Metafikcia v slovenskej postmodernej próze

Název: Metafikcia v slovenskej postmodernej próze
Autor: Žilka, Tibor
Zdrojový dokument: Postmodernismus : smysl, funkce a výklad : (jazyk, literatura, kultura, politika). Pospíšil, Ivo (editor); Šaur, Josef (editor); Zelenková, Anna (editor). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2012, pp. [131]-138
Přístupová práva
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Licence: Neurčená licence
In a realistic novel the fiction takes place inside the frames of the real world but the author or narrator pretends as if it was reality, as if (s)he did not make up anything, as if the entire story was merely transferred into the text from reality. Contemporary author discloses the proceedings of his/her writings, (s)he also reveals when it is a fabrication, a fiction and when something is brought over into the text directly from reality. In Slovak literature this effect most often features in the writings of Pavol Vilikovský. Metafictional processes are typical signs of a postmodern text, although similar elements were detectable in literature of previous centuries, however, not in such extent as today. At the end of the 1990s and in the course of the first decade of the 21st century, there was a growing number of authors with significant signs of postmodern prose in Slovak literature such as Peter Pišťanek, Pavel Vilikovský, Dušan Taragel, Lajos Grendel, Viliam Klimáček, Daniela Kapitáňová, Michal Hvorecký, Pavol Rankov, Vladimír Balla and others. Metafiction undisputedly belongs to the typical characteristics of the postmodern text, due mainly to greater presence of these elements than in the past.