[Morée, Peter C. A. Preaching in fourteenth-century Bohemia: the life and ideas of Milicius de Chremsir (+1374) and his significance in the historiography of Bohemia]

Název: [Morée, Peter C. A. Preaching in fourteenth-century Bohemia: the life and ideas of Milicius de Chremsir (+1374) and his significance in the historiography of Bohemia]
Autor: Filip, Pavel
Zdrojový dokument: Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. N, Řada klasická. 2000, roč. 49, č. N5, s. 67-68
  • ISSN
Type: Recenze
Licence: Neurčená licence
Reviewed work
Morée, Peter C. A. Preaching in fourteenth-century Bohemia: the life and ideas of Milicius de Chremsir (+1374) and his significance in the historiography of Bohemia. 1st ed. Heršpice: EMAN, 1999. 290 s. ISBN 80-86211-07-X.

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