Secret police and practices of social control : constructing the case against non-conformist youth (Leningrad, 1964–1965)

Název: Secret police and practices of social control : constructing the case against non-conformist youth (Leningrad, 1964–1965)
Zdrojový dokument: Studia historica Brunensia. 2022, roč. 69, č. 2, s. 241-259
  • ISSN
    1803-7429 (print)
    2336-4513 (online)
Type: Článek
Jazyk shrnutí
LOPATINA, Sofia. Secret police and practices of social control: constructing the case against non-conformist youth (Leningrad, 1964–1965). Online. Studia historica Brunensia. 2022, roč. 69, č. 2, s. 241-259. ISSN 1803-7429 (print). Dostupné z: [cit. 2025-01-10].

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This article traces back the practices of social control over renegade youth and the strategies of the control's legitimization based on the case study of Joseph Brodsky's affair (1964) in Leningrad. Brodsky was prosecuted as a part of a non-conformist youth milieu; his case can be interpreted as an attempt to manage, identify, and destroy the milieus of non-conformist young people. Secret police, which will be viewed as a primary agent of social control, used several strategies to destroy such undesirable youth milieus. Though formally he was accused as a social parasite, the investigators wrote their own version of Brodsky's biography in the file, considering his past and his private networks.
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