Název: Manufacturing authenticity : anonymous acting celebrities in Atalaya's production of Lorca's The House of Bernarda Alba (2009)
Zdrojový dokument: Theatralia. 2012, roč. 15, č. 2, s. 100-111
ISSN1803-845X (print)2336-4548 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/124415
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence
Upozornění: Tyto citace jsou generovány automaticky. Nemusí být zcela správně podle citačních pravidel.
In this essay I first review the concepts of "stage figure" and "acting celebrity" as developed by Otakar Zich (and later, Jiří Veltruský) and Michael Quinn, respectively. I then propose the new term "anonymous acting celebrity." The concept of herecká postava (literally "figure of the actor," but frequently translated to English as "stage figure") was formulated by Zich who coined the concept of "stage figure" in his Aesthetics of the Dramatic Art (1931), and Veltruský first approached this idea in 1940 in his essay "Man and Object in the Theatre." In the 1970s, Veltruský also authored a rich corpus of essays that contained multiple references to the concept of stage figure. In his 1989 essay "Celebrity and the Semiotics of Acting", Michael Quinn adopted Veltruský's terminology in order to show to what extent the presence of charismatic actors may considerably affect the reception of a play – no matter the artistic plans of authors and/or directors. To illustrate my idea of the anonymous acting celebrity, I discuss a recent production of Federico García Lorca's The House of Bernarda Alba by the Seville-based theatre group Atalaya. For this project, the director Pepa Gamboa recruited a group of local gypsy women who had no previous acting training. To explain the 'authenticity' effect of Atalaya's The House of Bernarda Alba, I develop the notion of "anonymous acting celebrity" as a way to uncover the numerous pragmatic implications that surrounded the collective reception of this production.
[1] FORDHAM, Elizabeth. 2009‒10. A Critical Analysis of Michael Quinn's 'Celebrity and the Semiotics of Acting'. Innervate 2 (2009‒10): 87‒93.
[2] HONZL, Jindřich. 1939. Herecká postava [Stage Figure]. Slovo a slovenost 5 (1939): 145‒150.
[3] QUINN, Michael. 1990. Celebrity and the Semiotics of Acting. New Theatre Quarterly 6 (1990): 22: 154‒161.
[4] QUINN, Michael. 1989. The Prague School Concept of the Stage Figure. In Irmengard Ranch, and Gerald F. Carr (eds.). The Semiotic Bridge. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 1989: 75‒85.
[5] VELTRUSKÝ, Jiří. 1976. Contribution to the semiotics of acting. In Ladislav Matějka (ed.). Sound, Sign and Meaning: Quinquagenary of the Prague Linguistic Circle. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1976: 553‒606.
[6] VELTRUSKÝ, Jiří. 1964. Man and Object in the Theatre. In Paul Garvin (ed.). A Prague School Reader on Esthetics, Literary Structure and Style. Washington: Georgetown UP, 1964: 83‒91.
[7] VELTRUSKÝ, Jiří. 1981. The Prague School Theory of Theatre. Poetics Today 2 (1981): 3: 225‒235. | DOI 10.2307/1772473
[8] ZICH, Otakar. 1986. Estetika dramatického umění [Aesthetics of the Dramatic Arts]. Prague: Panorama, 1986.
[2] HONZL, Jindřich. 1939. Herecká postava [Stage Figure]. Slovo a slovenost 5 (1939): 145‒150.
[3] QUINN, Michael. 1990. Celebrity and the Semiotics of Acting. New Theatre Quarterly 6 (1990): 22: 154‒161.
[4] QUINN, Michael. 1989. The Prague School Concept of the Stage Figure. In Irmengard Ranch, and Gerald F. Carr (eds.). The Semiotic Bridge. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 1989: 75‒85.
[5] VELTRUSKÝ, Jiří. 1976. Contribution to the semiotics of acting. In Ladislav Matějka (ed.). Sound, Sign and Meaning: Quinquagenary of the Prague Linguistic Circle. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1976: 553‒606.
[6] VELTRUSKÝ, Jiří. 1964. Man and Object in the Theatre. In Paul Garvin (ed.). A Prague School Reader on Esthetics, Literary Structure and Style. Washington: Georgetown UP, 1964: 83‒91.
[7] VELTRUSKÝ, Jiří. 1981. The Prague School Theory of Theatre. Poetics Today 2 (1981): 3: 225‒235. | DOI 10.2307/1772473
[8] ZICH, Otakar. 1986. Estetika dramatického umění [Aesthetics of the Dramatic Arts]. Prague: Panorama, 1986.