[Szövérffy, Joseph. Secular Latin lyrics and minor poetic forms of the Middle Ages: a historical survey and literary repertory from the 10th to the late 15th century. Vol. 1-3]

Název: [Szövérffy, Joseph. Secular Latin lyrics and minor poetic forms of the Middle Ages: a historical survey and literary repertory from the 10th to the late 15th century. Vol. 1-3]
Zdrojový dokument: Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. N, Řada klasická. 1996, roč. 45, č. N1, s. 138-139
  • ISSN
Type: Recenze
Licence: Neurčená licence
Reviewed work
Szövérffy, Joseph. Secular Latin lyrics and minor poetic forms of the Middle Ages: a historical survey and literary repertory from the 10th to the late 15th century. Vol. 1. Concord: Classical Folia Editions, 1992. 466 s. Medieval classics; 25. Publications of the archives for medieval poetry. Main series; vol. 25. ISBN 0-929534-00-X.
Szövérffy, Joseph. Secular Latin lyrics and minor poetic forms of the Middle Ages: a historical survey and literary repertory from the 10th to the late 15th century. Vol. 2. Concord: Classical Folia Editions, 1993. 490 s. Medieval classics; 26. Publications of the archives for medieval poetry. Main series; vol. 26. ISBN 0-929534-00-X.
Szövérffy, Joseph. Secular Latin lyrics and minor poetic forms of the Middle Ages: a historical survey and literary repertory from the 10th to the early 13th century. Vol. 3. Concord: Classical Folia Editions, 1994. 580 s. Medieval classics; 27. Publications of the archives for medieval poetry. Main series; vol. 27. ISBN 0-929534-00-X.

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