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Franková, Milada. [Jelínková, Ema. Ambivalence v románech Muriel Sparkové (Ambivalence in the novels of Muriel Spark)]. Brno studies in English. 2008, roč. 34, č. 1, s. 151–152.

Kačer, Tomáš. Criticism of apartheid in Blood knot in comparison with Two trains running and Philadelphia, here I come!. Brno studies in English. 2008, roč. 34, č. 1, s. 79–88.

Horáková, Martina. Do we need a literary canon? : the politics of canon (trans)formation. Brno studies in English. 2008, roč. 34, č. 1, s. 153–155.

Kamenická, Renata. Towards a static/dynamic explicitation hypothesis?. Brno studies in English. 2008, roč. 34, č. 1, s. 51–62.

Foreword. Brno studies in English. 1959, roč. 1, č. 1, s. 3.

Pantůčková, Lidmila. Thackeray as a reader and critic of poetry. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, s. 313–341.

Errata. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, s. .

Pantůčková, Lidmila. Thackeray's conception of criticism. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, s. 100–126.

Pantůčková, Lidmila. Thackeray's qualifications as a literary critic. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, s. 15–42.

Pantůčková, Lidmila. Thackeray as a critic of non-fiction books. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, s. 370–413.

Pantůčková, Lidmila. Thackeray's dramatic and theatrical criticism. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, s. 342–369.

Kocmanová, Jessie. The harmony of structure: The earthly paradise. In: Kocmanová, Jessie. The poetic maturing of William Morris : from earthly paradise to the pilgrims of hope. 1964, s. 13–117.

Mrázek, Roman. Поетическое созревание Вильяма Морриса : [Russian summary]. In: Kocmanová, Jessie. The poetic maturing of William Morris : from earthly paradise to the pilgrims of hope. 1964, s. 215–216.

Kocmanová, Jessie. The poetic maturing of William Morrise = Básnické dozrávání W. Morrise : [Czech summary]. In: Kocmanová, Jessie. The poetic maturing of William Morris : from earthly paradise to the pilgrims of hope. 1964, s. 213–214.

Kocmanová, Jessie. An experiment in communication: Love is enough. In: Kocmanová, Jessie. The poetic maturing of William Morris : from earthly paradise to the pilgrims of hope. 1964, s. 118–135.

Kocmanová, Jessie. Poetry for the revolution : occasional lyrics and later poetry. In: Kocmanová, Jessie. The poetic maturing of William Morris : from earthly paradise to the pilgrims of hope. 1964, s. 178–208.

Kocmanová, Jessie. Introduction. In: Kocmanová, Jessie. The poetic maturing of William Morris : from earthly paradise to the pilgrims of hope. 1964, s. 9–12.

Kocmanová, Jessie. Notes. In: Kocmanová, Jessie. The poetic maturing of William Morris : from earthly paradise to the pilgrims of hope. 1964, s. 217–222.

Kocmanová, Jessie. Bibliography. In: Kocmanová, Jessie. The poetic maturing of William Morris : from earthly paradise to the pilgrims of hope. 1964, s. 209–212.

Kocmanová, Jessie. The wholeness of maturity: Sigurd the Volsung. In: Kocmanová, Jessie. The poetic maturing of William Morris : from earthly paradise to the pilgrims of hope. 1964, s. 136–177.

Brno studies in English, 1981, vol. 14, issue 1.

Brno studies in English, 2001, vol. 27, issue 1.

Brno studies in English, 2013, vol. 39, issue 2.

Brno studies in English, 1991, vol. 19, issue 1.

Brno studies in English, 2017, vol. 43, issue 2.