Ballova (ne)typická postmoderna

Název: Ballova (ne)typická postmoderna
Zdrojový dokument: Postmodernismus : smysl, funkce a výklad : (jazyk, literatura, kultura, politika). Pospíšil, Ivo (editor); Šaur, Josef (editor); Zelenková, Anna (editor). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2012, pp. [105]-114
Přístupová práva
otevřený přístup
Licence: Neurčená licence
The paper analyses value as a general starting point of rules of social order. It introduces several thinkers who dealt with postmodernism (Lyotard, Di Fabio, Berthens, Giddens, Wellmer, Foucault etc.) from the point of view of values respectively of the very definition and theoretical demarcation of the notion. Gradually, the intra- and intercultural dimension of postmodernism is accentuated as well as motion as destructive phenomenon in relation mainly to language. In turn it shifts towards general structural analysis of the postmodern text as such (coding, decoding; the relation of the subject and the object etc.) mainly with an emphasis on the recipient. Theoretical starting points are later applied to a selected literary text by the Slovak postmodernist, Vladimír Balla. There are typical and atypical postmodern elements cited from one of his works V mene otca (In the name of the father) which are completed with specific extracts from the original.
  • Príspevok je výstupom z prvej časti grantovej úlohy UGA č. IX/9/2011 (SOFIA kód projektu: I-08-501-01) s názvom Súčasná slovenská literatúra (a slovensko-maďarské vzťahy v slovenských literárnych časopisoch).