Title: Asfar Maluašia: Mandejská kniha astrologie, lékařství a magie v novém světle
Source document: Sacra. 2010, vol. 8, iss. 2, pp. 5-17
ISSN1214-5351 (print)2336-4483 (online)
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/118546
Type: Article
License: Not specified license
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The Mandaean Asfar Maluašia was compared with other sources of Middle Eastern astrology and divination only in some cases. The old structure of this compilation suggested by Lady Drower is not sufficient for present studies and very important similar texts of Middle East were not mentioned in her translation. The author of this study proposes new structure and he points at the known astrological and divinatory writings with parallels of Asfar Maluašia. He also translates from Mandaic texts which are identified as Mandaean originals and reconstructs the original purpose and meaning of the compilation. Through study of its colophons the author traces the origins of Asfar Maluašia texts to the 17th century and the combination of separate texts to the 18th century. As the comparison proves, some of the contents of the Asfar Maluašia is actually much older and incorporates the Babylonian and Greek traditions – amongst them the Apocalypse of Daniel.
[1] Barton, T. 1994. Ancient Astrology. London: Routledge.
[2] Beeston, A. F. L. – Geller, M. J. 1976. "Notes and Communications". Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 39/2, 421–427.
[3] Biruni, R. 1879. The Chronology of Ancient Nations, přel. Edward C. Sachau. London: W.H. Allen & Co.
[4] Buckleyová, J. J. 2006. The Great Stem of Souls. New Jersey: Gorgias Press.
[5] Buckleyová, J. J. 2002. The Mandaeans: Ancient texts and modern people. Oxford University Press.
[6] Conybeare F. C. 1898. "The Testament of Salomon". Jewish Quarterly Review 11, 1–45. | DOI 10.2307/1450398
[7] Cumont, F. et al. 1903. Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum, 4. díl. Brusel: Henri Lamertin.
[8] Cumont, F. et al. 1912. Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum, 8. díl, 3. část. Brusel: Henri Lamertin.
[9] Drowerová, E. S. 1943. "A Mandæan Book of Black Magic". The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 2, 149–181. | DOI 10.1017/S0035869X00098427
[10] Drowerová, E. S. 1950. Diwan Abatur or Progress Through the Purgatories. Citta Del Vaticano.
[11] Drowerová, E. S. 1949. The Book of Zodiac (Sfar Malwašia). London: The Royal Asiatic Society.
[12] Drowerová, E. S. 1959. The Canonical Prayerbook of the Mandaeans. Leiden: Brill.
[13] Drowerová, E. S. 1937. The Mandeans of Iraq and Iran: Their Cults, Customs, Magic Legends, and Folklore. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
[14] Drowerová, E. S. 1939. "Three Mandaean Phylacteries". Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 3, 397–406. | DOI 10.1017/S0035869X00089176
[15] Ebied, R. Y. – Zouny, M. J. L. 1976. "A Treatise on Hemerology Ascribed to Gacfar al-Sādiq". Arabica 23/3, 296–307. | DOI 10.1163/157005876X00317
[16] Furlani, G. 1921. "Astrologisches aus syrischen Handschriften". Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 75, 122–128.
[17] Furlani, G. 1916–1918. "Di una raccolta di trattati astrologici". Rivista degli Studi Orientali 7, 885–889.
[18] Furlani, G. 1921. "Eine Sammlung astrologischer Abhandlungen in arabischer Sprache". Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archeologie 33/1–2, 157–168.
[19] Gebelt, J. 1996. "Mandejské náboženství". Religio 1/4, 37–66.
[20] Gebelt, J. 2009. "Masbuta. Mandejský 'křest'". Theologická revue 80/1–2, 44–65.
[21] Hastings, J. et al. 2003. Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, sv. 23. Whitefish: Kessinger Publishing.
[22] Jastrow, M. 2005. Dictionary of Targumim. Peabody: Hendrixon Publishers, Inc.
[23] Kraeling, C. H. 1933. "The Mandaic God Ptahil". Journal of the American Oriental Society 53/2, 152–165. | DOI 10.2307/593099
[24] Lidzbarski, M. 1909. "Ein mandäisches Amulett". Florilegium ou recueil de travaux d'érudition didiés à Monsieur le Marquis Melchior de Vogüé. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 349–373.
[25] Lidzbarski, M. 1978. Ginza: der Schatz oder das große Buch der Mandäer. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
[26] Macúch, R. 1976. Zur Sprache und Literatur der Mandäer, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
[27] Macúch, R. – Drowerová, E. S. 1963. A Mandaic Dictionary. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
[28] McCown, C. C. 1922. The Testament of Solomon, edited from manuscripts at Mount Athos, Bologna, Holkham Hall, Jerusalem, London, Milan, Paris and Vienna, with Introduction. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung.
[29] Neugebauer, O. 1950. "The Book of the Zodiac (Sfar Malwašia) D. C. 31 by E. S. Drower". Journal of the American Oriental Society 70/4, 309–313. | DOI 10.2307/594971
[30] Neugebauer, O. 1951. "The Study of Wretched Subjects". Isis 42/2, 111. | DOI 10.1086/349279
[31] Nieuwenhuis, T. 1982. Politics and society in early modern Iraq: Mamluk Pashas tribal Shayks and local rule between 1802 and 1831. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
[32] Nosek, B. 2005. Aramejština babylónského Talmudu. Praha: Karolinum.
[33] Nöldeke, T. 1875. Mandäische Grammatik. Halle: Verlag der Buchhandlung des Weisenhauses.
[34] Pognon, H. 1989. Inscriptions mandaïtes des coupes de Khouabir. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale.
[35] Popović, M. 2007. Reading the human body: physiognomics and astrology in the Dead Sea scrolls and Hellenistic-early Roman period Judaism. Leiden: Brill.
[36] Rochbergová, F. 1999–2001. "The Babylonian Origins of the Mandaean Book of the Zodiac". ARAM 11/2, 237–247.
[37] Rudolph, K. 2010. Gnóze: Podstata a dějiny náboženského směru pozdní antiky. Praha: Vyšehrad.
[38] Sarton, G. – Siegel, F. 1950. "Seventy-Sixth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To May 1950)". Isis 41/3–4, 328–424. | DOI 10.1086/349226
[39] Schimmel, A. 1989. Islamic Names. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
[40] Sims-Williams, N. 1995. "Christian Sogdian Texts from the Nachlass of Olaf Hansen, II: Fragments of Polemic and Prognostics". Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 58/2, 288–302.
[41] Varáhamihira. 1996. Brhat Samhita of Varahamihira, 1. díl. Motilal Banarsidass Publ.
[42] Wallis Budge, E. A. T. 1913. Syrian anatomy, pathology and therapeutics, or "The Book of Medicines", 2 díly. London: Humphrey Milford.
[2] Beeston, A. F. L. – Geller, M. J. 1976. "Notes and Communications". Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 39/2, 421–427.
[3] Biruni, R. 1879. The Chronology of Ancient Nations, přel. Edward C. Sachau. London: W.H. Allen & Co.
[4] Buckleyová, J. J. 2006. The Great Stem of Souls. New Jersey: Gorgias Press.
[5] Buckleyová, J. J. 2002. The Mandaeans: Ancient texts and modern people. Oxford University Press.
[6] Conybeare F. C. 1898. "The Testament of Salomon". Jewish Quarterly Review 11, 1–45. | DOI 10.2307/1450398
[7] Cumont, F. et al. 1903. Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum, 4. díl. Brusel: Henri Lamertin.
[8] Cumont, F. et al. 1912. Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum, 8. díl, 3. část. Brusel: Henri Lamertin.
[9] Drowerová, E. S. 1943. "A Mandæan Book of Black Magic". The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 2, 149–181. | DOI 10.1017/S0035869X00098427
[10] Drowerová, E. S. 1950. Diwan Abatur or Progress Through the Purgatories. Citta Del Vaticano.
[11] Drowerová, E. S. 1949. The Book of Zodiac (Sfar Malwašia). London: The Royal Asiatic Society.
[12] Drowerová, E. S. 1959. The Canonical Prayerbook of the Mandaeans. Leiden: Brill.
[13] Drowerová, E. S. 1937. The Mandeans of Iraq and Iran: Their Cults, Customs, Magic Legends, and Folklore. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
[14] Drowerová, E. S. 1939. "Three Mandaean Phylacteries". Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 3, 397–406. | DOI 10.1017/S0035869X00089176
[15] Ebied, R. Y. – Zouny, M. J. L. 1976. "A Treatise on Hemerology Ascribed to Gacfar al-Sādiq". Arabica 23/3, 296–307. | DOI 10.1163/157005876X00317
[16] Furlani, G. 1921. "Astrologisches aus syrischen Handschriften". Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 75, 122–128.
[17] Furlani, G. 1916–1918. "Di una raccolta di trattati astrologici". Rivista degli Studi Orientali 7, 885–889.
[18] Furlani, G. 1921. "Eine Sammlung astrologischer Abhandlungen in arabischer Sprache". Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archeologie 33/1–2, 157–168.
[19] Gebelt, J. 1996. "Mandejské náboženství". Religio 1/4, 37–66.
[20] Gebelt, J. 2009. "Masbuta. Mandejský 'křest'". Theologická revue 80/1–2, 44–65.
[21] Hastings, J. et al. 2003. Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, sv. 23. Whitefish: Kessinger Publishing.
[22] Jastrow, M. 2005. Dictionary of Targumim. Peabody: Hendrixon Publishers, Inc.
[23] Kraeling, C. H. 1933. "The Mandaic God Ptahil". Journal of the American Oriental Society 53/2, 152–165. | DOI 10.2307/593099
[24] Lidzbarski, M. 1909. "Ein mandäisches Amulett". Florilegium ou recueil de travaux d'érudition didiés à Monsieur le Marquis Melchior de Vogüé. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 349–373.
[25] Lidzbarski, M. 1978. Ginza: der Schatz oder das große Buch der Mandäer. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
[26] Macúch, R. 1976. Zur Sprache und Literatur der Mandäer, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
[27] Macúch, R. – Drowerová, E. S. 1963. A Mandaic Dictionary. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
[28] McCown, C. C. 1922. The Testament of Solomon, edited from manuscripts at Mount Athos, Bologna, Holkham Hall, Jerusalem, London, Milan, Paris and Vienna, with Introduction. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung.
[29] Neugebauer, O. 1950. "The Book of the Zodiac (Sfar Malwašia) D. C. 31 by E. S. Drower". Journal of the American Oriental Society 70/4, 309–313. | DOI 10.2307/594971
[30] Neugebauer, O. 1951. "The Study of Wretched Subjects". Isis 42/2, 111. | DOI 10.1086/349279
[31] Nieuwenhuis, T. 1982. Politics and society in early modern Iraq: Mamluk Pashas tribal Shayks and local rule between 1802 and 1831. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
[32] Nosek, B. 2005. Aramejština babylónského Talmudu. Praha: Karolinum.
[33] Nöldeke, T. 1875. Mandäische Grammatik. Halle: Verlag der Buchhandlung des Weisenhauses.
[34] Pognon, H. 1989. Inscriptions mandaïtes des coupes de Khouabir. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale.
[35] Popović, M. 2007. Reading the human body: physiognomics and astrology in the Dead Sea scrolls and Hellenistic-early Roman period Judaism. Leiden: Brill.
[36] Rochbergová, F. 1999–2001. "The Babylonian Origins of the Mandaean Book of the Zodiac". ARAM 11/2, 237–247.
[37] Rudolph, K. 2010. Gnóze: Podstata a dějiny náboženského směru pozdní antiky. Praha: Vyšehrad.
[38] Sarton, G. – Siegel, F. 1950. "Seventy-Sixth Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To May 1950)". Isis 41/3–4, 328–424. | DOI 10.1086/349226
[39] Schimmel, A. 1989. Islamic Names. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
[40] Sims-Williams, N. 1995. "Christian Sogdian Texts from the Nachlass of Olaf Hansen, II: Fragments of Polemic and Prognostics". Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 58/2, 288–302.
[41] Varáhamihira. 1996. Brhat Samhita of Varahamihira, 1. díl. Motilal Banarsidass Publ.
[42] Wallis Budge, E. A. T. 1913. Syrian anatomy, pathology and therapeutics, or "The Book of Medicines", 2 díly. London: Humphrey Milford.