Title: Musicologica Brunensia
Year: 2016
Volume: 51
Issue: 1
Publication year
1212-0391 (print)
2336-436X (online)
  • Číslo je věnováno problematice jednohlasu a vícehlasu v liturgické hudbě 15. a 16. století s přesahy do následujících období se zaměřením na prostor střední Evropy. Autoři svazku se rekrutují z celé Evropy, konkrétně Francie, Maďarska, Polska, Slovenska a Česka.
  • This issue is focused on the topics of monophonic and polyphonic liturgical music of the 15th and 16th century with extensions to following periods, concentrating on the area of Central Europe. The authors of the volume are recruited from all over Europe, particularly France, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Czechia.
Department FF MU
Title Document
"Ut omni tempore inservire queant…" : a reflection on the structure of Jacobus Handl's Opus musicum and its association with a liturgical context | 5–24
Desmet, Marc
Title Document
Remarks on the Festivities of the Order of the Golden Fleece in Prague (1585) | 25–35
Baťa, Jan
Title Document
Die Konkordanzen der Carl Luythons Motetten Bellum insigne und Festa dies hodie | 37–45
Bilwachs, Jan
Title Document
Die einstimmigen lateinischen Messgesänge in der Reformations- und Gegenreformationszeit in Mähren und deren liturgischer Betrieb | 47–61
Červenka, Stanislav
Title Document
Die Messen im Tabulaturbuch von Johann Plotz und ihre Verwendung in der Liturgie des evangelischen Gottesdienstes | 63–77
Hulková, Marta
Title Document
Mixing local and regional, traditional and non-traditional elements: the case of the graduale Wladislai | 79–90
Kiss, Gábor
Title Document
Liturgical function and Gregorian chant in the music of Paulus Bucenus | 91–102
Leszczyńska, Agnieszka
Title Document
The choir lofts in the church of St. James in Brno : (between the late 15th and the 19th centuries) | 103–111
Maňas, Vladimír
Title Document
Der Tonus peregrinus in der Theorie und Praxis : eine Gegenüberstellung von spätmittelalterlicher musiktheoretischer Kompendien und Choralhandschriften | 113–132
Papp, Ágnes
Title Document
Antoine und Robert de Fevin: Ihre Messen in Brünner Manuskript BAM1 | 133–143
Studeničová, Hana
Title Document
Musicologically relevant sources from the manuscript collection of the parish church of St. James in Brno | 145–153
Škvařil, Lumír
Title Document
"...questo Bassista è buona persona..." : a short overview of sources for the Rudolfine Imperial court environment's studies | 155–167
Žáčková Rossi, Michaela