Název: Literary stories: cultural memory
Zdrojový dokument: Bohemica litteraria. 2013, roč. 16, č. 2, s. 7-19
ISSN1213-2144 (print)2336-4394 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/129876
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence
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Historical and cultural memory is put into practice through narratives. As a narrative medium, literature plays an important role in the process of transformation of the past events in cultural memory. This transformation includes critical reflection or affirmation of various aspects of memory and its social context. Literary texts in this paper include short stories of Jan Drda, Josef Škvorecký and Zdeněk Rotrekl which deal with the final days of the World War Two.
[1] DRDA, Jan, 1978. Pancéřová pěst (Praha: Slunovrat)
[2] ROTREKL, Zdeněk, 1985. 'Zpráva o pádu města'; in Rozmluvy. Literární a filozofická revue, No. 4, pp. 181–4
[3] ŠKVORECKÝ, Josef, 1980. The Cowards (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books)
[4] RUDIŠ, Jaroslav, 2002. Nebe pod Berlínem (Praha: Labyrint)
[5] TOPOL, Jáchym, 2009. Chladnou zemí (Praha: Torst)
[6] ASSMANN, Jan, 1988. Kollektives Gedächtnis und kulturelle Identität; in Jan Assmann, T. Hölscher (eds.) Kultur und Gedächtnis (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp)
[7] CARUTH, Cathy, 1996. Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Narrative, and History (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press)
[8] CRAPS, Stef – BUELENS, Gert, 2008. "Introduction: Postcolonial Trauma Novels"; Postcolonial Trauma Novels. Studies in the Novel. Vol. 40, no. 1–2, pp. 1–12 | DOI 10.1353/sdn.0.0008
[9] KOPF, Martina, 2005. Trauma und Literatur. Das Nicht-Erzählbare erzählen – Assia Djebar und Yvonne Vera. (Frankfurt am Main: Brandes & Apsel)
[10] LACHMANN, Renate, 1990. Gedächtnis und Literatur. Intertextualität in der russischen Moderne (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp)
[11] YOUNG, James E., 1988. Writing and Rewriting the Holocaust (Bloomington: Indiana University Press)
[2] ROTREKL, Zdeněk, 1985. 'Zpráva o pádu města'; in Rozmluvy. Literární a filozofická revue, No. 4, pp. 181–4
[3] ŠKVORECKÝ, Josef, 1980. The Cowards (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books)
[4] RUDIŠ, Jaroslav, 2002. Nebe pod Berlínem (Praha: Labyrint)
[5] TOPOL, Jáchym, 2009. Chladnou zemí (Praha: Torst)
[6] ASSMANN, Jan, 1988. Kollektives Gedächtnis und kulturelle Identität; in Jan Assmann, T. Hölscher (eds.) Kultur und Gedächtnis (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp)
[7] CARUTH, Cathy, 1996. Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Narrative, and History (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press)
[8] CRAPS, Stef – BUELENS, Gert, 2008. "Introduction: Postcolonial Trauma Novels"; Postcolonial Trauma Novels. Studies in the Novel. Vol. 40, no. 1–2, pp. 1–12 | DOI 10.1353/sdn.0.0008
[9] KOPF, Martina, 2005. Trauma und Literatur. Das Nicht-Erzählbare erzählen – Assia Djebar und Yvonne Vera. (Frankfurt am Main: Brandes & Apsel)
[10] LACHMANN, Renate, 1990. Gedächtnis und Literatur. Intertextualität in der russischen Moderne (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp)
[11] YOUNG, James E., 1988. Writing and Rewriting the Holocaust (Bloomington: Indiana University Press)