Název: L'espace identitaire dans le roman féminin : à propos de quelques romancières belges
Zdrojový dokument: Études romanes de Brno. 2011, roč. 32, č. 1, s. [47]-55
ISSN1803-7399 (print)2336-4416 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/114885
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence
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The space in literature, tangible or spiritual, imagined or directly experienced, creating a feeling of safety or overwhelming, internal or external, is always mythical, and it creates, as Ernst Cassirer wants it, certain value or sense. Space defines every human being and in case of feminine characters in literature portrayed by women, it outlines advantages and disadvantages of woman's condition. Using examples of several novels by Belgian female writers – Bordouxhe, Gevers, Harpman, Rolin – I am trying to describe certain space type to be defined as proper for feminine literature, specifically in its identity aspect. Husband's house (Bourdouxhe), garden in family estate (Gevers), heroine's flat becoming a place of metamorphosis (harpman) and finally restaurant constituting the framework of the whole story on family ties – there are so many ways to present multilayer space in feminine literature, so many places and "non-places" characteristic for female characters.
[1] AUGÉ, Marc. Non-lieux. Introduction à une anthropologie de la surmodernité. Paris: Seuil, 1992.
[2] BOURDOUXHE, Madeleine. La Femme de Gilles. Bruxelles: Labor, 1992.
[3] DELTENRE, Chantal. La Cérémonie des poupées. Bruxelles: Maelström, 2005.
[4] DIDIER, Béatrice. L'Écriture-femme. Paris: P.U.F., 1981.
[5] GASSEL, Nathalie. Des années d'insignifiance. Bruxelles: Luce Wilquin, 2006.
[6] GEVERS, Marie. Madame Orpha ou la Sérénade de mai. Bruxelles: Labor, 1992.
[7] GEVERS, Marie. Vie et mort d'un étang. Bruxelles: Les Éperonniers, 1996.
[8] HARPMAN, Jacqueline. Orlanda. Paris: Grasset, 1996.
[9] LAMARCHE, Caroline. Karl et Lola. Paris: Gallimard, 2007.
[10] ROLIN, Dominique. Deux femmes un soir. Paris: Gallimard, 1992.
[2] BOURDOUXHE, Madeleine. La Femme de Gilles. Bruxelles: Labor, 1992.
[3] DELTENRE, Chantal. La Cérémonie des poupées. Bruxelles: Maelström, 2005.
[4] DIDIER, Béatrice. L'Écriture-femme. Paris: P.U.F., 1981.
[5] GASSEL, Nathalie. Des années d'insignifiance. Bruxelles: Luce Wilquin, 2006.
[6] GEVERS, Marie. Madame Orpha ou la Sérénade de mai. Bruxelles: Labor, 1992.
[7] GEVERS, Marie. Vie et mort d'un étang. Bruxelles: Les Éperonniers, 1996.
[8] HARPMAN, Jacqueline. Orlanda. Paris: Grasset, 1996.
[9] LAMARCHE, Caroline. Karl et Lola. Paris: Gallimard, 2007.
[10] ROLIN, Dominique. Deux femmes un soir. Paris: Gallimard, 1992.