On the development of the post-war generations of young people in Czechoslovakia

Název: On the development of the post-war generations of young people in Czechoslovakia
Variantní název:
  • K vývoji poválečných generací mládeže v Československu
Winter, L. G. (překladatel)
Zdrojový dokument: Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. G, Řada sociálněvědná. 1967, roč. 16, č. G11, s. [39]-48
Type: Článek
Jazyk shrnutí
Licence: Neurčená licence

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At the present time increasing interest is being displayed in problems relating to the present generation of young people in all industrially advanced countries of the world, a fact which is also observed in our country. Not only sociological research, but also experiments on synthetic studies, whose authors attempt to present a general characteristic of the young generation of today, are registering an upward trend. In our contribution we try to present a characteristic of the individual post-war generations of our youth. We proceed from our definition of the term of youth as age and biosocial groups, and of the term of generation as historic-social groups. Our considerations are a summary of the results of a more extensive work. In the characteristics of the present-day generation of young people they are based on the activities of sociological research on youth realized now in our country, in the characteristic of previous generations on historic sources, public inquiries, recollections of participants in various movements, and on the observations of our own participation. At the same time we also make use of some results of research conducted in the other socialist countries.