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Zobrazují se záznamy 1 - 12 z celkového počtu 12

Hardy, Stephen Paul. Place as social space. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory. 2008, s. 18–28.

Hardy, Stephen Paul. Place and the early writing of Iain Sinclair. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory. 2008, s. 93–105.

Hardy, Stephen Paul. People of the Black Mountains 2: The eggs of the eagle. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory. 2008, s. 80–92.

Hardy, Stephen Paul. Downriver. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory. 2008, s. 113–125.

Hardy, Stephen Paul. Space, place and difference. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory. 2008, s. 29–38.

Hardy, Stephen Paul. The earlier fiction of Raymond Williams. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory. 2008, s. 55–61.

Hardy, Stephen Paul. Introduction. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory. 2008, s. 7–17.

Hardy, Stephen Paul. White chappell : scarlet tracings. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory. 2008, s. 106–112.

Hardy, Stephen Paul. Conclusions. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory. 2008, s. 126–132.

Hardy, Stephen Paul. People of the Black Mountains 1: The beginning. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory. 2008, s. 62–79.

Hardy, Stephen Paul. Bibliography. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory. 2008, s. 133–139.

Hardy, Stephen Paul. Place, poetics and the earth. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory. 2008, s. 39–54.