Název: Náboženství a internet
Zdrojový dokument: Sacra. 2004, roč. 2, č. 2, s. 47-57
ISSN1214-5351 (print)2336-4483 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/118374
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence
Upozornění: Tyto citace jsou generovány automaticky. Nemusí být zcela správně podle citačních pravidel.
[1] Anderson, Walter Truett, "Communities in a world of open systems", Futures 31, 1999, s. 457-463. | DOI 10.1016/S0016-3287(99)00005-1
[2] Arthur, Shawn, "Technophilia and Nature Religion: the Growth of a Paradox", Religion 32, 2002 , s. 303-314. | DOI 10.1006/reli.2002.0407
[3] Dawson, Lorne L., "Cyberspace and Religious Life: Conceptualizing the Concerns and Consequences", http://www.cesnur.org/2001/london2001/dawson.htm.
[4] Helland, Christopher, "Surfing for Salvation", Religion 32, 2002, s. 293-302. | DOI 10.1006/reli.2002.0406
[5] Karaflogka, Anastasia, "Religious Discourse and Cyberspace", Religion 32, 2002, s. 279-291. | DOI 10.1006/reli.2002.0405
[6] Kovács, Attila, "Virtuální umma: Islám a islámští radikálové v kyberprostoru", Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 9/2, 2001, s. 181-188.
[7] Luzný, D., "Normativita v New Age a neopaganismu", in: Bělka, L. - Kováč, M. (eds.): Normativní a žité náboženství, Masarykova univerzita - Chronos, Brno –Bratislava 1999.
[8] Luzný, D., Nová náboženská hnutí, Masarykova univerzita, Brno 1997.
[9] Martínková, Libuše, "Treatment diplomové práce na téma Kyberprostor jako náboženský prostor", nepublikovaný rukopis, [23. 10. 2003].
[10] Maxwell, Patrick, "Virtual Religion in Context", Religion 32, 2002, s. 343-354. | DOI 10.1006/reli.2002.0410
[11] Schroeder, Ralph - Heather, Noel - Lee, Raymond M., "The Sacred and the Virtual: Religion in Multi-User Virtual Reality", http://www.ascusc.org/jcmc/vol4/issue2/schroeder.html
[12] Smith, Jonathan Z., Imagining Religion: From Babylon to Jonestown, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago – London 1988.
[13] Stark, Rodney, "Church and Sect", in: Hammond, P. E. (ed.), The Sacred in a Secular Age, University of California Press, Berkeley – Los Angeles, London 1985, 139-149.
[14] Swatos, William H. – Kivisto, Peter, Sociology of Religion: Contemporary Developments, Altamira Press, Walnut Creek 2002.
[2] Arthur, Shawn, "Technophilia and Nature Religion: the Growth of a Paradox", Religion 32, 2002 , s. 303-314. | DOI 10.1006/reli.2002.0407
[3] Dawson, Lorne L., "Cyberspace and Religious Life: Conceptualizing the Concerns and Consequences", http://www.cesnur.org/2001/london2001/dawson.htm.
[4] Helland, Christopher, "Surfing for Salvation", Religion 32, 2002, s. 293-302. | DOI 10.1006/reli.2002.0406
[5] Karaflogka, Anastasia, "Religious Discourse and Cyberspace", Religion 32, 2002, s. 279-291. | DOI 10.1006/reli.2002.0405
[6] Kovács, Attila, "Virtuální umma: Islám a islámští radikálové v kyberprostoru", Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 9/2, 2001, s. 181-188.
[7] Luzný, D., "Normativita v New Age a neopaganismu", in: Bělka, L. - Kováč, M. (eds.): Normativní a žité náboženství, Masarykova univerzita - Chronos, Brno –Bratislava 1999.
[8] Luzný, D., Nová náboženská hnutí, Masarykova univerzita, Brno 1997.
[9] Martínková, Libuše, "Treatment diplomové práce na téma Kyberprostor jako náboženský prostor", nepublikovaný rukopis, [23. 10. 2003].
[10] Maxwell, Patrick, "Virtual Religion in Context", Religion 32, 2002, s. 343-354. | DOI 10.1006/reli.2002.0410
[11] Schroeder, Ralph - Heather, Noel - Lee, Raymond M., "The Sacred and the Virtual: Religion in Multi-User Virtual Reality", http://www.ascusc.org/jcmc/vol4/issue2/schroeder.html
[12] Smith, Jonathan Z., Imagining Religion: From Babylon to Jonestown, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago – London 1988.
[13] Stark, Rodney, "Church and Sect", in: Hammond, P. E. (ed.), The Sacred in a Secular Age, University of California Press, Berkeley – Los Angeles, London 1985, 139-149.
[14] Swatos, William H. – Kivisto, Peter, Sociology of Religion: Contemporary Developments, Altamira Press, Walnut Creek 2002.