Název: Využití EEG biofeedbacku při nápravě specifických poruch učení u dětí středního školního věku
Variantní název:
- The use of EEG biofeedback for treating specific learning difficulties in children of middle school age
Zdrojový dokument: Studia paedagogica. 2017, roč. 22, č. 1, s. [121]-133
ISSN1803-7437 (print)2336-4521 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (DOI): https://doi.org/10.5817/SP2017-1-8
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/136389
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence
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EEG biofeedback je terapeutická metoda založená na poskytování biologické z pětné vazby, která umožňuje harmonizaci mozkových vln. Pomocí snímání EEG dostávájí klienti okamžitou informaci o vlastní mozkové aktivitě, kterou se učí ovládat. Cílem studie bylo prozkoumat účinky EEG biofeedbacku u dětí se specifickými poruchami učení a ověřit vliv terapie na výkon pozornosti, schopnosti a dovednosti v oblasti čtení a psaní. Byl navržen experiment, ve kterém 10 dětí ve věku 8–11 let se specifickými poruchami učení podstoupilo 20 sezení na EEG biofeedbacku. Byly porovnány výkony těchto dětí v pretestu a posttestu. Výsledky ukázaly signifikantní zlepšení v zaměřené pozornosti, čtení, fonologickém uvědomování, zrakové diferenciaci a přepisu. Ve čtení slabik, diktátu a rozdělování pozornosti nebyla potvrzena statistická významnost zlepšení. Pozitivní změny vykazovala mozková aktivita ve smyslu snížení poměru pomalých a rychlých frekvencí mozkových vln.
EEG biofeedback is a therapeutic method based on providing biological feedback that enables brain wave harmonization. Using EEG recordings, clients receive immediate information about their brain activity which they can then learn to control. The objective of this study was to explore the effects of EEG biofeedback in children with learning difficulties and determine the effects of therapy on attention and reading and writing skills. To do so, an experiment was designed in which 10 children with learning difficulties aged 8–11 years undertook 20 sessions of EEG biofeedback. The results before and after the experiment were then compared. Participants showed significant improvements in focused attention, reading of coherent and incoherent texts, phonological awareness, visual differentiation, and transcription. No significant improvement was found for reading syllables, dictation, or distribution of attention. Brain activity showed positive changes through decreases in the ratio of slow and fast frequencies of brain waves.
[1] Becerra, J., Fernández, T., Harmony, T., Caballero, M. I., García, F., Fernández-Bouzas, A., Santiago-Rodríguez, E., & Prado-Alcalá, R. A. (2006). Follow-up study of learning-disabled children treated with neurofeedback or placebo. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 37(3), 198–203. | DOI 10.1177/155005940603700307
[2] Bednářová, J. (2015). Diagnostika schopností a dovedností v oblasti čtení a psaní. Varianta pro pedagogy škol a školní poradenská pracoviště. Brno: Pedagogicko-psychologická poradna Brno.
[3] Breteler, M. H., Arns, M., Peters, S., Giepmans, I., & Verhoeven, L. (2010). Improvements in spelling after QEEG-based neurofeedback in dyslexia: A randomized controlled treatment study. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 35(1), 5–11. | DOI 10.1007/s10484-009-9105-2
[4] Evans, J. R., & Abarbanel, A. (Eds.). (1999). Introduction to quantitative EEG and neurofeedback. London: Elsevier.
[5] Fernández, T., Harmony, T., Fernández-Bouzas, A., Díaz-Comas, L., Prado-Alcalá, R. A., Valdés-Sosa, P., Otero, G., Bosch, J., Galán, L., Santiago-Rodríguez, E., Aubert, E., & García-Martínez, F. (2007). Changes in EEG current sources induced by neurofeedback in learning disabled children. An exploratory study. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 32(3–4), 169–183. | DOI 10.1007/s10484-007-9044-8
[6] Fernández, T., Herrera, W., Harmony, T., Díaz-Comas, L., Santiago, E., Sánchez, L., Bosch, J., Fernández-Bouzas, A., Otero, G., Ricardo-Garcell, J., Barraza, E. A., Galán, L., & Valdés, P. (2003). EEG and behavioral changes following neurofeedback treatment in learning disabled children. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 34(3), 145–152. | DOI 10.1177/155005940303400308
[7] Hammill, D. D. (1990). On defining learning disabilities: An emerging consensus. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 23(2), 74–84. | DOI 10.1177/002221949002300201
[8] Hardt, J. V., & Kamiya, J. (1978). Anxiety change through electroencephalographic alpha feedback seen only in high anxiety subjects. Science, 201(4350), 79–81. | DOI 10.1126/science.663641
[9] Harmony, T. (2008). Psychophysiological ehavaluation of neuropsychological disorders in children. In C. R. Reynolds & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Handbook of Clinical Child Neuropsychology (356–370). New York: Springer.
[10] Kopřivová, J., Brunovský, M., Praško, J., & Horáček, J. (2008). EEG biofeedback a jeho využití v klinické praxi. Psychiatrie, 12(1), 10–16.
[11] Lantz, D., & Sterman, M. B. (1988). Neuropsychological assessment of subjects with uncontrolled epilepsy: Effects of EEG feedback training. Epilepsia, 29(2), 163–171. | DOI 10.1111/j.1528-1157.1988.tb04414.x
[12] Linden, M., Habib, T., & Radojevic, V. (1996). A controlled study of the effects of EEG biofeedback on cognition and behavior of children with attention deficit disorder and learning disabilities. Biofeedback and Self-Regulation, 21(1), 35–49. | DOI 10.1007/BF02214148
[13] Lubar, J. F., & Shouse, M. N. (1976). EEG and behavioral changes in a hyperkinetic child concurrent with training of the sensorimotor rhythm (SMR). Biofeedback and Self-Regulation, 1(3), 293–306. | DOI 10.1007/BF01001170
[14] Monastra, V. J., Monastra, D. M., & George, S. (2002). The effects of stimulant therapy, EEG biofeedback, and parenting style on the primary symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 27(4), 231–249. | DOI 10.1023/A:1021018700609
[15] Orlando, P. C., & Rivera, R. O. (2004). Neurofeedback for elementary students with identified learning problems. Journal of Neurotherapy, 8(2), 5–19. | DOI 10.1300/J184v08n02_02
[16] Othmer, S. F., & Othmer, S. (2007). Interhemispheric EEG training: Clinical experience and conceptual models. In J. R. Evans, Handbook of Neurofeedback, Dynamics and Clinical Applications (109–136). New York: The Haworth Medical Press.
[17] Pokorná, V. (2010). Teorie a náprava vývojových poruch učení a chování. (4. vyd.). Praha: Portál.
[18] Preiss, M., & Preiss, J. (2006). Test cesty. Příručka testu pro děti a dospělé. (2. vyd.). Brno: Psychodiagnostika.
[19] Ptáček, R., Tyl, J., & Sedláková, V. (1998). EEG-biofeedback – nová možnost v nápravě SPU. In A. Kucharská, Specifické poruchy učení a chování. Sborník 1997–98 (88–96). Praha: Portál.
[20] Statistická ročenka školství – výkonové ukazatele. (2016). Dostupné z http://toiler.uiv.cz/rocenka/rocenka.asp
[21] Sterman, M. B. (1996). Physiological origins and functional correlates of EEG rhythmic activities: Implications for self-regulation. Biofeedback and Self-Regulation, 21(1), 3–33. | DOI 10.1007/BF02214147
[22] Sterman, M. B., & Friar, L. (1972). Suppression of seizures in an epileptic following sensorimotor EEG feedback training. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 33(1), 89–95. | DOI 10.1016/0013-4694(72)90028-4
[23] Syslová, Z., Sysel, D., Masár, O., Kubíková, E., & Brozmanová, M. (2010). Elektroencefalografia v praxi. Brno: Tribun EU.
[24] Thornton, K. E., & Carmody, D. P. (2005). Electroencephalogram biofeedback for reading disability and traumatic brain injury. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 14(1), 137–162. | DOI 10.1016/j.chc.2004.07.001
[25] Vanathy, S., Sharma, P. S. V. N., & Kumar, K. B. (1998). The efficacy of alpha and theta neurofeedback training in treatment of generalized anxiety disorder. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 25(2), 136–143.
[26] Vitásková, K. (2006). Specifické poruchy učení pro výchovné pracovníky. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci.
[27] Walker, J. E., & Norman, C. A. (2006). The neurophysiology of dyslexia: A selective review with implications for neurofeedback remediation and results of treatment in twelve consecutive patients. Journal of Neurotherapy, 10(1), 45–55. | DOI 10.1300/J184v10n01_04
[28] Yucha, C., & Montgomery, D. (2008). Evidence-based practice in biofeedback and neurofeedback. Wheat Ridge, CO: AAPB.
[29] Zelinková, O. (2015). Poruchy učení: Dyslexie, dysgrafie, dysortografie, dyskalkulie, dyspraxie, ADHD. (12. vyd.). Praha: Portál.
[2] Bednářová, J. (2015). Diagnostika schopností a dovedností v oblasti čtení a psaní. Varianta pro pedagogy škol a školní poradenská pracoviště. Brno: Pedagogicko-psychologická poradna Brno.
[3] Breteler, M. H., Arns, M., Peters, S., Giepmans, I., & Verhoeven, L. (2010). Improvements in spelling after QEEG-based neurofeedback in dyslexia: A randomized controlled treatment study. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 35(1), 5–11. | DOI 10.1007/s10484-009-9105-2
[4] Evans, J. R., & Abarbanel, A. (Eds.). (1999). Introduction to quantitative EEG and neurofeedback. London: Elsevier.
[5] Fernández, T., Harmony, T., Fernández-Bouzas, A., Díaz-Comas, L., Prado-Alcalá, R. A., Valdés-Sosa, P., Otero, G., Bosch, J., Galán, L., Santiago-Rodríguez, E., Aubert, E., & García-Martínez, F. (2007). Changes in EEG current sources induced by neurofeedback in learning disabled children. An exploratory study. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 32(3–4), 169–183. | DOI 10.1007/s10484-007-9044-8
[6] Fernández, T., Herrera, W., Harmony, T., Díaz-Comas, L., Santiago, E., Sánchez, L., Bosch, J., Fernández-Bouzas, A., Otero, G., Ricardo-Garcell, J., Barraza, E. A., Galán, L., & Valdés, P. (2003). EEG and behavioral changes following neurofeedback treatment in learning disabled children. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 34(3), 145–152. | DOI 10.1177/155005940303400308
[7] Hammill, D. D. (1990). On defining learning disabilities: An emerging consensus. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 23(2), 74–84. | DOI 10.1177/002221949002300201
[8] Hardt, J. V., & Kamiya, J. (1978). Anxiety change through electroencephalographic alpha feedback seen only in high anxiety subjects. Science, 201(4350), 79–81. | DOI 10.1126/science.663641
[9] Harmony, T. (2008). Psychophysiological ehavaluation of neuropsychological disorders in children. In C. R. Reynolds & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Handbook of Clinical Child Neuropsychology (356–370). New York: Springer.
[10] Kopřivová, J., Brunovský, M., Praško, J., & Horáček, J. (2008). EEG biofeedback a jeho využití v klinické praxi. Psychiatrie, 12(1), 10–16.
[11] Lantz, D., & Sterman, M. B. (1988). Neuropsychological assessment of subjects with uncontrolled epilepsy: Effects of EEG feedback training. Epilepsia, 29(2), 163–171. | DOI 10.1111/j.1528-1157.1988.tb04414.x
[12] Linden, M., Habib, T., & Radojevic, V. (1996). A controlled study of the effects of EEG biofeedback on cognition and behavior of children with attention deficit disorder and learning disabilities. Biofeedback and Self-Regulation, 21(1), 35–49. | DOI 10.1007/BF02214148
[13] Lubar, J. F., & Shouse, M. N. (1976). EEG and behavioral changes in a hyperkinetic child concurrent with training of the sensorimotor rhythm (SMR). Biofeedback and Self-Regulation, 1(3), 293–306. | DOI 10.1007/BF01001170
[14] Monastra, V. J., Monastra, D. M., & George, S. (2002). The effects of stimulant therapy, EEG biofeedback, and parenting style on the primary symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 27(4), 231–249. | DOI 10.1023/A:1021018700609
[15] Orlando, P. C., & Rivera, R. O. (2004). Neurofeedback for elementary students with identified learning problems. Journal of Neurotherapy, 8(2), 5–19. | DOI 10.1300/J184v08n02_02
[16] Othmer, S. F., & Othmer, S. (2007). Interhemispheric EEG training: Clinical experience and conceptual models. In J. R. Evans, Handbook of Neurofeedback, Dynamics and Clinical Applications (109–136). New York: The Haworth Medical Press.
[17] Pokorná, V. (2010). Teorie a náprava vývojových poruch učení a chování. (4. vyd.). Praha: Portál.
[18] Preiss, M., & Preiss, J. (2006). Test cesty. Příručka testu pro děti a dospělé. (2. vyd.). Brno: Psychodiagnostika.
[19] Ptáček, R., Tyl, J., & Sedláková, V. (1998). EEG-biofeedback – nová možnost v nápravě SPU. In A. Kucharská, Specifické poruchy učení a chování. Sborník 1997–98 (88–96). Praha: Portál.
[20] Statistická ročenka školství – výkonové ukazatele. (2016). Dostupné z http://toiler.uiv.cz/rocenka/rocenka.asp
[21] Sterman, M. B. (1996). Physiological origins and functional correlates of EEG rhythmic activities: Implications for self-regulation. Biofeedback and Self-Regulation, 21(1), 3–33. | DOI 10.1007/BF02214147
[22] Sterman, M. B., & Friar, L. (1972). Suppression of seizures in an epileptic following sensorimotor EEG feedback training. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 33(1), 89–95. | DOI 10.1016/0013-4694(72)90028-4
[23] Syslová, Z., Sysel, D., Masár, O., Kubíková, E., & Brozmanová, M. (2010). Elektroencefalografia v praxi. Brno: Tribun EU.
[24] Thornton, K. E., & Carmody, D. P. (2005). Electroencephalogram biofeedback for reading disability and traumatic brain injury. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 14(1), 137–162. | DOI 10.1016/j.chc.2004.07.001
[25] Vanathy, S., Sharma, P. S. V. N., & Kumar, K. B. (1998). The efficacy of alpha and theta neurofeedback training in treatment of generalized anxiety disorder. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 25(2), 136–143.
[26] Vitásková, K. (2006). Specifické poruchy učení pro výchovné pracovníky. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci.
[27] Walker, J. E., & Norman, C. A. (2006). The neurophysiology of dyslexia: A selective review with implications for neurofeedback remediation and results of treatment in twelve consecutive patients. Journal of Neurotherapy, 10(1), 45–55. | DOI 10.1300/J184v10n01_04
[28] Yucha, C., & Montgomery, D. (2008). Evidence-based practice in biofeedback and neurofeedback. Wheat Ridge, CO: AAPB.
[29] Zelinková, O. (2015). Poruchy učení: Dyslexie, dysgrafie, dysortografie, dyskalkulie, dyspraxie, ADHD. (12. vyd.). Praha: Portál.