel.
Keatsova básnická autobiografie. In: Štěpaník, Karel. Básnické dílo Johna Keatse.
1958, s. 63–161.
Štěpaník, Karel.
Literární prameny Keatsovy tvorby. In: Štěpaník, Karel. Básnické dílo Johna Keatse.
1958, s. 163–224.
Štěpaník, Karel.
Základní literatura. In: Štěpaník, Karel. Básnické dílo Johna Keatse.
1958, s. 230–231.
Štěpaník, Karel.
Keats a jeho doba. In: Štěpaník, Karel. Básnické dílo Johna Keatse.
1958, s. 7–62.
Štěpaník, Karel.
Summary. In: Štěpaník, Karel. Básnické dílo Johna Keatse.
1958, s. 225–229.
Horáková, Martina.
Introduction. In: Horáková, Martina. Inscribing difference and resistance : indigenous women's personal non-fiction and life writing in Australia and North America.
2017, s. 11–21.
Horáková, Martina.
Alternative (hi)stories, indigenous resistance and subjugated knowledges. In: Horáková, Martina. Inscribing difference and resistance : indigenous women's personal non-fiction and life writing in Australia and North America.
2017, s. 121–153.
Horáková, Martina.
Separation, assimilation and trauma in life writing by Doris Pilkington, Shirley Sterling and Anna Lee Walters. In: Horáková, Martina. Inscribing difference and resistance : indigenous women's personal non-fiction and life writing in Australia and North America.
2017, s. 115–119.
Horáková, Martina.
Collective subjects, dialogic selves. In: Horáková, Martina. Inscribing difference and resistance : indigenous women's personal non-fiction and life writing in Australia and North America.
2017, s. 175–190.
Horáková, Martina.
Indigenous feminism in personal non-fiction by Paula Gunn Allen, Lee Maracle and Jackie Huggins. In: Horáková, Martina. Inscribing difference and resistance : indigenous women's personal non-fiction and life writing in Australia and North America.
2017, s. 25–29.