Bibliotherapy and creative writing for talented disadvantaged youth

Název: Bibliotherapy and creative writing for talented disadvantaged youth
Autor: Béres, Judit
Zdrojový dokument: ProInflow. 2015, roč. 7, č. 2, s. 4-11
  • ISSN
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence

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The paper presents a bibliotherapy programme offered for students from the special developmental class titled "János Arany Programme for Talented Disadvantaged Youth" of the Leőwey Secondary School in Pécs, Hungary. The bibliotherapeutic intervention is a group work based on therapeutic reading, discussion and creative writing, focusing on the development of participants' EQ, self-knowledge, problem solving and coping skills, creativity, aiming to improve positive self-image, adaptability, and the reduction of distress.
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