
Displaying 361 - 390 of 1291

Foletti, Ivan, Quadri, Irene. Roma, l'Oriente e il mito della Traditio Legis. Opuscula historiae artium. 2013, vol. 62, iss. Supplementum, pp. 16–37.

Rampley, Matthew. Editorial : Counter-narratives of east central Europe. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 5–8.

Radway, Robyn, Grusiecki, Tomasz, Born, Robert, Ivanič, Suzanna, Noyes, Ruth Sargent , Pevny, Olenka. Globalizing early modern central and eastern European art : a discussion forum. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 11–47.

Minea, Cosmin. Beyond national style : the innovative thinking and designs of the architect Ion Mincu (1852–1912). Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 49–76.

Bierbauer, Virgil. Four essays on modern architecture. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 77–111.

Ankwicz-Kleehoven, Hans, Born, Wolfgang, Zimbler, Liane. Five essays on women's art and perception in interwar Austria. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 113–135.

Lexová, Petra. A colourful atlas of artistic practice. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 139–145.

Filipová, Marta. Navigating Czech art history after the Second World War. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 147–152.

Rampley, Matthew. Estonians, Germans and their heritage. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 153–158.

Gabowitsch, Mischa. Red Army monuments in Poland from creation to destruction. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 159–167.

Secklehner, Julia. Beyond the Bauhaus. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 169–174.

Drobe, Christian. Archiving performances as a dissident practice. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 175–180.

Veszprémi, Nóra. The Great Book Theft. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 181–185.

Notes on contributors. Art East Central. 2022, vol. [2], iss. 2, pp. 187–189.

Vlková, Markéta. Renesanční nástěnné malby na zámku v Moravském Krumlově. Opuscula historiae artium. 2023, vol. 72, iss. 1, pp. 2–21.

Arijčuk, Petr. Daniel Gran und die Anfänge seines Schaffens in den böhmischen Ländern. Opuscula historiae artium. 2023, vol. 72, iss. 1, pp. 22–39.

Olšovský, Jaromír. Říšský hrabě Albert Josef z Hodic a Volframic a soubor tabulí s emblémy ze zámku ve Slezských Rudolticích. Opuscula historiae artium. 2023, vol. 72, iss. 1, pp. 40–61.

Ciampi Matulová, Jitka. Zdeněk Rossmann a divadlo své doby : závěrečné kapitoly scénografické tvorby. Opuscula historiae artium. 2023, vol. 72, iss. 1, pp. 62–75.

Farkaš, Patrik, Zlatohlávková, Eliška. Georg Bernard Verbeeck a jeho Vanitas ze šternberské sbírky na zámku v Častolovicích. Opuscula historiae artium. 2023, vol. 72, iss. 1, pp. 76–87.

Filipová, Marta. Exhibitions and the human factor. Art East Central. 2023, vol. [3], iss. 3, pp. 5–9.

Secklehner, Julia. 'Feminine horror' or 'eminent Viennese specialty'? : Vienna's Kunstgewerblerin in Paris, 1925. Art East Central. 2023, vol. [3], iss. 3, pp. 13–36.

Berezina, Elizaveta. Experts and artisans at the 1937 Paris World's Fair : the case of the Soviet pavilion. Art East Central. 2023, vol. [3], iss. 3, pp. 59–77.


Jackson-Beckett, Michelle. Reconsidering Jewish cultural identity in modern Central European architecture and design. Art East Central. 2023, vol. [3], iss. 3, pp. 143–149.

Drobe, Christian. Change and conformity : to the rhythm of European classicisms?. Art East Central. 2023, vol. [3], iss. 3, pp. 151–158.

Jackson, Ladislav. Toyen captured by identitarian politics?. Art East Central. 2023, vol. [3], iss. 3, pp. 159–167.