Název: London and English studies : a conversation piece
Zdrojový dokument: Brno studies in English. 1995, roč. 21, č. 1, s. [119]-132
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/104097
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence
Upozornění: Tyto citace jsou generovány automaticky. Nemusí být zcela správně podle citačních pravidel.
[1] ARMSTRONG, ISABEL. Victorian Poetry: Poetry, Politics and Poetics. Routledge 1993. | DOI 10.4324/9780203193280
[2] ACKROYD, PETER. Notes Towards a New Culture. Alkin Books 1993. Hawksmoor Abacus 1985
[3] BIRD, JON et al. (eds.) Mapping The Futures: Local Culture, Global Change. Routledge 1993
[4] DELEUZE G. & GUATTARI F. A Thousand Plateaus. Athlone 1988.
[5] GHANI, ASRAF Space as an Arena of Represented Practices (in Birde et al.)
[6] HABERMAS, JURGEN The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere. Polity 1989
[7] HARVEY, D. The Condition of Postmodernity. Blackwell. 1990
[8] HARVEY, D. Social Justice and the City. Edward Arnold 1973
[9] KING, ANTHONY D. Global Cities. Routledge 1990
[10] LIVELY, PENELOPE City of the Mind. Penguin 1992
[11] LUCAS, JOHN England and Englishness. Blackwell 1990
[12] MASSEY, Doreen Power-Geometry and a Progressive Sense of Place (in Bird et al.)
[13] MIDDLETON, MICHAEL Cities in Transition. Michael Joseph 1991
[14] MUMFORD. LEWIS The City in History. Penguin 1991
[15] OLSON, CHARLES The Maximus Poems. University of California Press 1983
[16] OSMOND, JOHN The Divided Kingdom. Channel 4. 1987
[17] PINKNEY, TONY D. H. Lawrence. Wheatsheaf Harvester 1990
[18] RABAN, JONATHAN Soft City. Harvill 1988
[19] SAID, EDWARD Culture and Imperialism. Chatto & Windus. 1993
[20] SAVITCH H. V. Post-Industrial Cities. University of Princeton Press 1988
[21] SINCLAIR, IAIN Flesh Eggs & Scalp Metal. Paladin 1983
[22] SINCLAIR, IAIN Downriver. Paladin 1992
[23] SUDJIC, DEYAN The 100 Mile City. Flamingo 1993
[24] SOJA, EDWARD Postmodern Geographies. Verso 1989
[25] TESTER, KEITH Civil Society. Routledge 1992
[26] TESTER, KEITH The Life and Times of Post-Modernity 1993 (ed.)
[27] TESTER, KEITH The Flaneur 1994
[28] TOULMIN, STEPHEN Cosmopolis. University of Chicago Press 1990.
[29] WEBER, MAX The City. The Free Press 1966
[30] WILLIAMS, RAYMOND The City and the Country. The Hogarth Press 1973
[2] ACKROYD, PETER. Notes Towards a New Culture. Alkin Books 1993. Hawksmoor Abacus 1985
[3] BIRD, JON et al. (eds.) Mapping The Futures: Local Culture, Global Change. Routledge 1993
[4] DELEUZE G. & GUATTARI F. A Thousand Plateaus. Athlone 1988.
[5] GHANI, ASRAF Space as an Arena of Represented Practices (in Birde et al.)
[6] HABERMAS, JURGEN The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere. Polity 1989
[7] HARVEY, D. The Condition of Postmodernity. Blackwell. 1990
[8] HARVEY, D. Social Justice and the City. Edward Arnold 1973
[9] KING, ANTHONY D. Global Cities. Routledge 1990
[10] LIVELY, PENELOPE City of the Mind. Penguin 1992
[11] LUCAS, JOHN England and Englishness. Blackwell 1990
[12] MASSEY, Doreen Power-Geometry and a Progressive Sense of Place (in Bird et al.)
[13] MIDDLETON, MICHAEL Cities in Transition. Michael Joseph 1991
[14] MUMFORD. LEWIS The City in History. Penguin 1991
[15] OLSON, CHARLES The Maximus Poems. University of California Press 1983
[16] OSMOND, JOHN The Divided Kingdom. Channel 4. 1987
[17] PINKNEY, TONY D. H. Lawrence. Wheatsheaf Harvester 1990
[18] RABAN, JONATHAN Soft City. Harvill 1988
[19] SAID, EDWARD Culture and Imperialism. Chatto & Windus. 1993
[20] SAVITCH H. V. Post-Industrial Cities. University of Princeton Press 1988
[21] SINCLAIR, IAIN Flesh Eggs & Scalp Metal. Paladin 1983
[22] SINCLAIR, IAIN Downriver. Paladin 1992
[23] SUDJIC, DEYAN The 100 Mile City. Flamingo 1993
[24] SOJA, EDWARD Postmodern Geographies. Verso 1989
[25] TESTER, KEITH Civil Society. Routledge 1992
[26] TESTER, KEITH The Life and Times of Post-Modernity 1993 (ed.)
[27] TESTER, KEITH The Flaneur 1994
[28] TOULMIN, STEPHEN Cosmopolis. University of Chicago Press 1990.
[29] WEBER, MAX The City. The Free Press 1966
[30] WILLIAMS, RAYMOND The City and the Country. The Hogarth Press 1973