On the adjective/adverb interface: subject-related -ly

Název: On the adjective/adverb interface: subject-related -ly
Zdrojový dokument: Brno studies in English. 2022, roč. 48, č. 1, s. 51-69
  • ISSN
    0524-6881 (print)
    1805-0867 (online)
Type: Článek

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Subject-relatedness is a term used to define subject-oriented -ly adverbs that are not liable to convey adverbial meaning and only retain the predicative function (Díaz-Negrillo 2014, Valera 2014). Previous corpus evidence of subject-relatedness has been found in colour adjectives (Valera 2014), which seems to restrict subject-relatedness to this narrow semantic class but, as colour adjectives are central members of this word-class (cf. Dixon 1977), the relevance of these subject-related adverbs may be higher than presumed. The present paper presents results of a systematic corpus search of 17,460 BNC bigrams containing verbs followed by subject-related -ly adverbs. The results show subject-relatedness beyond colour adjectives alone and in a wide range of combinations. The interpretations of the mismatch between the suffix -ly and the categorial meaning associated with this suffix or with the structures where they appear are manifold and could make an impact on the classification of adjectives and adverbs.
This paper has been supported by the Spanish State Research Agency (SRA, Ministry of Science and Innovation) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (Ref. PID2020-119851GB-I00-AEI-10.13039-501100011033).
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