Název: Lidový oděv z východních Čech v archivních pramenech 18. až první poloviny 19. století : dílčí studie z Podorlicka
Variantní název:
- Folk dress in eastern Bohemia, from archive sources from the 18th and earlier 19th centuries : (intermediate study from Podorlicko)
Zdrojový dokument: Středověké a novověké zdroje tradiční kultury : sborník příspěvků ze semináře konaného 30. listopadu 2005 v Ústavu evropské etnologie. Křížová, Alena (editor). Vyd. 1. Brno: Ústav evropské etnologie Masarykovy univerzity, 2006, pp. [201]-219
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/127894
Přístupová práva
plný text nepřístupný
Licence: Neurčená licence
In acquainting ourselves with what was worn by the rural populations of eastern Bohemia in the 18th and earlier 19th centuries, we find archive materials to be of great use to us. This article is an intermediate study on the Orlické mountains and Podorlicko; its focus is an assessment of the contribution of certain records to an understanding of the culture of the region as reflected in its dress. It works with materials gathered from archive sources and applies to these findings taken from the specialized literature available. It pays particular attention not only to the garments themselves but also to materials, dating and wearers. Documentation which addresses the clothing of rural populations has been drawn from inventaries found in the collections of the great estates of Kyšperk, Potštejn, Solnice and Rychnov nad Kněžnou from the Provincial Public Archive in Zámrsk, the collections of the District Authority of Žamberk and the town of Kyšperk housed in the District Public Archive in Ústí nad Orlicí, and from the papers of the guilds of Kyšperk from the collections of the Municipal Museum in Letohrad. It is unfortunate that the collection of the District Authority of Žamberk housed in the Ústí archive is not yet fully accessible as this contains a great many estate inventaries; once this is open much information of interest is likely to be uncovered. We have also worked through materials housed in the District Public Archive in Rychnov nad Kněžnou, namely the collections of the Rychnov nad Kněžnou District Authority and the Vamberk Municipal Authority, plus papers from the clothmakers' guild of Rychnov nad Kněžnou. Our research is illustrated by our findings from the following municipalities: Bartošovice, Černá voda, Černíkov, Hamernice, Helvíkovice, Merklovice, Nekoř, Nová Ves, Nový Dvůr, Jámy, Javorníce, Kameničná, Kunčice, Kvasiny, Kyšperk, Líšnice, Litohrad, Lukavice, Lupenice, Orlice, Písečná, Pohodlí, Podluží, Podřezov, Poříčí, Potštejn, Proruby, Rychnov nad Kněžnou, Rybníčky, Skuhrov, Solnice, Sopotnice, Třebešov and Vamberk.