On some basic issues of the theory of functional sentence perspective : comments on Alexander Szwedek's critique

Název: On some basic issues of the theory of functional sentence perspective : comments on Alexander Szwedek's critique
Variantní název:
  • K některým základním otázkám teorie funkční perspektivy větné : komentář ke kritice Alexandra Szwedka
Autor: Firbas, Jan
Zdrojový dokument: Brno studies in English. 1983, roč. 15, č. 1, s. [9]-36
Type: Článek
Jazyk shrnutí
Licence: Neurčená licence

Upozornění: Tyto citace jsou generovány automaticky. Nemusí být zcela správně podle citačních pravidel.

[1] Akmaijan, A. and Jackendoff, R. (1970). Coreferentiality and stress, Linguistic Inquiry 1.124-6.

[2] Bolinger, D. L. (1952). Linear modification, Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 67.1117-44 (New York).

[3] Bolinger, D. L. (1965). Linear modification, in D. L. Bolinger, Forms of English 279—307 (Cambridge, Massachusetts). A reprint of Bolinger 1952.

[4] Chafe, W. (1976). Givenness, contrastiveness, definiteness, subjects, topics and point of view, in Li 1976.25-55.

[5] Dahl, O. (1976). What is new information?, in Enkvist and Kohonen 1976.37-50.

[6] Daneš, F. (1957). Intonace a věta ve spisovné češtině [Intonation and sentence in standard Czech] (Prague).

[7] Daneš, F. (1964). A three-level approach to syntax, Travaux Unguistiques de Prague 1.225-40 (Prague).

[8] Daneš, F. (1979). O identifikaci známé (kontextově zapojené) informace v textu [On the identification of known (given, contextually dependent) information], Slovo a slovesnost 40.257-70 (Prague).

[9] Daneš, F. (ed.) (1974). Papers on functional sentence perspective (Prague).

[10] Daneš, F. See also Dokulil, M. and Daneš, F.

[11] Dokulil, M. and Daneš, F. (1958). K tzv. významové a mluvnické stavbě věty [On the semantic and grammatical structure of the sentence], O vědeckém poznání soudobých jazyků 231-46 (Prague).

[12] Enkvist, N. E. and Kohonen, V. (eds.) (1976). Papers on text linguistics: Approaches to word order (Åbo).

[13] Firbas, J. (1956). Poznámky k problematice anglického slovního pořádku z hlediska aktuálního členění větného [Some notes on the problem of English word order from the point of view of FSP], Sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity A 4.93-107 (Brno).

[14] Firbas, J. (1957). K otázce nezákladových podmetů v současné angličtině [On the problem of non-thematic subjects in contemporary English], Časopis pro moderní filologii 39.22-42, 165-73 (Prague). See also Firbas 1966.

[15] Firbas, J. (1959). Thoughts on the communicative function of the verb in English, German and Czech, Brno Studies in English 1.39-68 (Prague).

[16] Firbas, J. (1964). On defining the theme in functional sentence analysis, Travaux linguistiqes de Prague 1.267-80 (Prague).

[17] Firbas , J. (1965). A note on transition proper in functional sentence analysis, Philologica Pragensia 8.170-6 (Prague).

[18] Firbas, J. (1966). Non-thematic subjects in contemporary English, Travaux linguistiques de Prague 2.239-56 (Prague). A slightly abridged version of Firbas 1957.

[19] Firbas, J. (1968). On the prosodic features of the modern English finite verb as means of FSP (More thoughts on transition proper), Brno Studies in English 7.17-47 (Brno).

[20] Firbas, J. (1969). On the prosodic features of the modern English finite verb-object combination as means of FSP, Brno Studies in English 8.49-59 (Brno).

[21] Firbas, J. (1972). On the interplay of prosodic and non-prosodic means of FSP, The Prague School of Linguistics and language teaching, ed. by V. Fried , 77-94 (London).

[22] Firbas, J. (1974). Some aspects of the Czechoslovak approach to problems of functional sentence perspective, in Daneš 1974. 11-37 (Prague).

[23] Firbas, J. (1975a). On the thematic and the non-thematic section of the sentence, in Ringbom 1975.317-34. Referred to merely as Firbas 1975; cf. note.

[24] Firbas, J. (1975b). On 'existence/appearance on the scene' in functional sentence perspective, Prague Studies in English 16.47-70 (Prague).

[25] Firbas, J. (1976). A study in the functional sentence perspective of the English and the Slavonic interrogative sentence, Brno Studies in English 12.9-56 (Brno).

[26] Firbas, J. (1979a). A functional view of 'ordo naturalis', Brno Studies in English 13.29-59 (Brno).

[27] Firbas, J. (1979b). Úvaha o Ertlově pojetí českého slovního pořádku [Reflections on Ertl's conception of Czech word order], Sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity A 27. 185-96 (Brno).

[28] Firbas, J. (1981). Scene and perspective, Brno Studies in English 14.37-80 (Brno).

[29] Firbas, J. (1982). Has every sentence a theme and a rheme?, in Language form and linguistic variation, Papers dedicated to Angus Mcintosh, 97-115, ed. by John Anderson (Amsterdam).

[30] Firbas, J. and Golková, E. (1975). An analytical bibliography of Czechoslovak studies in functional sentence perspective (Brno).

[31] Halliday, M. A. K. (1967). Notes on transitivity and theme in English II, Journal of Linguistics 3.199-244 (London and New York).

[32] Golková, E. (1981). Jan Firbas's publications, Brno Studies in English 14.15-22 (Brno).

[33] Kopečný, F. (1952). Základy české skladby [The foundations of Czech syntax] (Prague).

[34] Li, Ch. N. (ed.) (1976). Subject and topic (New York).

[35] Mathesius, V. (1947). Čeština a obecný jazykozpyt [The Czech language and general linguistics] (Prague).

[36] Osgood Ch. E. (1971). Where do sentences come from? In Steinberg and Jakobovits 1971.497-529.

[37] Paul, Hermann (1909). Prinzipien der Sprachgeschichte (Halle a. S.)

[38] Ringbom, H. (ed.) (1975). Style and text. Studies presented to Nils Erik Enkvist (Stockholm).

[39] Sgall, P. (1975). On the nature of topic and focus, in Ringbom 409-15.

[40] Sgall, P., Hajičová, E. and Benešová, E. (1973). Topic, focus and generative semantics (Kronberg/Taunus).

[41] Sgall, P., Hajičová, E. and Buráňová, E. (1980). Aktuální členéni věty v češtině [Topic and focus in Czech] (Prague).

[42] Steinberg, D. D. and Jakobovits, L. A. (eds.) (1971). Semantics (Cambridge).

[43] Stockwell, R. P., Schlachter, P. and Partex, B. H. (1973). The major syntactic structures of English (New York).

[44] Svoboda, A. (1981). Two chapters on scene, Brno Studies in English 14.81-92 (Brno).

[45] Svoboda, A. (1982). Diatheme (Brno); (1983). Thematic elements, here pp. 49—84.

[46] Szwedek, A. (1976). Word order, sentence stress and reference in English and Polish (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada).

[47] Szwedek, A. (1980a). Lexical cohesion in text analysis, Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics 11.95-100 (Poznan).

[48] Szwedek, A. (1980b). Some problems of contrastive analysis and text linguistics, pre-print prepared for the Conference on Contrastive Projects, Charzykowy, 3-6 December 1980.