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Schamschula, Walter. Jakobson and his concept of medieval drama. In: Roman Jakobson. 1996, s. 317–322.

Snoj, Vid. The presentation of the demonic in Gogol's tales. In: N. V. Gogol: Bytí díla v prostoru a čase : (studie o živém dědictví). 2010, s. 389–398.

Prokeš, Lubomír. Post-mortem changes and their meaning in the interpretation of the burial rite (relation between archaeology and forensic science). In: Prokeš, Lubomír. Posmrtné změny a jejich význam při interpretaci pohřebního ritu : (ke vztahu mezi archeologií a forenzními vědami). 2007, s. 49.

Schooneveld, Cornelis Hendrik van. Jakobsonian phonology between iconicoty and mathematical set theory. In: Roman Jakobson. 1996, s. 61–72.

Rostinsky, Joseph N.. Topic parallelism in Joseph Roth's text of Hiob: Roman eines einfachen Mannes. In: Roman Jakobson. 1996, s. 519–529.

Pospíšil, Ivo. The personalistic approach as a bridge. Slavica litteraria. 2017, roč. 20, č. 1, s. 21–29.

Gamella, Juan F., Adiego, Ignasi-Xavier, Fernández Ortega, Cayetano. A Caló Lexicon with data about its knowledge by a group of Spanish Gitanos or Calé. In: Interacciones entre el caló y el español : historia, relaciones y fuentes. 2016, s. 113–135.

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Holý, Dušan. The sung units of the folk song, their relations and significance : summary. In: Holý, Dušan. Zpěvní jednotky lidové písně, jejich vztahy a význam. 1988, s. 133–136.

Kuric, Jozef. The psychology of the perception of paintings in ontogenesis. In: Kuric, Jozef. Psychologie vnímání malířských výtvarných děl v ontogenezi. 1986, s. 259–260.

Pospíšil, Ivo. Hledání nových poloh. In: Gazda, Jiří. , Pospíšil, Ivo. Proměny jazyka a literatury v současných ruských textech. 2007, s. 120.

Płuciennik, Jarosław. The epic cognitive frame in the Psalms : a case study of the Polish translations with Psalm 137. Slavica litteraria. 2015, roč. 18, č. 2, s. 25–47.

Porta Balkanica. 2009–

Sağlam, Büke. Understanding modernist epic from an evolutionary perspective. Slavica litteraria. 2021, roč. 24, č. 2, s. 150–152.

Jeřábková, Alena. Traditional clothing culture: contributions to the iconography, typology and methodology. In: Jeřábková, Alena. Lidová oděvní kultura : příspěvky k ikonografii, typologii a metodologii. 2014, s. 267–271.

Chovanec, Jan. Introduction. In: Chapters from the history of Czech functional linguistics. 2014, s. 5.

Vachek, Josef. On the functional hierarchy of spoken and written utterances. In: Chapters from the history of Czech functional linguistics. 2014, s. 78–94.

Vachek, Josef. On the interplay of external and internal factors in the development of language. In: Chapters from the history of Czech functional linguistics. 2014, s. 64–77.

Firbas, Jan. Dogs must be carried on the escalator : (a case study in FSP potentiality). In: Chapters from the history of Czech functional linguistics. 2014, s. 114–127.

Chovanec, Jan. Approaching Czech linguistic functionalism. In: Chapters from the history of Czech functional linguistics. 2014, s. 6–26.

Mukařovský, Jan. Standard language and poetic language. In: Chapters from the history of Czech functional linguistics. 2014, s. 41–53.

Chovanec, Jan. Acknowledgements. In: Chapters from the history of Czech functional linguistics. 2014, s. 4.

Mathesius, Vilém. The English sentence as a whole: complex condensation and word order. In: Chapters from the history of Czech functional linguistics. 2014, s. 95–113.

Vachek, Josef. Remarks on the dynamism of the system of language. In: Chapters from the history of Czech functional linguistics. 2014, s. 54–63.

Havránek, Bohuslav. The functional differentiation of the standard language. In: Chapters from the history of Czech functional linguistics. 2014, s. 27–40.