Název: Krátký úvod do anglofonní (vědecko) fantastické poezie
Variantní název:
- A short introduction to Anglophone science-fiction and fantastic poetry
Zdrojový dokument: Bohemica litteraria. 2018, roč. 21, č. 2, s. 46-67
ISSN1213-2144 (print)2336-4394 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (DOI): https://doi.org/10.5817/BL2018-2-3
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/138654
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence
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The following article is designed as an introduction to Anglophone science-fiction and fantastic poetry, particularly poetry featured over the past few decades in various genre anthologies and periodicals. It is neither a theoretical study nor an in-depth analysis of poetry; its objective is merely to introduce science-fiction and fantastic poetry as a phenomenon that addresses similar issues as science-fiction and fantastic prose. Notwithstanding, the article begins with a brief discussion of the definitions of science fiction and poetry. The second part focuses on poetry in science-fiction and fantastic prose; the third part then turns to science-fiction and fantastic poetry as such. After sketching its history and suggesting some places where to find such poetry, selected topics that science- fiction and fantastic poetry frequently addresses are introduced. Although occasionally older works are mentioned, the majority of the poems and criticism discussed in the article originate in the second half of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first centuries.
[1] ALDISS, Brian W. 1984. "Space Burial", in Burning with a Vision: Poetry of Science and the Fantastic, ed. Robert Frazier (Philadelphia: Owlswick Press), s. 8
[2] ALDISS, Brian W. 1969. Barefoot in the Head (London: Faber & Faber)
[3] ALLEN, Mike. 2010. "Ascending", in The 2010 Rhysling Anthology, ed. Jaime Lee Mayer (SPFA), s. 20
[4] ALLEN, Mike. 2007. "Manifest Destiny", in The 2007 Rhysling Anthology, ed. Drew Morse (SPFA), s. 17
[5] BELLAMY, Edward. 2000. Looking Backward 2000–1887 (New York: Penguin Putnam)
[6] BENVENISTE, Asa. 1969. "The Gardeners", in Holding Your Eight Hands: An Anthology of Science Fiction Verse, ed. Edward Lucie-Smith (Garden City, NY: Doubleday), s. 5–6
[7] BERGMANN, F. J. 2015. "100 Reasons to Have Sex with an Alien", in The 2015 Rhysling Anthology, ed. Rich Ristow (SPFA), s. 49–51
[8] BERGMANN, F. J. 2013. "A Broader View of Science-Fiction Poetry," Amazing Stories [online] [cit. 2018-9-04] Dostupné na internetu: http://amazingstoriesmag.com/2013/02/a-broader-view-of-science-fiction-poetry/
[9] BRADBURY, Ray. 1977. The Martian Chronicles (Hammersmith: Grafton)
[10] ČAPEK, Josef. 1956. Povídání o pejskovi a kočičce (Praha: SNDK)
[11] DISCH, Thomas M. 1984. "A Vacation on Earth", in Burning with a Vision: Poetry of Science and the Fantastic, ed. Robert Frazier (Philadelphia: Owlswick Press), s. 39
[12] DISCH, Thomas M. 1982. Burn This (London: Hutchinson & Co.)
[13] DORR, James. 2007. "Eight Top Vampire Hobbies," in The 2011 Rhysling Anthology, ed. David Lunde (SPFA), s. 79–80
[14] EVANS, Mike. 1969a. "Mushrooms", in Holding Your Eight Hands: An Anthology of Science Fiction Verse, ed. Edward Lucie-Smith (Garden City, NY: Doubleday) s. 33
[15] EVANS, Mike. 1969b. "We'll All Be Spacemen Before We Die", in Holding Your Eight Hands: An Anthology of Science Fiction Verse, ed. Edward Lucie-Smith (Garden City, NY: Doubleday), s. 33
[16] FAIRFAX, John. 1973a. "Columbus of the Sky", in Frontier of Going: An Anthology of Space Poetry, ed. John Fairfax (Herts: Granada Publishing), s. 51
[17] FAIRFAX, John. 1973b. "Space Walk", in Frontier of Going: An Anthology of Space Poetry, ed. John Fairfax (Herts: Granada Publishing), s. 32
[18] FRAZIER, Robert. 2005. "Alchemical Post-Its: A Rhysling Primer", in The Alchemy of Stars, ed. Roger Dutcher and Mike Allen (SFPA), s. 15–21
[19] GRIFFITH, Mary. 1836. "Three Hundred Years Hence", in Camperdown; Or, News from Our Neighbourhood (Philadelphia: Carey, Lea and Blanchard), s. 9–92
[20] HEATH-STUBBS, John. 1973. "Cosmic Poem", in Frontier of Going: An Anthology of Space Poetry, ed. John Fairfax (Herts: Granada Publishing), s. 63
[21] HUXLEY, Aldous. 1977. Brave New World (London: Granada)
[22] LADYZHETS, Betsy. 2016. "Post-Apocalyptic Toothbrush", in The 2016 Rhysling Anthology, ed. Charles Christian (SPFA), s. 34
[23] LEMBERG, Rose, ed. 2012. The Moment of Change: An Anthology of Feminist Speculative Poetry (Seattle: Aqueduct Press)
[24] LUCIE-SMITH, Edward. 1969. Holding Your Eight Hands: An Anthology of Science Fiction Verse (Garden City, NY: Doubleday)
[25] MAYER, Bernadette. 1984. Utopia (New York: United Artists)
[26] MILLER, T. S. 2013. "Flying Chaucers, Insectile Ecclesiasts, and Pilgrims Through Space and Time: The Science Fiction Chaucer," The Chaucer Review 48:2, s. 129–165
[27] MORGAN, Edwin. 1973a. "The First Men on Mercury", in From Glasgow to Saturn (Cheadle: Carcanet), s. 63–64
[28] MORGAN, Edwin. 1973b. "The Loch Ness Monster's Song", in From Glasgow to Saturn (Cheadle: Carcanet), s. 35
[29] MORGAN, Edwin. 2012. "A Question", in Where Rockets Burn Through: Contemporary Science Fiction Poems from the U. K., ed. Russell Jones (London: Penned in the Margins), s. 27
[30] ORWELL, George. 1983. Nineteen Eighty-Four (Harmondsworth: Penguin)
[31] PIERCY, Marge. 1982. "The World in the Year 2000", in The Umbral Anthology of Science Fiction Poetry, ed. Steve Rasnic Tem (Denver: Umbral Press), s. 97
[32] RICH, Mark. 2010. "It Snowed", in The 2010 Rhysling Anthology, ed. Jaime Lee Mayer (SPFA), s. 52
[33] THOMAS, D. M. 1973. "Limbo", in Frontier of Going: An Anthology of Space Poetry, ed. John Fairfax (Herts: Granada Publishing), s. 52
[34] THOMAS, D. M. 1969. "Missionary", in Holding Your Eight Hands: An Anthology of Science Fiction Verse, ed. Edward Lucie-Smith (Garden City, NY: Doubleday), s. 107–109
[35] WELLS, Herbert George. 1967. A Modern Utopia (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press)
[36] WHITMAN, Walt. 1959. Leaves of Grass, ed. Malcolm Cowley (New York: Viking)
[37] WORDSWORTH, William. 1800. Lyrical Ballads, with Other Poems (London: T. N. Longman and O. Rees) [cit. 2018-9-04] Dostupné na internetu: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/8905
[38] YASZEK, Lisa a Patrick SHARP, eds. 2016. Sisters of Tomorrow: The First Women of Science Fiction (Middletown: Wesleyan University Press)
[39] ATTEBERY, Brian. 2003. "The Magazine Era: 1926–1960," in The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction, ed. Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), s. 32–47
[40] BALLENTINE, Lee. 1989. "Opening Salvos", in Poly: New Speculative Writing, ed. Lee Ballentine (Mountain View: Ocean View Books), číslování stránek neuvedeno
[41] CATANZANO, Amy. 2014. "Magical Correspondences, Part 2 of 6," Jacket2 [online] [cit. 2018-9-04] Dostupné na internetu: http://jacket2.org/commentary/magical-correspondences-part-2-6
[42] COOK, Paul. 2013. "Why Science Fiction Poetry is Embarrassingly Bad," Amazing Stories [online] [cit. 2018-9-04] Dostupné na internetu: http://amazingstoriesmag.com/2013/02/why-science-fiction-poetry-is-embarrassingly-bad/
[43] EAGLETON, Terry. 1996. Literary Theory: An Introduction (Malden: Blackwell Publishing)
[44] ELGIN, Suzette Haden. 1999. "About Science Fiction Poetry" http://www.sfwa.org/members/Elgin/SFPoetry.htm
[45] GALLAGHER, Kristen. 2013. "WHY Spam?" Jacket2 [online] [cit. 2018-7-08] Dostupné na internetu: http://jacket2.org/commentary/why-spam
[46] GREEN, Scott E. 2001. "Marketing Science Fiction Poetry," WritersWeekly [online] [cit. 2018-9-04] Dostupné na internetu: http://writersweekly.com/this-weeks.article/marketing-science-fiction-poetry-by-scott-e-green
[47] HYLES, Vernon. 1989. "The Poetry of the Fantastic", in The Poetic Fantastic: Studies in an Evolving Genre, ed. Patrick D. Murphy and Vernon Hyles (New York: Greenwood), s. 2–9
[48] JACOBS, Naomi. 2007. "Utopia and the Beloved Community", in Utopia Method Vision: The Use Value of Social Dreaming, ed. Tom Moylan and Raffaella Baccolini (Bern: Peter Lang), s. 223–244
[49] LINDSKOLD, Jane M. 1992. "The Pervasive Influence of Poetry in the Works of Roger Zelazny," Extrapolation 33:1, s. 41–58 | DOI 10.3828/extr.1992.33.1.41
[50] MIÉVILLE, China. 2009. "Afterword: Cognition as Ideology", in Red Planets: Marxism and Science Fiction, ed. Mark Bould and China Miéville (Middletown: Wesleyan University Press), s. 231–248
[51] MULLEN, R. D. 1995. "From Standard Magazines to Pulps and Big Slicks: A Note on the History of US General and Fiction Magazines," Science Fiction Studies [online] [cit. 2018-7-08] Dostupné na internetu: http://www.depauw.edu/sfs/backissues/65/mullen65.htm
[52] MURPHY, Patrick. 1989. "Foreword", in The Poetic Fantastic: Studies in an Evolving Genre, ed. Patrick D. Murphy and Vernon Hyles (New York: Greenwood), s. xi–xxv
[53] PORTE, Rebecca Ariel. 2012. "The Best Books of Poetry for Every Kind of Science Fiction Fan" gizmondo.com [online] [cit. 2018-9-04] Dostupné na internetu: https://io9.gizmodo.com/5885724/the-perfect-poetry-for-every-type-ofscience-fiction-fan
[54] ROBERTS, Adam. 2000. Science Fiction (London and New York: Routledge)
[55] RUSS, Joanna. 1975. "Towards an Aesthetics of Science Fiction," Science Fiction Studies 2:6 [online] [cit. 2018-9-04] Dostupné na internetu: http://www.depauw.edu/sfs/backissues/6/russ6art.htm
[56] SARGENT, Lyman Tower. 2010. Utopianism: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
[57] SNEYD, Steve. 2012. "Wormholing into Elsewhere", in Where Rockets Burn Through: Contemporary Science Fiction Poems from the U. K., ed. Russell Jones (London: Penned in the Margins), s. 19–24
[58] SNEYD, Steve. n.d. "Lining Up on the Precipice–The Shape and Role of Poetry in Brian Aldiss' Barefoot in the Head" [online] [cit. 2018-9-04] Dostupné na internetu: http://www.zone-sf.com/bithaldiss.html
[59] SNYDER, Gary. 1974. "For the Children", in Turtle Island (New York: New Directions), s. 86
[60] SUVIN, Darko. 1973. "Defining the Literary Genre of Utopia: Some Historical Semantics, Some Genology, a Proposal and a Plea", Studies in the Literary Imagination 6.2, s. 121–145
[61] SUVIN, Darko. 1979. Metamorphoses of Science Fiction: On the Poetics and History of the Literary Genre (New Haven: Yale University Press)
[62] SUVIN, Darko. 2010. "Visions off Yamada", in Defined by a Hollow: Essays on Utopia, Science Fiction and Political Epistemology (Oxford: Peter Lang), s. 105–106
[63] SUVIN, Darko. 2017. "Parables and Uses of a Stumbling Stone", Arcadia 52:2, s. 271–300 | DOI 10.1515/arcadia-2017-0035
[64] TEM, Steve Rasnic, ed. 1982. "Introduction", in The Umbral Anthology of Science Fiction Poetry (Denver: Umbral Press), s. xi–xiv
[65] WESTFAHL, Gary, ed. 2005. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes, Works, and Wonders (Westport: Greenwood Press)
[66] WYMER, Thomas L. 1999. "Comes Now the Power: Roger Zelazny's Transformation of Romantic Poetic Themes," Extrapolation 40:4, s. 320–324 | DOI 10.3828/extr.1999.40.4.320
[2] ALDISS, Brian W. 1969. Barefoot in the Head (London: Faber & Faber)
[3] ALLEN, Mike. 2010. "Ascending", in The 2010 Rhysling Anthology, ed. Jaime Lee Mayer (SPFA), s. 20
[4] ALLEN, Mike. 2007. "Manifest Destiny", in The 2007 Rhysling Anthology, ed. Drew Morse (SPFA), s. 17
[5] BELLAMY, Edward. 2000. Looking Backward 2000–1887 (New York: Penguin Putnam)
[6] BENVENISTE, Asa. 1969. "The Gardeners", in Holding Your Eight Hands: An Anthology of Science Fiction Verse, ed. Edward Lucie-Smith (Garden City, NY: Doubleday), s. 5–6
[7] BERGMANN, F. J. 2015. "100 Reasons to Have Sex with an Alien", in The 2015 Rhysling Anthology, ed. Rich Ristow (SPFA), s. 49–51
[8] BERGMANN, F. J. 2013. "A Broader View of Science-Fiction Poetry," Amazing Stories [online] [cit. 2018-9-04] Dostupné na internetu: http://amazingstoriesmag.com/2013/02/a-broader-view-of-science-fiction-poetry/
[9] BRADBURY, Ray. 1977. The Martian Chronicles (Hammersmith: Grafton)
[10] ČAPEK, Josef. 1956. Povídání o pejskovi a kočičce (Praha: SNDK)
[11] DISCH, Thomas M. 1984. "A Vacation on Earth", in Burning with a Vision: Poetry of Science and the Fantastic, ed. Robert Frazier (Philadelphia: Owlswick Press), s. 39
[12] DISCH, Thomas M. 1982. Burn This (London: Hutchinson & Co.)
[13] DORR, James. 2007. "Eight Top Vampire Hobbies," in The 2011 Rhysling Anthology, ed. David Lunde (SPFA), s. 79–80
[14] EVANS, Mike. 1969a. "Mushrooms", in Holding Your Eight Hands: An Anthology of Science Fiction Verse, ed. Edward Lucie-Smith (Garden City, NY: Doubleday) s. 33
[15] EVANS, Mike. 1969b. "We'll All Be Spacemen Before We Die", in Holding Your Eight Hands: An Anthology of Science Fiction Verse, ed. Edward Lucie-Smith (Garden City, NY: Doubleday), s. 33
[16] FAIRFAX, John. 1973a. "Columbus of the Sky", in Frontier of Going: An Anthology of Space Poetry, ed. John Fairfax (Herts: Granada Publishing), s. 51
[17] FAIRFAX, John. 1973b. "Space Walk", in Frontier of Going: An Anthology of Space Poetry, ed. John Fairfax (Herts: Granada Publishing), s. 32
[18] FRAZIER, Robert. 2005. "Alchemical Post-Its: A Rhysling Primer", in The Alchemy of Stars, ed. Roger Dutcher and Mike Allen (SFPA), s. 15–21
[19] GRIFFITH, Mary. 1836. "Three Hundred Years Hence", in Camperdown; Or, News from Our Neighbourhood (Philadelphia: Carey, Lea and Blanchard), s. 9–92
[20] HEATH-STUBBS, John. 1973. "Cosmic Poem", in Frontier of Going: An Anthology of Space Poetry, ed. John Fairfax (Herts: Granada Publishing), s. 63
[21] HUXLEY, Aldous. 1977. Brave New World (London: Granada)
[22] LADYZHETS, Betsy. 2016. "Post-Apocalyptic Toothbrush", in The 2016 Rhysling Anthology, ed. Charles Christian (SPFA), s. 34
[23] LEMBERG, Rose, ed. 2012. The Moment of Change: An Anthology of Feminist Speculative Poetry (Seattle: Aqueduct Press)
[24] LUCIE-SMITH, Edward. 1969. Holding Your Eight Hands: An Anthology of Science Fiction Verse (Garden City, NY: Doubleday)
[25] MAYER, Bernadette. 1984. Utopia (New York: United Artists)
[26] MILLER, T. S. 2013. "Flying Chaucers, Insectile Ecclesiasts, and Pilgrims Through Space and Time: The Science Fiction Chaucer," The Chaucer Review 48:2, s. 129–165
[27] MORGAN, Edwin. 1973a. "The First Men on Mercury", in From Glasgow to Saturn (Cheadle: Carcanet), s. 63–64
[28] MORGAN, Edwin. 1973b. "The Loch Ness Monster's Song", in From Glasgow to Saturn (Cheadle: Carcanet), s. 35
[29] MORGAN, Edwin. 2012. "A Question", in Where Rockets Burn Through: Contemporary Science Fiction Poems from the U. K., ed. Russell Jones (London: Penned in the Margins), s. 27
[30] ORWELL, George. 1983. Nineteen Eighty-Four (Harmondsworth: Penguin)
[31] PIERCY, Marge. 1982. "The World in the Year 2000", in The Umbral Anthology of Science Fiction Poetry, ed. Steve Rasnic Tem (Denver: Umbral Press), s. 97
[32] RICH, Mark. 2010. "It Snowed", in The 2010 Rhysling Anthology, ed. Jaime Lee Mayer (SPFA), s. 52
[33] THOMAS, D. M. 1973. "Limbo", in Frontier of Going: An Anthology of Space Poetry, ed. John Fairfax (Herts: Granada Publishing), s. 52
[34] THOMAS, D. M. 1969. "Missionary", in Holding Your Eight Hands: An Anthology of Science Fiction Verse, ed. Edward Lucie-Smith (Garden City, NY: Doubleday), s. 107–109
[35] WELLS, Herbert George. 1967. A Modern Utopia (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press)
[36] WHITMAN, Walt. 1959. Leaves of Grass, ed. Malcolm Cowley (New York: Viking)
[37] WORDSWORTH, William. 1800. Lyrical Ballads, with Other Poems (London: T. N. Longman and O. Rees) [cit. 2018-9-04] Dostupné na internetu: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/8905
[38] YASZEK, Lisa a Patrick SHARP, eds. 2016. Sisters of Tomorrow: The First Women of Science Fiction (Middletown: Wesleyan University Press)
[39] ATTEBERY, Brian. 2003. "The Magazine Era: 1926–1960," in The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction, ed. Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), s. 32–47
[40] BALLENTINE, Lee. 1989. "Opening Salvos", in Poly: New Speculative Writing, ed. Lee Ballentine (Mountain View: Ocean View Books), číslování stránek neuvedeno
[41] CATANZANO, Amy. 2014. "Magical Correspondences, Part 2 of 6," Jacket2 [online] [cit. 2018-9-04] Dostupné na internetu: http://jacket2.org/commentary/magical-correspondences-part-2-6
[42] COOK, Paul. 2013. "Why Science Fiction Poetry is Embarrassingly Bad," Amazing Stories [online] [cit. 2018-9-04] Dostupné na internetu: http://amazingstoriesmag.com/2013/02/why-science-fiction-poetry-is-embarrassingly-bad/
[43] EAGLETON, Terry. 1996. Literary Theory: An Introduction (Malden: Blackwell Publishing)
[44] ELGIN, Suzette Haden. 1999. "About Science Fiction Poetry" http://www.sfwa.org/members/Elgin/SFPoetry.htm
[45] GALLAGHER, Kristen. 2013. "WHY Spam?" Jacket2 [online] [cit. 2018-7-08] Dostupné na internetu: http://jacket2.org/commentary/why-spam
[46] GREEN, Scott E. 2001. "Marketing Science Fiction Poetry," WritersWeekly [online] [cit. 2018-9-04] Dostupné na internetu: http://writersweekly.com/this-weeks.article/marketing-science-fiction-poetry-by-scott-e-green
[47] HYLES, Vernon. 1989. "The Poetry of the Fantastic", in The Poetic Fantastic: Studies in an Evolving Genre, ed. Patrick D. Murphy and Vernon Hyles (New York: Greenwood), s. 2–9
[48] JACOBS, Naomi. 2007. "Utopia and the Beloved Community", in Utopia Method Vision: The Use Value of Social Dreaming, ed. Tom Moylan and Raffaella Baccolini (Bern: Peter Lang), s. 223–244
[49] LINDSKOLD, Jane M. 1992. "The Pervasive Influence of Poetry in the Works of Roger Zelazny," Extrapolation 33:1, s. 41–58 | DOI 10.3828/extr.1992.33.1.41
[50] MIÉVILLE, China. 2009. "Afterword: Cognition as Ideology", in Red Planets: Marxism and Science Fiction, ed. Mark Bould and China Miéville (Middletown: Wesleyan University Press), s. 231–248
[51] MULLEN, R. D. 1995. "From Standard Magazines to Pulps and Big Slicks: A Note on the History of US General and Fiction Magazines," Science Fiction Studies [online] [cit. 2018-7-08] Dostupné na internetu: http://www.depauw.edu/sfs/backissues/65/mullen65.htm
[52] MURPHY, Patrick. 1989. "Foreword", in The Poetic Fantastic: Studies in an Evolving Genre, ed. Patrick D. Murphy and Vernon Hyles (New York: Greenwood), s. xi–xxv
[53] PORTE, Rebecca Ariel. 2012. "The Best Books of Poetry for Every Kind of Science Fiction Fan" gizmondo.com [online] [cit. 2018-9-04] Dostupné na internetu: https://io9.gizmodo.com/5885724/the-perfect-poetry-for-every-type-ofscience-fiction-fan
[54] ROBERTS, Adam. 2000. Science Fiction (London and New York: Routledge)
[55] RUSS, Joanna. 1975. "Towards an Aesthetics of Science Fiction," Science Fiction Studies 2:6 [online] [cit. 2018-9-04] Dostupné na internetu: http://www.depauw.edu/sfs/backissues/6/russ6art.htm
[56] SARGENT, Lyman Tower. 2010. Utopianism: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
[57] SNEYD, Steve. 2012. "Wormholing into Elsewhere", in Where Rockets Burn Through: Contemporary Science Fiction Poems from the U. K., ed. Russell Jones (London: Penned in the Margins), s. 19–24
[58] SNEYD, Steve. n.d. "Lining Up on the Precipice–The Shape and Role of Poetry in Brian Aldiss' Barefoot in the Head" [online] [cit. 2018-9-04] Dostupné na internetu: http://www.zone-sf.com/bithaldiss.html
[59] SNYDER, Gary. 1974. "For the Children", in Turtle Island (New York: New Directions), s. 86
[60] SUVIN, Darko. 1973. "Defining the Literary Genre of Utopia: Some Historical Semantics, Some Genology, a Proposal and a Plea", Studies in the Literary Imagination 6.2, s. 121–145
[61] SUVIN, Darko. 1979. Metamorphoses of Science Fiction: On the Poetics and History of the Literary Genre (New Haven: Yale University Press)
[62] SUVIN, Darko. 2010. "Visions off Yamada", in Defined by a Hollow: Essays on Utopia, Science Fiction and Political Epistemology (Oxford: Peter Lang), s. 105–106
[63] SUVIN, Darko. 2017. "Parables and Uses of a Stumbling Stone", Arcadia 52:2, s. 271–300 | DOI 10.1515/arcadia-2017-0035
[64] TEM, Steve Rasnic, ed. 1982. "Introduction", in The Umbral Anthology of Science Fiction Poetry (Denver: Umbral Press), s. xi–xiv
[65] WESTFAHL, Gary, ed. 2005. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes, Works, and Wonders (Westport: Greenwood Press)
[66] WYMER, Thomas L. 1999. "Comes Now the Power: Roger Zelazny's Transformation of Romantic Poetic Themes," Extrapolation 40:4, s. 320–324 | DOI 10.3828/extr.1999.40.4.320