Název: Jazyková výbava Kryštofa Haranta z Polžic a Bezdružic: případ řečtiny
Variantní název:
- Linguistic competencies of Christopher Harant of Polžice and Bezdružice: the case of Greek
Zdrojový dokument: Graeco-Latina Brunensia. 2018, roč. 23, č. 1, s. 121-138
ISSN1803-7402 (print)2336-4424 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (DOI): https://doi.org/10.5817/GLB2018-1-8
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/138101
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence
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Christopher Harant of Polžice and Bezdružice (1564–1621), an educated renaissance nobleman, is primarily known for his unfortunate fate, as he was one of the twenty-seven Czech noblemen executed at the command of the Habsburg Emperor Ferdinand II at the Old Town Square, Prague, on the 21st June 1621 for high treason. It was an ironic end of his rich and active life, for he had been loyal to the House of Habsburg for most of his life. He had served the Emperor Rudolph II for many years but after his death he stepped aside and, after the Bohemian Revolt had broken out, accepted offices from the hands of the rebel Estates, which proved fatal for him. He is equally known as the author of the elaborated and extensive, two-volume travelogue describing his journey to the Holy Land and Egypt, which he undertook in 1598 (the book was printed in 1608). The aim of this paper was to examine the evidence that could support the thesis of the author of Harant's most recent and most comprehensive biography, Marie Koldinská, that during his long formative stay at the court of Ferdinand II, Archduke of Further Austria, at Ambras Christopher Harant learned not only Latin (which was a standard for an aristocrat of his time), but also Greek. The said evidence is formed by a few pieces of text written in Greek and a large number of references to Greek writers, both ancient and Byzantine, in Harant's travelogue. We cannot determine the exact level of Harant's knowledge of Greek or how and when he achieved it (at Ambras? through self-study?). There were materials for learning Greek in the library of the Archduke Ferdinand at Ambras but we do not know whether Greek was actually taught here (not even in the case of the Archduke and his sons, let alone one of the pages, which was Harant). The analysis of the evidence present in the travelogue proves that Harant was capable of working with Greek texts at least at basic level. It also shows that he was familiar with a high number of various Greek authors and works but that he preferred Latin translations or bilingual Greek-Latin editions or eventually, that he sometimes helped himself with collections of proverbs and quotes or other kind of contemporary compilations. At the time when the travelogue was being created, all the Greek works quoted by Harant were already available in Latin translations (possibly with two exceptions but the way they are quoted suggests Harant probably did not work with them directly).
[1] Aelianus, C. (1553). Aeliani De varia historia libri XIIII nunc primum & Latinitate donati & in lucem editi Iusto Vulteio Wetterano interprete: Item De politiis sive Rerumpublicarum descriptiones ex Heraclide eodem interprete. Lugdunum: Ioan. Tornaesius et Guil. Gazeius.
[2] Βασίλειος Α'/ Basilius I (1584). Βασιλείου τοῦ Ῥωμαίων βασιλέως Κεφάλαια παραινετικὰ ξϛ΄ πρὸς τὸν ἑαυτοῦ ὑιὸν Λεόντα, τὸν Φιλόσοφον. / Basilii Romanorum imp. Exhortationum capita LXVI ad Leonem filium, cognomento Philosophum. Lutetia: Federicus Morellus.
[3] Beroaldus, Μ. (1575). Μatth. Βeroaldi Chronicum scripturae Sacrae autoritate constitutum. [Geneva:] Antonius Chuppinus.
[4] Bibliander, Th. (Ed.). (1550). Machumetis Saracenorum principis, eiusque successorum vitae, doctrina, ac ipse Alcoran. [Basilea].
[5] Binns, J. W. (1978). Latin Translations from Greek in the English Renaissance. Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies, 27, 128–159.
[6] Botley, P. (2004). Latin Translation in the Renaissance: The Theory and Practice of Leonardo Bruni, Giannozzo Manetti and Desiderius Erasmus. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[7] Βρυέννιος, Ν. / Bryennius, N. (1661). Νικηφόρου καίσαρος τοῦ Βρυεννίου Ὕλη ἱστορίας / Nicephori caesaris Bryennii Commentarii de rebus Byzantinis: Prodeunt nunc primum opera & studio Petri Possini e Soc. Iesu. Parisii: Typographia regia.
[8] Burke, B. (1999). Purple and Aegean Textile Trade in the Early Second Millenium B. C. In P. Betancourt & V. Karageorgis et al. (Eds.), Meletemata: Studies in Aegean Archaeology Presented to Malcolm H. Wiener as He Enters his 65th Year: Aegeum 20 (pp. 75–82). Liège: Université de Liège.
[9] Caelius, L. R. (1566). Lodovici Caelii Rhodigini Lectionum antiquarum libri XXX recogniti ab auctore atque ita locupletati, ut tertia plus parte auctiores sint redditi. Basilea: Ambrosius et Aurelius Frobenii fratres.
[10] Comnena, A. (1610). Alexiados libri VIII ab Anna Comnena de rebus a patre gestis scripti: Nunc primum a Davide Hoeschelio A. ex Aug. Reip. bibliotheca editi. Augusta Vindelicorum: ad insigne pinus.
[11] Damascenus, I. (1546). Sancti Patris Ioannis Damasceni… universa, quae obtineri hac vice potuerunt, opera, summo Henrici Gravii studio… eruta. Colonia: Officina Petri Quentel.
[12] Eusebius Caesariensis et al. (1570). Historiae ecclesiasticae scriptores Graeci: Ioanne Cristophorsono Anglo Cicestrensi quondam episcopo interprete. Colonia Agrippina: haeredes Arnoldi Birckmanni.
[13] Harant z Polžic a Bezdružic, K., Bočková, H. & Melounová, M. (2017). Putování aneb Cesta z království českého do města Benátek, odtud po moři do země Svaté, země jůdské a dále do Egypta a velikého města Kairu (Vol. I–II). Praha – Brno: Nadační fond Česká knižnice; Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR; Host.
[14] Kazhdan, A. P. et al. (1991). The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium (Vol. 1–3). New York – Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[15] Koldinská, M. (2004). Kryštof Harant z Polžic a Bezdružic: Cesta intelektuála k popravišti. Praha: Paseka.
[16] Κομνηνὴ, A. / Comnena, A. (1651). Ἄννης τῆς Kομνηνὴς πορφηρογεννήτου(!) καισαρίσσης Ἀλεξιάς / Annae Comnenae Porphyrogenitae Caesarissae Alexias sive de rebus ab Alexio imperatore vel ejus tempore gestis libri quindecim: E bibliotheca Barberina nunc primum editi et a Petro Possino … Latina interpretatione … illustrati. Parisii: Typographia regia.
[17] Leunclavius, I. (Ed.). (1575). Ex librorum Βασιλικῶν id est universi iuris Romani… ecloga sive synopsis hactenus desiderata, nunc edita per Ioan. Leunclaium. Basilea: Eusebius Episcopius & Nicolai Fr. heredes.
[18] Melounová, M. (2017). Debtors and Decoctores in the Travelogue of Christopher Harant of Polžice and Bezdružice: Some Examples of How a Humanist Scholar Worked with Primary and Secondary Sources. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philologica, 2, 283–292.
[19] Mercator, G. & Beroaldus, M. (1577). Chronologia, hoc est supputatio temporum ab initio mundi… Gerhardo Mercatore & Matthaeo Beroaldo authoribus. Basilea: Thomas Guarinus.
[20] Migne, J.-P. (Ed.). (1845). Patrologiae cursus completus: Series Latina (Tomus XXV). Lutetia Parisiorum: apud editorem.
[21] Migne, J.-P. (Ed.). (1857). Patrologiae cursus completus: Series Graeca (Tomus XXXV). Lutetia Parisiorum: apud editorem.
[22] ODB ‒ viz Kazhdan.
[23] Purš, I. & Kuchařová, H. (Eds.). (2015). Knihovna arcivévody Ferdinanda II. Tyrolského: Texty. Praha: Artefactum. (I)
[24] Purš, I. & Kuchařová, H. (Eds.). (2015). Knihovna arcivévody Ferdinanda II. Tyrolského: Katalog. Praha: Artefactum. (II)
[25] Volaterranus, R. (1603). Raphaelis Volaterrani Commentariorum urbanorum libri octo et triginta, accuratius quam antehac excusi. Hanovia: Claudius Marnius & haeredes Ioannis Aubrii.
[2] Βασίλειος Α'/ Basilius I (1584). Βασιλείου τοῦ Ῥωμαίων βασιλέως Κεφάλαια παραινετικὰ ξϛ΄ πρὸς τὸν ἑαυτοῦ ὑιὸν Λεόντα, τὸν Φιλόσοφον. / Basilii Romanorum imp. Exhortationum capita LXVI ad Leonem filium, cognomento Philosophum. Lutetia: Federicus Morellus.
[3] Beroaldus, Μ. (1575). Μatth. Βeroaldi Chronicum scripturae Sacrae autoritate constitutum. [Geneva:] Antonius Chuppinus.
[4] Bibliander, Th. (Ed.). (1550). Machumetis Saracenorum principis, eiusque successorum vitae, doctrina, ac ipse Alcoran. [Basilea].
[5] Binns, J. W. (1978). Latin Translations from Greek in the English Renaissance. Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies, 27, 128–159.
[6] Botley, P. (2004). Latin Translation in the Renaissance: The Theory and Practice of Leonardo Bruni, Giannozzo Manetti and Desiderius Erasmus. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[7] Βρυέννιος, Ν. / Bryennius, N. (1661). Νικηφόρου καίσαρος τοῦ Βρυεννίου Ὕλη ἱστορίας / Nicephori caesaris Bryennii Commentarii de rebus Byzantinis: Prodeunt nunc primum opera & studio Petri Possini e Soc. Iesu. Parisii: Typographia regia.
[8] Burke, B. (1999). Purple and Aegean Textile Trade in the Early Second Millenium B. C. In P. Betancourt & V. Karageorgis et al. (Eds.), Meletemata: Studies in Aegean Archaeology Presented to Malcolm H. Wiener as He Enters his 65th Year: Aegeum 20 (pp. 75–82). Liège: Université de Liège.
[9] Caelius, L. R. (1566). Lodovici Caelii Rhodigini Lectionum antiquarum libri XXX recogniti ab auctore atque ita locupletati, ut tertia plus parte auctiores sint redditi. Basilea: Ambrosius et Aurelius Frobenii fratres.
[10] Comnena, A. (1610). Alexiados libri VIII ab Anna Comnena de rebus a patre gestis scripti: Nunc primum a Davide Hoeschelio A. ex Aug. Reip. bibliotheca editi. Augusta Vindelicorum: ad insigne pinus.
[11] Damascenus, I. (1546). Sancti Patris Ioannis Damasceni… universa, quae obtineri hac vice potuerunt, opera, summo Henrici Gravii studio… eruta. Colonia: Officina Petri Quentel.
[12] Eusebius Caesariensis et al. (1570). Historiae ecclesiasticae scriptores Graeci: Ioanne Cristophorsono Anglo Cicestrensi quondam episcopo interprete. Colonia Agrippina: haeredes Arnoldi Birckmanni.
[13] Harant z Polžic a Bezdružic, K., Bočková, H. & Melounová, M. (2017). Putování aneb Cesta z království českého do města Benátek, odtud po moři do země Svaté, země jůdské a dále do Egypta a velikého města Kairu (Vol. I–II). Praha – Brno: Nadační fond Česká knižnice; Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR; Host.
[14] Kazhdan, A. P. et al. (1991). The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium (Vol. 1–3). New York – Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[15] Koldinská, M. (2004). Kryštof Harant z Polžic a Bezdružic: Cesta intelektuála k popravišti. Praha: Paseka.
[16] Κομνηνὴ, A. / Comnena, A. (1651). Ἄννης τῆς Kομνηνὴς πορφηρογεννήτου(!) καισαρίσσης Ἀλεξιάς / Annae Comnenae Porphyrogenitae Caesarissae Alexias sive de rebus ab Alexio imperatore vel ejus tempore gestis libri quindecim: E bibliotheca Barberina nunc primum editi et a Petro Possino … Latina interpretatione … illustrati. Parisii: Typographia regia.
[17] Leunclavius, I. (Ed.). (1575). Ex librorum Βασιλικῶν id est universi iuris Romani… ecloga sive synopsis hactenus desiderata, nunc edita per Ioan. Leunclaium. Basilea: Eusebius Episcopius & Nicolai Fr. heredes.
[18] Melounová, M. (2017). Debtors and Decoctores in the Travelogue of Christopher Harant of Polžice and Bezdružice: Some Examples of How a Humanist Scholar Worked with Primary and Secondary Sources. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philologica, 2, 283–292.
[19] Mercator, G. & Beroaldus, M. (1577). Chronologia, hoc est supputatio temporum ab initio mundi… Gerhardo Mercatore & Matthaeo Beroaldo authoribus. Basilea: Thomas Guarinus.
[20] Migne, J.-P. (Ed.). (1845). Patrologiae cursus completus: Series Latina (Tomus XXV). Lutetia Parisiorum: apud editorem.
[21] Migne, J.-P. (Ed.). (1857). Patrologiae cursus completus: Series Graeca (Tomus XXXV). Lutetia Parisiorum: apud editorem.
[22] ODB ‒ viz Kazhdan.
[23] Purš, I. & Kuchařová, H. (Eds.). (2015). Knihovna arcivévody Ferdinanda II. Tyrolského: Texty. Praha: Artefactum. (I)
[24] Purš, I. & Kuchařová, H. (Eds.). (2015). Knihovna arcivévody Ferdinanda II. Tyrolského: Katalog. Praha: Artefactum. (II)
[25] Volaterranus, R. (1603). Raphaelis Volaterrani Commentariorum urbanorum libri octo et triginta, accuratius quam antehac excusi. Hanovia: Claudius Marnius & haeredes Ioannis Aubrii.