Zobrazují se záznamy 3331 - 3360 z celkového počtu 3399
Nokkala Miltová, Radka.
Planety v rocaillové architektuře ze zámku ve Lnářích a Johann Georg Hertel. Opuscula historiae artium. 2022, roč. 71, č. 1-2, s. 182–189.
Gardner, Julian, Romano, Serena.
Italy and beyond : editorial. Convivium. 2022, roč. 9, č. 2, s. 11–[12].
Wiewiorowski, Jacek.
The insigne of the proconsul of Africa : maritime shipping depictions in the Notitia Dignitatum. Convivium. 2022, roč. 9, č. 2, s. 14–[25].
Croci, Chiara.
Pavia picta : appunti sulla cultura figurativa longobarda a partire dal San Michele. Convivium. 2022, roč. 9, č. 2, s. 26–43.
Gianandrea, Manuela.
Novità e riflessioni su due dipinti murali dell'alto Medioevo romano : l'affresco con sant'Agata e l'inedita pittura con busto di santa. Convivium. 2022, roč. 9, č. 2, s. 44–[61].
Janjalia, Mzia.
Between Jerusalem and Constantinople : revisiting the eleventh century: Georgian religious art. Convivium. 2022, roč. 9, č. 2, s. 62–[81].
Harvey, Maria.
From Provence to Calabria : Filippo Sangineto and Simone Martini's St Ladislas. Convivium. 2022, roč. 9, č. 2, s. 82–[101].
Gerevini, Stefania.
Dynamic splendor : the metalwork altarpieces of medieval Venetia. Convivium. 2022, roč. 9, č. 2, s. 102–[123].
Romano, Serena.
[Bacci, Michele; Ganz, David; Meier, Rahel, eds. Journeys of the soul: multiple topographies in the Camposanto of Pisa]. Convivium. 2022, roč. 9, č. 2, s. 126–129.
Elsig, Frédéric.
[Bremenkamp, Adrian. Ars nova translata: altniederländische Malerei in Neapel und der Krone Aragon]. Convivium. 2022, roč. 9, č. 2, s. 130–132.
Foletti, Ivan, Okáčová, Marie, Palladino, Adrien.
A radical turn? : "late antique" anxiety, rupture, and creative continuity. Convivium. 2022, roč. 9, č. Supplementum 2, s. 11–21.
Foletti, Ivan, Okáčová, Marie.
An age of fragmentation : evidence from late antique literary, visual, and material cultures. Convivium. 2022, roč. 9, č. Supplementum 2, s. 24–47.
Mikulová, Jana.
The variability of late Latin authors' means for marking direct discourse. Convivium. 2022, roč. 9, č. Supplementum 2, s. 48–59.
Croci, Chiara.
"Abbreviated" depictions? : questions on the earliest Christian images. Convivium. 2022, roč. 9, č. Supplementum 2, s. 60–77.
Virdis, Alberto.
Fragmentation as a visual principle : from Cloisonné to early stained glass. Convivium. 2022, roč. 9, č. Supplementum 2, s. 78–97.
Meinecke, Katharina.
Ornamental surfaces : a "global trend" in late antique Afro-Eurasia. Convivium. 2022, roč. 9, č. Supplementum 2, s. 98–117.
Aimone, Marco.
Two Byzantine capitals "with pine cones at their corners" and their monograms : technical, stylistic, and historical observations. Convivium. 2022, roč. 9, č. Supplementum 2, s. 120–137.
Pillinger, Renate Johanna.
Wunder Jesu auf ausgewählten (römischen) Zwischengoldgläsern. Convivium. 2022, roč. 9, č. Supplementum 2, s. 138–155.
Fois, Eleonora.
News translation and national image in the time of Covid-19. Brno studies in English. 2022, roč. 48, č. 1, s. 5–23.
Giofré, Valeria.
Functions and distribution of determiners in Old English genitive noun phrases . Brno studies in English. 2022, roč. 48, č. 1, s. 25–50.
Jiménez-Pareja, Sandra.
On the adjective/adverb interface: subject-related -ly. Brno studies in English. 2022, roč. 48, č. 1, s. 51–69.
Kostareva, Elena V. , Utkina, Tatiana I..
Metadiscourse use in argumentative essays written by Russian students at different levels of ESAP study of economics . Brno studies in English. 2022, roč. 48, č. 1, s. 71–92.
Szczygłowska, Tatiana.
Exploring Obama's and Trump's political discourse through the lens of wordlists, keywords and clusters . Brno studies in English. 2022, roč. 48, č. 1, s. 93–116.
Wiliński, Jarosław.
Metaphodioms: connecting metaphor and idioms. Brno studies in English. 2022, roč. 48, č. 1, s. 117–135.
Dobosiewicz, Ilona.
The city on the Moldau as a liminal space : Prague in Anthony Trollope's Nina Balatka . Brno studies in English. 2022, roč. 48, č. 1, s. 137–148.
Grauzľová, Lucia.
Canadian literature as an American literature : CanLit through the lens of hemispheric American literary studies . Brno studies in English. 2022, roč. 48, č. 1, s. 149–162.
Kaptur, Paweł.
Rethinking inspirations for Mary Shelley's Frankenstein : a new look at the case of the Silesian gravediggers' scandal of 1606 . Brno studies in English. 2022, roč. 48, č. 1, s. 163–174.
Otrísalová, Lucia.
Editor's introduction. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space.
2013, s. 9–11.