Buddhistická pekla : zobrazení a texty vztahující se k třetímu peklu Sangháta

Název: Buddhistická pekla : zobrazení a texty vztahující se k třetímu peklu Sangháta
Variantní název:
  • Buddhist hells : depictions and texts concerning the third great hell Sangháta
Zdrojový dokument: Religio. 2009, roč. 17, č. 2, s. [231]-249
  • ISSN
    1210-3640 (print)
    2336-4475 (online)
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence

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The genre of depiction of hells represents a very interesting segment of Buddhism. Although its Tibetan and Mongolian varieties are not as rich as e.g. Japanese, Thai, Chinese or Korean conceptions, the depictions provide sufficient subject matter for description, analysis and comparison. In the collections of Náprstek Museum in Prague a rare fragment of the text ("Prague xylograph") entitled Six Ways of Existence (Mong. Eke boluγsan irγuγan ĵyild amitan-u bayidal anu orusiba) is found. It is a xylographic bilingual (Mongolian and Tibetan) edition accompanied with numerous manually colored scenes of hells. This "Prague xylograph" corresponds to the manuscript accompanied with color drawings located in the Ferenc Hopp Museum in Budapest whose author is Bandida Tsewang Wangchug Dorje. This contribution focuses on the description and partial comparison of visual material of the "Prague xylograph" with Budapest drawings, as well as inclusion of the text into the broader context of time and teaching.
Tento text vznikl s podporou grantu GA ČR č. 401/05/2744 Obraz a text v buddhismu: Tibetská a mongolská ikonografie (doba řešení: 2005-2007).