Kruhy v obilí ako symbol otvoreného príbehu : (o próze Jaroslava Rumpliho)

Název: Kruhy v obilí ako symbol otvoreného príbehu : (o próze Jaroslava Rumpliho)
Zdrojový dokument: Vlnka, Jaroslav. Postmodernismus : smysl, funkce a výklad : (jazyk, literatura, kultura, politika). Pospíšil, Ivo (editor); Šaur, Josef (editor); Zelenková, Anna (editor). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2012, pp. [115]-121
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Licence: Neurčená licence
The theme of this paper named "Crop circle as symbol of infinity and open work" is a specific written by Jaroslav Rumpli. The analysis focuses on the postmodern influences in the proses of Rumpli (Svet je trest, V znamení hovna and Kruhy v obilí). Motivating element for my work were especially the essays written by U. Eco and W. Welsch. The fundamental signs of Rumpli's postmodernity for me are exploitation of different literary genres, especially detective story and original author-vs-reader game.