The stress and support of psychological well-being II

Název: The stress and support of psychological well-being II
Variantní název:
  • Stres a podpora duševního zdraví II
Zdrojový dokument: Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. P, Řada psychologická. 2009, roč. 57, č. P13, s. [27]-34
  • ISSN
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence

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In summary of article is formulation of problem and assignment of research activity goals in Czech Republic Prison Service. In harmony with novelization of prison service employees' mental and psychosomatic health company preventive care programs new sources of possible mental diseases and eventual consequential psychosomatic difficulties are looked for. The goal is to predicate possible mental failures in stress and then innovate programs, tracking mental health strengthening and stress-related hardiness, to prevent failure in emotionally difficult situations. Risk factors leading to excessive work strain of prison service employees had to be analyzed firstly, followed by analysis of over-limit stress reactions concrete expression's character and intensity. Consecutively the relations and connections between prison service employees' stress rate and their personal and emotional protective and risk factors were sought out. Simultaneously the interceding variables (age, gender, marital status, educational attainment, length of service, type of workplace, localization of workplace, managerial post service) were taken into consideration. Partial outcomes show statistically significant difference of neuroticism according to length of service in prison (p<0,05). Contrary to our supposition that respondents with 5 or less years of practice will express higher values we find out that higher values of neuroticism express persons with practice of 20 or more years. Higher values signal that these persons are emotionally unstable, reacting inappropriately to emotional inputs and requiring long time to clear away mental strain. Ground of their problems lies in stress that's incited by unclear, indefinite, irrational worry "what all could happen or what all could fail". Higher rigidity and minor ability to creatively solve actual problem situations are other complications. Compared to people with lower values of neuroticism these persons show higher frequency of negative emotions in relationships. They often suffer from sleeplessness and psychosomatic problems. During research we find out that these facts about persons with higher rates of neuroticism are in contradiction with findings about them acquired by Stress Profile and 8SQ questionnaires. That predicates about these persons attempt to look better and "prettify" their responses. The most expressive predictor of stress situations handling in our research is high level of mental hardiness that correlates (p<0,05) with all tracked scales (see Table 3). Higher rate of emotional stability as another outstanding protective factor results also from Table 3. Contrary to emotionally unstable persons, respondents with higher rates of emotional stability along with lower rates of emotional exhaustion reach simultaneously significantly higher values in mental hardiness questionnaire. They also express higher rates of life well-being, don't exhibit psychic strains and worries and better resist to emotional stressors. Their personal satisfaction is related to their social support and ability to react to stress by adaptive coping strategies. Interesting finding is statistically significant relation between higher rate of externality, nursed worry and higher rate of stress in emotionally unstable persons in comparison to emotionally stable or internally-based people. This fact needs to be verified by further research.
V obsahu odborného článku je formulace problému a stanovení cíle výzkumné aktivity ve Vězeňské službě ČR. V souladu s novelizací programů věnovaných závodní preventivní péči o psychické a o psycho-somatické zdraví zaměstnanců vězeňské služby se hledají zdroje jejich možných psychických poruch a eventuálních následných psychosomatických obtíží. Cílem je predikovat možná psychická selhání v zátěži a následně pak inovovat programy, sledující posílení psychického zdraví, posílení nezdolnosti v zátěži tak, aby nedocházelo k selhání v emočně vypjatých situacích. Proto musely být nejprve analyzovány rizikové faktory, vedoucí k nadměrné pracovní zatíženosti zaměstnanců vězeňské služby, a poté charakter a intenzita konkrétních projevů nadhraničních stresových reakcí. V následující fázi výzkumu se hledaly vztahy a souvislosti mezi mírou stresovanosti zaměstnanců vězeňské služby a jejich osobnostními a emočními protektivními a rizikovými faktory. Současně se braly do úvahy intervenující proměnné (věk, pohlaví, stav, výše dosaženého vzdělání, délka praxe, typ pracoviště, lokalizace pracoviště, výkon služby ve vedoucí funkci). ...