Název: Notes on norms and usage of finite/non-finite predication in written English
Zdrojový dokument: Brno studies in English. 2013, roč. 39, č. 1, s. [27]-40
ISSN0524-6881 (print)1805-0867 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (DOI): https://doi.org/10.5817/BSE2013-1-2
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/129150
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence
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English reference grammars mention finite dependent clauses as coexisting with non-finite clauses in the norm of the language. Since finite clauses can express the same syntactic functions as non-finite clauses, the choice of clause normally depends on the speaker's/writer's preference. This paper compares the treatment of finite/non-finite predication in some grammar reference books and presents the results of long-term diachronic research into syntactic functions of finite/non-finite clauses in academic English and the language of newspapers. The findings indicate that current users of the language seem to employ non-finite forms more frequently now than a hundred years ago. This trend is generally overlooked in the English normative grammars.
This article was supported by Grant SGS 5846/2012 of the Technical University of Liberec.
[1] Alexander, Louis G. (1988) Longman English Grammar. London: Longman.
[2] Biber, Douglas, Stig Johansson, Geoffrey Leech, Susan Conrad and Edward Finegan (1999) Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English. London: Longman.
[3] Biber, Douglas, Susan Conrad and Geoffrey Leech (2002) Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Harlow: Pearson Education.
[4] Carter, Ronald and Michael McCarthy (2006) Cambridge Grammar of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[5] Eastwood, John (1994) Oxford Guide to English Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press
[6] Hladký, Josef (1961) "Remarks on complex condensation phenomena in some English and Czech contexts". Brno Studies in English 3, 105–118.
[7] Huddleston, Rodney and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2002) The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[8] Jespersen, Otto (1940) A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles. Part V. George Allen and Unwin. Ejnar Munksgaard
[9] Leech, Geoffrey, Marianne Hundt, Christian Mair and Nicholas Smith (2009) Change in Contemporary English. A Grammatical Study. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[10] Leech, Geoffrey and Jan Svartvik (2002) A Communicative Grammar of English. Longman: Pearson Education.
[11] Mair, Christian and Geoffrey Leech (2006) "Current changes in English syntax". In: Aarts, Bas and April MacMahon (eds.) The Handbook of English Linguistics. Oxford. Blackwell, 318–342.
[12] Malá, Marcela (2009) "The development of sentence complexity in academic prose written in English: Psychology 1907–2005". In: Kuzniak, Marek and Božena Rozwadowska (eds.) PASE Papers 2008. University of Wroclaw, 79–88.
[13] Malá, Marcela (2010) "Syntactic functions of finite and non-finite clauses in academic English". Discourse and Interaction 3 (1), 73–85.
[14] Malá, Marcela (2011) Sentence Complexity in Academic Written English: A Syntactic Study with a Diachronic Perspective (1904–2005). LAP: Lambert Academic Publishing.
[15] Malá, Marcela (2012) "Change in Syntactic Functions of Finite/Non-Finite Clauses in Newspaper Language: Similarities and Differences between Academic Prose and Newspaper Language". BAS Journal. 243–252.
[16] Mathesius, Vilém (1961) Obsahový rozbor současné angličtiny na základě obecně lingvistickém. A functional Analysis of Present Day English on a General Linguistic Basis. Praha: Nakladatelství československé akademie věd.
[17] Parrot, Martin (2000) Grammar for English Language Teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[18] Quirk, Randolph, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik (1985) A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. London: Longman.
[19] Vachek, Josef (1955) "Some Thoughts on the So-called Complex Condensation in Modern English". Sborník prací filosofické fakulty brněnské university. A3, 63–77.
[20] Mitchell, W. T. (1907) "The appreciation of time by somnabules". Reprinted unaltered in Mitchell, W. Thomas (1922) Medical psychology and psychical research. London: Methuen & Co. LTD, 44–55.
[21] Furnham, A. & E. Lee (2005) "Lay beliefs about, and attitude towards hypnosis and hypnotherapy". Counseling and clinical psychology journal. 2 (3), 90–96.
[22] Price, L.L. (1904) "Economic theory and fiscal policy". The Economic Journal. 14 (55), 377–387. | DOI 10.2307/2221360
[23] Pain, N., M. Weale & G. Young. (1997) "Britain's Fiscal Problems". The Economic Journal. 107 (443), 1142–1151. | DOI 10.1111/j.1468-0297.1997.tb00014.x
[24] Webb B. (1888) "Personal Observation and Statistical Enquiry. The Art of Note-Taking. Printed in My Apprenticeship – 2". 1938. Pelican Books. 464–469, 472–475.
[25] Schaefer, R.T. and R.P. Lamm (1995) Sociology. New York. Mc Graw-Hill. 39–45.
[26] The Guardian (1907) April 22. Colonial Conference. Retrieved from http://www.archive.guardian.co.uk. 15th January 2011.
[27] The Guardian (2010) November 2. We've been conned.
[28] The New York Times (1902) June 20. Cleveland and Hill to the democracy. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/ref/membercenter/nytarchive.html, 10th February 2012.
[29] International Herald Tribune. (The global edition of The New York Times) (2012) January 10. Romney puts hopes on New Hampshire., Money pouring in as Republicans battle., January 5. Republican unity proves elusive.
[30] Daily Mirror (1903) December 22. How the King and Queen spend Christmas. Retrieved from Daily Mirror Digital Archive. http://www.journalism.co.uk/news/daily-mirror-archives. 14th April 2012.
[31] Daily Mirror (2012) June 4, 3, 2. Diamond Jubilee Pageant. Retrieved from http:www.mirror.co.uk. 2nd June, 3rd June, 4th June 2012
[2] Biber, Douglas, Stig Johansson, Geoffrey Leech, Susan Conrad and Edward Finegan (1999) Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English. London: Longman.
[3] Biber, Douglas, Susan Conrad and Geoffrey Leech (2002) Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Harlow: Pearson Education.
[4] Carter, Ronald and Michael McCarthy (2006) Cambridge Grammar of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[5] Eastwood, John (1994) Oxford Guide to English Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press
[6] Hladký, Josef (1961) "Remarks on complex condensation phenomena in some English and Czech contexts". Brno Studies in English 3, 105–118.
[7] Huddleston, Rodney and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2002) The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[8] Jespersen, Otto (1940) A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles. Part V. George Allen and Unwin. Ejnar Munksgaard
[9] Leech, Geoffrey, Marianne Hundt, Christian Mair and Nicholas Smith (2009) Change in Contemporary English. A Grammatical Study. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[10] Leech, Geoffrey and Jan Svartvik (2002) A Communicative Grammar of English. Longman: Pearson Education.
[11] Mair, Christian and Geoffrey Leech (2006) "Current changes in English syntax". In: Aarts, Bas and April MacMahon (eds.) The Handbook of English Linguistics. Oxford. Blackwell, 318–342.
[12] Malá, Marcela (2009) "The development of sentence complexity in academic prose written in English: Psychology 1907–2005". In: Kuzniak, Marek and Božena Rozwadowska (eds.) PASE Papers 2008. University of Wroclaw, 79–88.
[13] Malá, Marcela (2010) "Syntactic functions of finite and non-finite clauses in academic English". Discourse and Interaction 3 (1), 73–85.
[14] Malá, Marcela (2011) Sentence Complexity in Academic Written English: A Syntactic Study with a Diachronic Perspective (1904–2005). LAP: Lambert Academic Publishing.
[15] Malá, Marcela (2012) "Change in Syntactic Functions of Finite/Non-Finite Clauses in Newspaper Language: Similarities and Differences between Academic Prose and Newspaper Language". BAS Journal. 243–252.
[16] Mathesius, Vilém (1961) Obsahový rozbor současné angličtiny na základě obecně lingvistickém. A functional Analysis of Present Day English on a General Linguistic Basis. Praha: Nakladatelství československé akademie věd.
[17] Parrot, Martin (2000) Grammar for English Language Teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[18] Quirk, Randolph, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik (1985) A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. London: Longman.
[19] Vachek, Josef (1955) "Some Thoughts on the So-called Complex Condensation in Modern English". Sborník prací filosofické fakulty brněnské university. A3, 63–77.
[20] Mitchell, W. T. (1907) "The appreciation of time by somnabules". Reprinted unaltered in Mitchell, W. Thomas (1922) Medical psychology and psychical research. London: Methuen & Co. LTD, 44–55.
[21] Furnham, A. & E. Lee (2005) "Lay beliefs about, and attitude towards hypnosis and hypnotherapy". Counseling and clinical psychology journal. 2 (3), 90–96.
[22] Price, L.L. (1904) "Economic theory and fiscal policy". The Economic Journal. 14 (55), 377–387. | DOI 10.2307/2221360
[23] Pain, N., M. Weale & G. Young. (1997) "Britain's Fiscal Problems". The Economic Journal. 107 (443), 1142–1151. | DOI 10.1111/j.1468-0297.1997.tb00014.x
[24] Webb B. (1888) "Personal Observation and Statistical Enquiry. The Art of Note-Taking. Printed in My Apprenticeship – 2". 1938. Pelican Books. 464–469, 472–475.
[25] Schaefer, R.T. and R.P. Lamm (1995) Sociology. New York. Mc Graw-Hill. 39–45.
[26] The Guardian (1907) April 22. Colonial Conference. Retrieved from http://www.archive.guardian.co.uk. 15th January 2011.
[27] The Guardian (2010) November 2. We've been conned.
[28] The New York Times (1902) June 20. Cleveland and Hill to the democracy. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/ref/membercenter/nytarchive.html, 10th February 2012.
[29] International Herald Tribune. (The global edition of The New York Times) (2012) January 10. Romney puts hopes on New Hampshire., Money pouring in as Republicans battle., January 5. Republican unity proves elusive.
[30] Daily Mirror (1903) December 22. How the King and Queen spend Christmas. Retrieved from Daily Mirror Digital Archive. http://www.journalism.co.uk/news/daily-mirror-archives. 14th April 2012.
[31] Daily Mirror (2012) June 4, 3, 2. Diamond Jubilee Pageant. Retrieved from http:www.mirror.co.uk. 2nd June, 3rd June, 4th June 2012