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Zobrazují se záznamy 1 - 14 z celkového počtu 14

Sparling, Don. Contents. In: Sparling, Don. Outside in : a personal history of the Brno Department of English narrated by Don Sparling. 2022, s. 5–6.

Kačer, Tomáš, Kamenická, Renata, Sparling, Don. Acknowledgments. In: Sparling, Don. Outside in : a personal history of the Brno Department of English narrated by Don Sparling. 2022, s. 11.

Sparling, Don. Coda. In: Sparling, Don. Outside in : a personal history of the Brno Department of English narrated by Don Sparling. 2022, s. 83.

Sparling, Don. Into a new world : November 1989 and the 1990s. In: Sparling, Don. Outside in : a personal history of the Brno Department of English narrated by Don Sparling. 2022, s. 65–82.

Sparling, Don. Bibliography. In: Sparling, Don. Outside in : a personal history of the Brno Department of English narrated by Don Sparling. 2022, s. 119.

Sparling, Don. From foundation to closure : 1920–1939. In: Sparling, Don. Outside in : a personal history of the Brno Department of English narrated by Don Sparling. 2022, s. 13–27.

Sparling, Don. Post-war and post-coup : 1945–1977. In: Sparling, Don. Outside in : a personal history of the Brno Department of English narrated by Don Sparling. 2022, s. 31–44.

Kačer, Tomáš, Kamenická, Renata. Editors' introduction. In: Sparling, Don. Outside in : a personal history of the Brno Department of English narrated by Don Sparling. 2022, s. 7–9.

Front matter. In: Sparling, Don. Outside in : a personal history of the Brno Department of English narrated by Don Sparling. 2022, s. .

Sparling, Don. The Gypsywood players. In: Sparling, Don. Outside in : a personal history of the Brno Department of English narrated by Don Sparling. 2022, s. 85–118.

Sparling, Don. Index. In: Sparling, Don. Outside in : a personal history of the Brno Department of English narrated by Don Sparling. 2022, s. 121–123.

Sparling, Don. Surviving normalization : 1977 through the 1980s. In: Sparling, Don. Outside in : a personal history of the Brno Department of English narrated by Don Sparling. 2022, s. 45–64.

Back matter. In: Sparling, Don. Outside in : a personal history of the Brno Department of English narrated by Don Sparling. 2022, s. .

Sparling, Don. Interlude : the war and its aftermath. In: Sparling, Don. Outside in : a personal history of the Brno Department of English narrated by Don Sparling. 2022, s. 29.