The hierarchy of communicative units and fields as illustrated by English attributive constructions

Název: The hierarchy of communicative units and fields as illustrated by English attributive constructions
Variantní název:
  • Hierarchie sdělných jednotek a polí ve světle anglických přívlaskových konstrukcí
Zdrojový dokument: Brno studies in English. 1968, roč. 7, č. 1, s. [49]-101
Type: Článek
Jazyk shrnutí
Licence: Neurčená licence

Upozornění: Tyto citace jsou generovány automaticky. Nemusí být zcela správně podle citačních pravidel.

[1] J. BAR-HILLEL—R. CARNAP, Sémantická informace, TIJ, pp. 165—175 [a Czech translation of Semantic Information, Communication Theory, pp. 503—512, (London 1953)].

[2] J. BAUER—M. GREPL, Skladba spisovné češtiny [Syntax of Standard Czech] (Prague 1964).

[3] BSE — Brno Studies in English (Prague).

[4] ČMF — Časopis pro moderní filologii (Prague).

[5] G. O. CURME, Grammar II — A Grammar of the English Language II (Boston 1935).

[6] G. O. CURME, Grammar III — A Grammar of the English Language III (Boston 1931).

[7] F. DANEŠ, A Three-Level Approach to Syntax, TLP 1, pp. 225 — 240 (Prague 1964).

[8] M. DOKULIL, Zum wechselseitigen Verhältnis zwischen Wortbildung und Syntax, TLP 1, pp. 215—224 (Prague 1964).

[9] E. DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Adverbs — On the English and Czech Situational Adverbs in Functional Sentence Perspective, BSE 4, pp. 129—142 (Prague 1964).

[10] J. FIRBAS, Bemerkungen über einen deutschen Beitrag zum Problem der Satzperspektive, PP 1, pp. 49-54 (Prague 1958).

[11] J. FIRBAS, Communicative Function — Thoughts on the Communicative Function of the Verb in English, German and Czech, BSE 1, pp. 39—68 (Prague 1959).

[12] J. FIRBAS, Communicative Value — On the Communicative Value of the Modern English Finite Verb, BSE 3, pp. 79—104 (Prague 1961).

[13] J. FIRBAS, More Thoughts — More Thoughts on the Communicative Function of the English Verb, SPFFBU A7, pp. 74—98 (Brno 1959).

[14] J. FIRBAS, Nezákladové podměty — K otázce nezákladových podmětů v současné angličtině [On the Problem of Non-Thematic Subjects in Contemporary English], ČMF 39, pp.22—42 and 165—173 (Prague 1957).

[15] J. FIBBAS, Non-Thematic Subjects in Contemporary English (a revised version of Nezákladové podměty), TLP 2, pp. 239—256 (Prague 1966).

[16] J. FIRBAS, Poznámky — Poznámky k problematice anglického slovního pořádku z hlediska aktuálního členění větného [Notes on the Problem of English Word Order from the Point of View of Functional Sentence Perspective], SPFFBU A4, pp. 83—107 (Brno 1955).

[17] J. FIRBAS, Prosodic Features — On the Prosodic Features of the English Finite Verb as Means of Functional Sentence Perspective, published in the present volume, pp. 11—48.

[18] J. FIRBAS, Theme — On Defining the Theme in Functional Sentence Analysis, TLP 1, pp. 267—280 (Prague 1964).

[19] J. FIRBAS, Transition Proper — A Note on Transition Proper in Functional Sentence Analysis, PP 8, pp. 170—176 (Prague 1965).

[20] J. FIRBAS, Východisko výpovědi — K otázce tzv. východiska výpovědi [On the Problem of the Theme], SPFFBU A13, pp. 87—96 (Brno 1965).

[21] J. FIRBAS, Word-Order — From Comparative Word-Order Studies, BSE 4, pp. 111—128 (Prague 1964).

[22] M. A. GANSHINA—N. M. VASILEVSKAYA, English Grammar (Moscow 1964).

[23] Der Grosse Duden, Grammatik der deutschen Gegenwartssprache (Leningrad 1962).

[24] V. HRABĚ, Polovětné vazby — Polovětné vazby a kondenzace "druhého sdělení" v ruštině a v češtině [Semi-Clausal Constructions and Condensations of "Secondary Communication" in Russian and in Czech], (Prague 1964).

[25] W. JUNG, Kleine Grammatik der deutschen Sprache (Leipzig 1961)

[26] F. KOPEČNÝ, Základy české skladby [Fundamentals of Czech Syntax] (Prague 1958).

[27] D. M. MACKAY, Místo "významu" v teorii informace, TIJ, pp. 176— 186 [a Czech translation of The Place of Meaning in the Theory of Information, Communication Theory (London 1956), pp. 215-224].

[28] B. MANDELBROT, Komunikace a formální struktura textů, TIJ, pp. 130—150 [a Czech translation of Structure formelle des textes et communication, Word 10, 1954, pp. 1—27].

[29] V. MATHESIUS, Aktuální členění — O tak zvaném aktuálním členění větném [On the So-Called Functional Sentence Perspective], Slovo a slovesnost 5, pp. 171—174 (Prague 1939).

[30] V. MATHESIUS, Čeština a obecný jazykozpyt [Czech Language and General Linguistics] (Prague 1958)

[31] V. MATHESIUS, Characterology — On Linguistic Characterology with Illustrations from Modern English, READER , pp. 59—67.

[32] V. MATHESIUS, Funkce podmětu — Několik poznámek o funkci podmětu v moderní angličtině [Some Notes on the Function of the Subject in Modern English], ČMF 10, pp. 244—248 (Prague 1924).

[33] V. MATHESIUS, Potentiality — On the Potentiality of the Phenomena of Language, READER, pp. 1—32.

[34] V. MATHESIUS, Systematic Analysis — On Some Problems of the Systematic Analysis of Grammar, READER, pp. 306—319.

[35] V. MATHESIUS, Zur synchronischen Analyse fremden Sprachguts, READER, pp. 398—412.

[36] J. NOSEK, Notes on Syntactic Condensation in Modern English, TLP 1, pp. 281—288 (Prague 1964).

[37] K. PALA, Homonymy — On the Homonymy of Subject and Object in a Synthetic and an Analytical Language System, see pp. 149—166 of the present volume.

[38] B. PALM, The Place of the Adjective Attribute in English Prose from the Oldest Times up to Our Days (Lund 1911).

[39] I. POLDAUF, The Third Syntactic Plan, TLP 1, pp. 241—255 (Prague 1964).

[40] I. POLDAUF, Vztažné věty v angličtině a v češtině [Relative Clauses in English and in Czech], Sborník Vysoké školy pedagogické v Olomouci, pp. 159—194 (Prague 1955).

[41] PP — Philologica Pragensia (Prague).

[42] READER — A Prague School Reader in Linguistics, compiled by J. VACHE K (Bloomington 1964).

[43] M. RENSKÝ, English Verbo-Nominal Phrases, TLP 1, pp. 289—299 (Prague 1964).

[44] M. RIFFATERRE, Kritéria pro stylistický rozbor, TIJ, pp. 245—263 [a Czech translation of Criteria for Style Analysis, Word 15, 1959, pp. 154—174].

[45] F. SCHMIDT, Logik der Syntax (Berlin 1962).

[46] SPFFB U — Sborník prací filosofické fakulty brněnské university (Brno).

[47] A. SVOBODA, Attributive Elements — Some Types of English Attributive Elements Examined from the Point of View of Functional Sentence Perspective, an unpublished Diploma Thesis, presented at the Department of English, University of Brno (Brno 1966).

[48] A. SVOBODA, Einige Bemerkungen zur Beziehung der Prädikation und Determination vom Gesichtspunkt der funktionalen Syntax aus, an unpublished State Examination Thesis, presented at the Department of German, University of Brno (Brno 1965).

[49] TIJ — Teorie informace a jazykověda [The Theory of Information and Linguistics] (Prague 1964).

[50] TLP — Travaux linguistiques de Prague (Prague).

[51] O. THOMAS, Transformational Grammar — Transformational Grammar and the Teacher of English (New York 1965).

[52] B. TRNKA, On the Linguistic Sign and the Multilevel Organisation of Language, TLP 1, pp. 33—40 (Prague 1964).

[53] B. TRNKA, Structural Morphology — Some Thoughts on Structural Morphology, READER, pp. 329—334.

[54] J. VACHEK, Complex Condensation — Some Thoughts on the So-Called Complex Condensation in Modern English, SPFFBU A3, pp. 63—77 (Brno 1955).

[55] J. VACHEK, Dictionnaire de linguistique de l'École de Prague. Avec collaboration de J. DUBSKÝ (Utrecht — Anvers 1960).

[56] J. VACHEK—J. FIRBAS, Lingvistická charakteristika — Lingvistická charakteristika současné angličtiny [Linguistic Characterology of Contemporary English], (Prague 1962).

[57] J. VACHEK, System of Systems — Notes on the Development of Language Seen as a System of Systems, SPFFBU A6, pp. 94—106 (Brno 1958).

[58] J. P. VINAY—J. DARFELNET, Stylistique comparée du français et de l'anglais (Paris 1958).

[59] R. WELLS, Míra subjektivní informace, TIJ, pp. 187—195 [a Czech translation of Measure of Subjective Information, Structure of Language and its Mathematical Aspects, Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics 12, 1961, pp. 237—244].