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Zobrazují se záznamy 76 - 91 z celkového počtu 91

Kostić, Milena. Pop culture in Mark Ravenhill's plays Shopping and fucking and Faust is dead. Brno studies in English. 2011, roč. 37, č. 1, s. 161–172.

Nagy, Judit. Metaphors of weather in Canadian short prose. Brno studies in English. 2011, roč. 37, č. 1, s. 97–111.

Polak, Iva. The one about Coyote going West : mimesis and ethics in multicultural literary landscapes of Canada and Australia. Brno studies in English. 2011, roč. 37, č. 1, s. 173–190.

Krejčová, Ela. "That's an interesting question, indeed, not only for you and I": a (non-systematic) fluctuation of personal pronoun forms. Brno studies in English. 2011, roč. 37, č. 1, s. 63–78.

The Central European journal of Canadian studies, 2011, vol. 7, issue [1].

Brno studies in English, 2011, vol. 37, issue 2.

Drápela, Martin. List of tables. In: Drápela, Martin. Aspects of functional sentence perspective in contemporary English news and academic prose. 2011, s. 11.

Drápela, Martin. Analysis. In: Drápela, Martin. Aspects of functional sentence perspective in contemporary English news and academic prose. 2011, s. 59–101.

Drápela, Martin. Methodology. In: Drápela, Martin. Aspects of functional sentence perspective in contemporary English news and academic prose. 2011, s. 49–58.

Drápela, Martin. References. In: Drápela, Martin. Aspects of functional sentence perspective in contemporary English news and academic prose. 2011, s. 107–114.

Drápela, Martin. List of abbreviations. In: Drápela, Martin. Aspects of functional sentence perspective in contemporary English news and academic prose. 2011, s. 13.

Drápela, Martin. Introduction. In: Drápela, Martin. Aspects of functional sentence perspective in contemporary English news and academic prose. 2011, s. 19–26.

Drápela, Martin. List of figures. In: Drápela, Martin. Aspects of functional sentence perspective in contemporary English news and academic prose. 2011, s. 9–10.

Drápela, Martin. Conclusions. In: Drápela, Martin. Aspects of functional sentence perspective in contemporary English news and academic prose. 2011, s. 103–106.

Drápela, Martin. Theory. In: Drápela, Martin. Aspects of functional sentence perspective in contemporary English news and academic prose. 2011, s. 27–47.

Drápela, Martin. Preface. In: Drápela, Martin. Aspects of functional sentence perspective in contemporary English news and academic prose. 2011, s. 15–17.