Food as intangible cultural heritage : the česnica among Serbs in Romania

Název: Food as intangible cultural heritage : the česnica among Serbs in Romania
Zdrojový dokument: Porta Balkanica. 2016, roč. 8, č. 1, s. [29]-42
  • ISSN
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence

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In this study the attention of the scientific discussion is directed towards food viewed as intangible cultural heritage. In accordance with the UNESCO World Heritage List and UNESCO's propositions for protection of intangible cultural heritage there are three traditional dishes registered on the List of Elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Republic of Serbia. Furthermore, National Commission for Intangible Cultural Heritage of Romania introduces food as intangible cultural heritage and envisions a registry of intangible cultural heritage of minority communities in Romania. Anthropological and linguistic research of Serbian communities in the field in Arad County shows that traditional culture of Serbs in this county is under the impact of a strong process of transformation and modernization. Having in mind the small population of Serbs registered in a census in Arad, who are considered to be the bearers of Serbian traditional culture, the leveling of Serbian traditional culture with Romanian majority on the one hand, as well as with the global culture on the other, apparently leads to the extinction of minority culture, or at least to the loss of those elements that are considered to be important in the existing rituals of traditional culture. In this study, a. er an analysis of fieldwork data, there have been distinguished practices and elements of Christmas rituals that represent the living tradition of Serbs in Arad County in Romania In this study, a. er the analysis of the fieldwork data, some elements and practices within Christmas rituals were selected that represent the living tradition of Serbs in Arad County in Romania, while at the same time drawing attention to the processes of transformation and modernization of the rituals Special focus has been put on česnica—an important Christmas cake. Emphasis has been put to the possibility of its protection as an element of intangible cultural heritage of Serbs in Romania.
The study is the result of a project entitled Language, Folklore, Migrations in the Balkans (no. 178010) of the Institute for Balkan Studies of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA), entirely financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.
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