Výtky pravoslavných bohoslovců vůči katolické eschatologii ve 20. století

Název: Výtky pravoslavných bohoslovců vůči katolické eschatologii ve 20. století
Variantní název:
  • Objections of orthodox theologians to the catholic eschatology in the 20th century
Zdrojový dokument: Religio. 2003, roč. 11, č. 1, s. [35]-52
  • ISSN
    1210-3640 (print)
    2336-4475 (online)
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence

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Author studies the articulation of eschatological themes dealt by theologians coming from the orthodox tradition throughout the 20th century. He examines theological system of metropolite Makarij (Bulgakov), a nineteenth century author but very influential up to present times, showing his system to be fully compatible with catholic views of his time with the only exception of the exclusion of the purifying penitence after death. He shows that positions held by some of the orthodox authors from the 20th century (N. Berdjajev, S. Bulgakov, P. Evdokimov, V. Lossky, D. Staniloae, N. Matsoukas) on the eternity of hell, the possibility of the salvation of all people, purification after death, are not very different from the conclusions of catholic thinkers (e.g. H. U. von Balthasar, J. Ratzinger, V. Boublík, etc.). The traditional hostility of orthodoxy towards the Purgatory has been by most authors overcome. Both sides now speak more about the gradual perfection of man which may be accomplished even after death. The historical refusal of the Purgatory remains partially legitimate aiming at somewhat excessive use of the juridical categories by the Catholics. The Apokatastasis finds new expression among the orthodox authors not as a doctrine of faith but as a humble prayer. This is again in accord with the Catholics who speak about the hope for all. This firm believe that God's mercy will at the end embrace all sinners and that there shall be no one rejecting willingly his invitation to the eternal life seems to be a prevailing theme of the eschatological concepts of both orthodox and catholic authors of the 20th century.