Název: The ICOM museum definition: ICOM Germany between functionaries, members, and activists
Zdrojový dokument: Museologica Brunensia. 2022, roč. 11, č. 1, s. 49-55
ISSN1805-4722 (print)2464-5362 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (DOI): https://doi.org/10.5817/MuB2022-1-5
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/digilib.77026
Type: Článek
Licence: undefined
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[1] BONILLA-MERCHAV, Lauran and Bruno BRULON SOARES. E-mail to the author. 28 July 2021.
[2] FREISE, Oliver and Hans LOCHMANN. Konferenz der öffentlichen Museumsberatung. Tagung 2020 in der Welterbestadt Quedlinburg. Museumszeit. Mitteilungsblatt [Museumsverband Niedersachsen und Bremen e.V.] 2020, no. 77, p. 37. ISSN 2699-609X.
[3] GUIRAGOSSIAN, Olivia and Marion BERTIN. ICOFOM survey on the new museum definition. ICOFOM Study Series, 2020, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 264–277. ISSN 2309-1290.
[4] Mitteilungen, 2020, vol. 27, no. 42, pp. 5–8. ICOM Deutschland. ISSN 1865-6749.
[5] Mitteilungen, 2021, vol. 28, no. 43, pp. 28–29. ICOM Deutschland. ISSN 1865-6749.
[6] Offener Brief an die Vertreter*innen von ICOM Deutschland. In OpenPetition [online]. [accessed 2022-01-31]. Available from www: https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/offener-brief-an-die-vertreterinnen-von-icom-deutschland#petition-main.
[7] OpenPetition [online]. [accessed 2022-01-31]. Available from www: https://www.openpetition.de/petition/unterzeichner/icom-change#petition-main.
[8] Plädoyer für eine essenzielle Museumsdefinition des Weltverbands ICOM. In Embassy of Culture [online]. 15 June 2021 [accessed 2022-01-31]. Available from www: https://embassy-of-culture.com/project/mp4md_icom/.
[9] RAOUL-DUVAL, Juliette (ed.). What definition do museums need? Proceedings of the ICOM committees' day. Paris, Grande galerie de l'évolution (MNHN), March 10, 2020 [online]. Paris: ICOM France, 2020 [accessed 2022-01-31]. Available from www: https://www.icom-musees.fr/ressources/what-definition-do-museums-need. ISBN 978-2-492113-00-0.
[10] SANDAHL, Jette. Addressing societal responsibilities through core museum functions and methods: the museum definition, prospects and potentials. Museum International, 2019, vol. 71, no. 281–282, pp. IV–V. ISSN 1350-0775.
[11] The museum: second report on the ICOM member feedback for a new museum definition (9 November §§2021§§) [online]. [accessed 2022-01-31]. Available from www: https://www.icom.museum. Space accessible only for members.
[12] UNESCO recommendation concerning the protection and promotion of museums and collections, their diversity and their role in society [online]. Paris, 17 November 2015 [accessed 2022-01-31]. Available from www: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000246331.
[13] WALZ, Markus (ed.). Museum: ausreichend. Die "untere Grenze" der Museumsdefinition. Internationales Bodensee-Symposium von ICOM Schweiz, ICOM Österreich und ICOM Deutschland, 21.–23.06.2018 in Friedrichshafen. [online]. Heidelberg: arthistoricum.net, 2020 [accessed 2022-01-31]. Available from www: https://books.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/arthistoricum/catalog/book/565. ISBN 978-3-94744992-7.
[2] FREISE, Oliver and Hans LOCHMANN. Konferenz der öffentlichen Museumsberatung. Tagung 2020 in der Welterbestadt Quedlinburg. Museumszeit. Mitteilungsblatt [Museumsverband Niedersachsen und Bremen e.V.] 2020, no. 77, p. 37. ISSN 2699-609X.
[3] GUIRAGOSSIAN, Olivia and Marion BERTIN. ICOFOM survey on the new museum definition. ICOFOM Study Series, 2020, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 264–277. ISSN 2309-1290.
[4] Mitteilungen, 2020, vol. 27, no. 42, pp. 5–8. ICOM Deutschland. ISSN 1865-6749.
[5] Mitteilungen, 2021, vol. 28, no. 43, pp. 28–29. ICOM Deutschland. ISSN 1865-6749.
[6] Offener Brief an die Vertreter*innen von ICOM Deutschland. In OpenPetition [online]. [accessed 2022-01-31]. Available from www: https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/offener-brief-an-die-vertreterinnen-von-icom-deutschland#petition-main.
[7] OpenPetition [online]. [accessed 2022-01-31]. Available from www: https://www.openpetition.de/petition/unterzeichner/icom-change#petition-main.
[8] Plädoyer für eine essenzielle Museumsdefinition des Weltverbands ICOM. In Embassy of Culture [online]. 15 June 2021 [accessed 2022-01-31]. Available from www: https://embassy-of-culture.com/project/mp4md_icom/.
[9] RAOUL-DUVAL, Juliette (ed.). What definition do museums need? Proceedings of the ICOM committees' day. Paris, Grande galerie de l'évolution (MNHN), March 10, 2020 [online]. Paris: ICOM France, 2020 [accessed 2022-01-31]. Available from www: https://www.icom-musees.fr/ressources/what-definition-do-museums-need. ISBN 978-2-492113-00-0.
[10] SANDAHL, Jette. Addressing societal responsibilities through core museum functions and methods: the museum definition, prospects and potentials. Museum International, 2019, vol. 71, no. 281–282, pp. IV–V. ISSN 1350-0775.
[11] The museum: second report on the ICOM member feedback for a new museum definition (9 November §§2021§§) [online]. [accessed 2022-01-31]. Available from www: https://www.icom.museum. Space accessible only for members.
[12] UNESCO recommendation concerning the protection and promotion of museums and collections, their diversity and their role in society [online]. Paris, 17 November 2015 [accessed 2022-01-31]. Available from www: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000246331.
[13] WALZ, Markus (ed.). Museum: ausreichend. Die "untere Grenze" der Museumsdefinition. Internationales Bodensee-Symposium von ICOM Schweiz, ICOM Österreich und ICOM Deutschland, 21.–23.06.2018 in Friedrichshafen. [online]. Heidelberg: arthistoricum.net, 2020 [accessed 2022-01-31]. Available from www: https://books.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/arthistoricum/catalog/book/565. ISBN 978-3-94744992-7.