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Zobrazují se záznamy 1 - 15 z celkového počtu 15

Bloyd, Rebekah. Real deep surprises. Brno studies in English. 2010, roč. 36, č. 2, s. 9–20.

Horáková, Martina. [Moore-Gilbert, Bart. Postcolonial life-writing: culture, politics, and self-representation]. Brno studies in English. 2010, roč. 36, č. 2, s. 195–198.

McConnell, Thomas. Writing it up, writing it down. Brno studies in English. 2010, roč. 36, č. 2, s. 113–122.

Marling, Raili. Masculinity in the margins : hidden narratives of the self in T.E. Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom. Brno studies in English. 2010, roč. 36, č. 2, s. 101–111.

Roorda, Randall. Footprint: in lieu of life story. Brno studies in English. 2010, roč. 36, č. 2, s. 139–152.

Brno Studies in English. Brno studies in English. 2010, roč. 36, č. 2, s. 199.

Butala, Sharon. Remember this : transgression in memoirs : The Perfection of the Morning and The Girl in Saskatoon. Brno studies in English. 2010, roč. 36, č. 2, s. 21–37.

Hale, Amanda. Imagining a geometry of the soul. Brno studies in English. 2010, roč. 36, č. 2, s. 61–79.

Hardy, Stephen Paul, Horáková, Martina, Kaylor, Michael Matthew, Prajznerová, Kateřina. Transgressive (auto)biography as genre and method : an introduction. Brno studies in English. 2010, roč. 36, č. 2, s. 5–8.

Pickard, Richard. Reluctance, protest, and hybridity : environmental engagement in memoirs from British Columbia. Brno studies in English. 2010, roč. 36, č. 2, s. 123–138.

Hardy, Stephen Paul. [Caine, Barbara. Biography and history]. Brno studies in English. 2010, roč. 36, č. 2, s. 191–194.

Stuart, Christopher. Learning to live between the lines : the survival of autobiography as genre and the example of Tobias Wolff's This Boy's Life. Brno studies in English. 2010, roč. 36, č. 2, s. 153–170.

Kishkan, Theresa. Quercus virginiana : degrees of separation. Brno studies in English. 2010, roč. 36, č. 2, s. 81–99.

Running (from) the family toward story. Brno studies in English. 2010, roč. 36, č. 2, s. 171–189.