Králův šašek versus králové šašků, aneb, Divadelní opozice za totality v Česku a v Rumunsku

Název: Králův šašek versus králové šašků, aneb, Divadelní opozice za totality v Česku a v Rumunsku
Zdrojový dokument: Porta Balkanica. 2011, roč. 3, č. 1-2, s. 72-84
  • ISSN
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence

Upozornění: Tyto citace jsou generovány automaticky. Nemusí být zcela správně podle citačních pravidel.

This material contains an attempt in comparing the Czech and the Romanian way of building a kind of opposition to the communist dictatorship with the means specific to theater. The first part of the material proposes a parallel between the Czech and the Romanian personality at national and individual level, specifying that the differences are given not only by the different origins of those two nations, but also by the specific historical conditions they passed through. It is then specified that the author is aware of the little possibilities of the Czech and Slovak people interested in the filed have to find out how things were in the world of the Romanian theater during the communist regime, whilst materials about the Polish, Russian, East-German or Hungarian oppositional activity during communism is far better known. Then a presentation of the Romanian theater world after the Second World War follows, stressing the lack of alternative to the state theaters in Romania, by difference to what was happening in Czechoslovakia. Then the possibilities of developing a kind of oppositional activity is presented for each kind of theater show in Romania, stressing that the biggest theaters were the most active. Then a parallel is suggested between the oppositional activity of theaters in Czechoslovakia (mainly in the Czech lands) and Romania, by explaining likenesses and differences.
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