Název: Classification of museums based on the use of smells
Variantní název:
- Klasifikace muzeí na základě použití vůní
Zdrojový dokument: Museologica Brunensia. 2024, roč. 13, č. 2, s. 46-54
ISSN1805-4722 (print)2464-5362 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (DOI): https://doi.org/10.5817/MuB2024-2-5
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/digilib.81068
Type: Článek
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0 International
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This article examines the classification of museums based on their use of smells, which is an understudied field in museology despite the growing popularity of multi-sensory exhibitions. Through an analysis of existing literature and real-world examples, the study identifies key categories of museums where scents are used as a core element of exhibitions or as an aid to enhance historical or emotional perception. The proposed classification aims to systematize different approaches to integrating smells into the museum environment, which will assist curators and researchers in the innovative use of olfactory elements to enrich the visitor experience.
Tento článek se zabývá klasifikací muzeí na základě využití vůní, jemuž je v muzeologii i přes rostoucí popularitu multisenzorických výstav stále věnována nedostatečná pozornost. Na základě analýzy stávající literatury a příkladů z praxe studie definuje klíčové kategorie muzeí, kde jsou vůně používány jako základní prvek výstav nebo jako pomůcka ke zlepšení vnímání historie či emocí. Navrhovaná klasifikace si klade za cíl systematizovat různé přístupy k integraci vůní do muzejního prostředí, což pomůže kurátorům a badatelům při inovativním využití čichových prvků k obohacení zážitku návštěvníků.
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[2] Apteka-muzej doktora Pelya – Аптека-музей доктора Пеля [online]. [accessed 2023-09-01]. Available from www: https://aptekapelya.ru/.
[3] Archiv vůní Kladruby. In Národní památkový ústav [online]. [accessed 2024-08-12]. Available from www: https://www.klaster-kladruby.cz/cs/archiv-vuni.
[4] BEMBIBRE, Cecilia and Matija STRLIČ. Smell of heritage: a framework for the identification, analysis and archival of historic odours. Heritage Science [online]. 2017, vol. 2 [accessed 2024-08-05]. Available from www: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s40494-016-0114-1. ISSN 2050-7445.
[5] CLASSEN, Constance. Touch in the Museum. In CLASSEN, Constance (ed.). The Book of Touch. London: Routledge, 2005. ISBN 978-1-00313-546-3.
[6] České farmaceutické muzeum [online]. [accessed 2024-08-01]. Available from www: https://www.ceska-apatyka.cz/.
[7] DE CARO, Laura. Moulding the Museum Medium: Explorations on Embodied and Multisensory Experience in Contemporary Museum Environments. In ICOFOM Study Series [online]. 2015, vol. 43b, pp. 55–70 [accessed 2024-08-12]. Available from www: https://journals.openedition.org/iss/367. ISBN 978-92-9012-414-6. https://doi.org/10.4000/iss.397
[8] Designing with Smell: Practices, Techniques and Challenges. 1st ed. London: Routledge, 2017. ISBN 978-1-138-95554-7.
[9] Fleeting – Scents in colour. In Mauritshuis [online]. [accessed 2024-08-02]. Available from www: https://www.mauritshuis.nl/en/what-s-on/exhibitions/exhibitions-from-the-past/fleeting-scents-in-colour/.
[10] GRINKO, Ivan, SHEVCOVA, Anna and Aleksandr GONCHAROV. Olfaktornoe vospriyatie v muzee: posetitelskij opyt. Vestnik antropologii – ГРИНЬКО, Иван, ШЕВЦОВА, Анна и Александр ГОНЧАРОВ. Ольфакторное восприятие в музее: посетительский опыт. Вестник антропологии [online]. 2022, no. 1, pp. 45–58 [accessed 2024-07-07]. Available from www: https://journals.iea.ras.ru/vestantrop/article/view/794/918. ISSN 2311-0546. https://doi.org/10.33876/2311-0546/2022-1/45-58
[11] Guided tour: Fleeting – Scents in Colour. In Mauritshuis [online]. [accessed 2024-08-15]. Available from www: https://www.mauritshuis.nl/en/what-s-on/exhibitions/exhibitions-from-the-past/fleeting-scents-in-colour/guided-tour-fleeting-scents-in-colour/.
[12] HATT, Hanns and Regine DEE. Tajemství vůní a chutí: jak působí na naši psychiku. Praha: Portál, 2021. ISBN 978-80-262-1788-6.
[13] Honeysuckle V&A candle. In V&A Shop [online]. [accessed 2024-08-12]. Available from www: https://www.vam.ac.uk/shop/homeware/home-accessories/honeysuckle-vacandle-162860.html.
[14] HOOPER-GREENHILL, Eilean. Museums and Education: Purpose, pedagogy, performance. 1st ed. London: Routledge, 2007 [online]. [accessed 2024-08-07]. Available from www: https://www.perlego.com/book/1606897/museums-and-education-purpose-pedagogy-performance-pdf. ISBN 978-0-415-37936-6.
[15] KOZHEVNIKOVA, Daria. Koncepce multisenzorického muzea: jak používat vůně ke komunikaci s návštěvníky [online]. Brno: Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Archaeology and Museology, 2024 [accessed 2024-08-07]. Available from www: https://is.muni.cz/th/a5mfv/. Master's thesis. Supervisor Mgr. Lucie Jagošová, DiS., PhD.
[16] LEVENT, Nina and Alvaro PASKUAL-LEONE (eds.). The Multisensory Museum: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Touch, Sound, Smell, Memory, and Space. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014. ISBN 978-0-7591-2354-0.
[17] MAXLINA, Svetlana. Olfakciya – vazhnyj element neverbalnoj semiotiki. Zhurnal trudy Sankt-peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo instituta kultury – МАХЛИНА, Светлана. Ольфакция – важный элемент невербальной семиотики. Журнал Труды Санкт-Петербургского государственного института культуры [online]. 2007, no. 172, pp. 266–272 [accessed 2024-07-07]. Available from www: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/olfaktsiya-vazhnyy-element-neverbalnoy-semiotiki. ISSN 2308-0051.
[18] MORGAN, Jennie. The Multisensory Museum. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU [online]. 2012, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 66–67 [accessed 2024-08-12]. Available from www: https://www.storre.stir.ac.uk/bitstream/1893/28242/1/Morgan%202011.pdf. ISSN 2334-8259.
[19] MUCHEMBLED, Robert. Smells: A Cultural History of Odours in Early Modern Times. Cambridge: Polity, 2020. ISBN 978-1-5095-3679-5.
[20] Musée International de la Parfumerie [online]. [accessed 2024-08-19]. Available from www: https://www.museesdegrasse.com/presentation-du-musee-0.
[21] Museo Villoresi [online]. [accessed 2024-08-12]. Available from www: https://museovilloresi.it/museo/.
[22] Muzej emocij - Музей эмоций [online]. [accessed 2024-08-02]. Available from www: https://museumofemotions.ru/.
[23] Muzej parfyumerii - Музей парфюмерии [online]. [accessed 2024-08-19]. Available from www: http://parfmuzey.ru/.
[24] Norse-ty niffs. In JORVIK Viking Centre [online]. 2017 [accessed 2024-08-01]. Available from www: https://www.jorvikvikingcentre.co.uk/press/norse-ty-niffs-historic-aroma-packages-trialled-bring-vikings-smells-home/.
[25] Olfactory Art Keller [online]. [accessed 2024-08-03]. Available from www: https://www.olfactoryartkeller.com/.
[26] Perfume museum [online]. [accessed 2024-08-19]. Available from www: https://museumperfume.ru/perfume-museum.
[27] Rose and geranium hand and body lotion. In V&A Shop [online]. [accessed 2024-08-12]. Available from www: https://www.vam.ac.uk/shop/homeware/home-fragrance/rose-and-geranium-hand-and-body-lotion-166839.html.
[28] Scents of Exile. In Olfactory Art Keller [online]. 2021 [accessed 2024-08-10]. Available from www: https://www.olfactoryartkeller.com/exhibitions/scents-of-exile.
[29] SOXAREVA, Tatyana. Poslushajte aromat: istoriya zapaxov v iskusstve. In ARTGID – СОХАРЕВА, Татьяна. Послушайте аромат: история запахов в искусстве. In АРТГИД [online]. 2021 [accessed 2024-07-07]. Available from www: https://artguide.com/practices/2203.
[30] SPENCE, Charles. Scenting the Anosmic Cube: On the Use of Ambient Scent in the Context of the Art Gallery or Museum. I-Perception [online]. 2020, vol. 11, no. 6 [accessed 2024-08-05]. Available from www: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2041669520966628. ISSN 2041-6695. https://doi.org/10.1177/2041669520966628
[31] Spicy`s Gewürzmuseum GmbH [online]. [accessed 2024-08-01]. Available from www: https://www.spicys.de.
[32] Sunflower pop eau de parfum. In Floral Street [online]. [accessed 2024-08-15]. Available from www: https://floralstreet.com/products/sunflower-pop-eau-de-parfum.
[33] The Coffee Museum [online]. [accessed 2024-08-10]. Available from www: https://www.coffeemuseum.ae/index.php.
[34] The Chocolate Museum [online]. [accessed 2024-08-10]. Available from www: https://www.thechocolatemuseum.co.uk.
[35] Van Gogh Museum and Floral Street Present Parfum 'Sunflower Pop'. In Van Gogh Museum [online]. 2021 [accessed 2024-08-15]. Available from www: https://www.vangoghmuseum.nl/en/about/news-and-press/press-releases/van-gogh-museum-and-floral-street-present-parfum-sunflower-pop.
[36] Van Gogh Museum Wins Brand & Lifestyle Licensing Award for Sunflower Pop Perfume. In Van Gogh Museum [online]. [accessed 2024-08-15]. Available from www: https://www.vangoghmuseum.nl/en/about/news-and-press/news/van-gogh-museum-wins-brand-lifestyle-licensing-award-for-sunflower-pop-perfume.
[37] Vse muzei parfyumerii Evropy – Все музеи парфюмерии Европы. In Perfume museum [online]. [accessed 2024-08-19]. Available from www: https://museumperfume.ru/perfume_museum_in_the_world.
[38] Welterbe Info Point [online]. [accessed 2024-08-14]. Available from www: https://worldheritage.hamburg/de/spicys-und-speicherstadtmuseum-gedaechtnisse-des-welthafens/.
[39] Zahrada vůní. In Centrum léčivých rostlin LF MU [online]. 2022 [accessed 2024-08-01]. Available from www: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=466384005291436&set=a.181548960441610.
[2] Apteka-muzej doktora Pelya – Аптека-музей доктора Пеля [online]. [accessed 2023-09-01]. Available from www: https://aptekapelya.ru/.
[3] Archiv vůní Kladruby. In Národní památkový ústav [online]. [accessed 2024-08-12]. Available from www: https://www.klaster-kladruby.cz/cs/archiv-vuni.
[4] BEMBIBRE, Cecilia and Matija STRLIČ. Smell of heritage: a framework for the identification, analysis and archival of historic odours. Heritage Science [online]. 2017, vol. 2 [accessed 2024-08-05]. Available from www: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s40494-016-0114-1. ISSN 2050-7445.
[5] CLASSEN, Constance. Touch in the Museum. In CLASSEN, Constance (ed.). The Book of Touch. London: Routledge, 2005. ISBN 978-1-00313-546-3.
[6] České farmaceutické muzeum [online]. [accessed 2024-08-01]. Available from www: https://www.ceska-apatyka.cz/.
[7] DE CARO, Laura. Moulding the Museum Medium: Explorations on Embodied and Multisensory Experience in Contemporary Museum Environments. In ICOFOM Study Series [online]. 2015, vol. 43b, pp. 55–70 [accessed 2024-08-12]. Available from www: https://journals.openedition.org/iss/367. ISBN 978-92-9012-414-6. https://doi.org/10.4000/iss.397
[8] Designing with Smell: Practices, Techniques and Challenges. 1st ed. London: Routledge, 2017. ISBN 978-1-138-95554-7.
[9] Fleeting – Scents in colour. In Mauritshuis [online]. [accessed 2024-08-02]. Available from www: https://www.mauritshuis.nl/en/what-s-on/exhibitions/exhibitions-from-the-past/fleeting-scents-in-colour/.
[10] GRINKO, Ivan, SHEVCOVA, Anna and Aleksandr GONCHAROV. Olfaktornoe vospriyatie v muzee: posetitelskij opyt. Vestnik antropologii – ГРИНЬКО, Иван, ШЕВЦОВА, Анна и Александр ГОНЧАРОВ. Ольфакторное восприятие в музее: посетительский опыт. Вестник антропологии [online]. 2022, no. 1, pp. 45–58 [accessed 2024-07-07]. Available from www: https://journals.iea.ras.ru/vestantrop/article/view/794/918. ISSN 2311-0546. https://doi.org/10.33876/2311-0546/2022-1/45-58
[11] Guided tour: Fleeting – Scents in Colour. In Mauritshuis [online]. [accessed 2024-08-15]. Available from www: https://www.mauritshuis.nl/en/what-s-on/exhibitions/exhibitions-from-the-past/fleeting-scents-in-colour/guided-tour-fleeting-scents-in-colour/.
[12] HATT, Hanns and Regine DEE. Tajemství vůní a chutí: jak působí na naši psychiku. Praha: Portál, 2021. ISBN 978-80-262-1788-6.
[13] Honeysuckle V&A candle. In V&A Shop [online]. [accessed 2024-08-12]. Available from www: https://www.vam.ac.uk/shop/homeware/home-accessories/honeysuckle-vacandle-162860.html.
[14] HOOPER-GREENHILL, Eilean. Museums and Education: Purpose, pedagogy, performance. 1st ed. London: Routledge, 2007 [online]. [accessed 2024-08-07]. Available from www: https://www.perlego.com/book/1606897/museums-and-education-purpose-pedagogy-performance-pdf. ISBN 978-0-415-37936-6.
[15] KOZHEVNIKOVA, Daria. Koncepce multisenzorického muzea: jak používat vůně ke komunikaci s návštěvníky [online]. Brno: Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Archaeology and Museology, 2024 [accessed 2024-08-07]. Available from www: https://is.muni.cz/th/a5mfv/. Master's thesis. Supervisor Mgr. Lucie Jagošová, DiS., PhD.
[16] LEVENT, Nina and Alvaro PASKUAL-LEONE (eds.). The Multisensory Museum: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Touch, Sound, Smell, Memory, and Space. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014. ISBN 978-0-7591-2354-0.
[17] MAXLINA, Svetlana. Olfakciya – vazhnyj element neverbalnoj semiotiki. Zhurnal trudy Sankt-peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo instituta kultury – МАХЛИНА, Светлана. Ольфакция – важный элемент невербальной семиотики. Журнал Труды Санкт-Петербургского государственного института культуры [online]. 2007, no. 172, pp. 266–272 [accessed 2024-07-07]. Available from www: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/olfaktsiya-vazhnyy-element-neverbalnoy-semiotiki. ISSN 2308-0051.
[18] MORGAN, Jennie. The Multisensory Museum. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU [online]. 2012, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 66–67 [accessed 2024-08-12]. Available from www: https://www.storre.stir.ac.uk/bitstream/1893/28242/1/Morgan%202011.pdf. ISSN 2334-8259.
[19] MUCHEMBLED, Robert. Smells: A Cultural History of Odours in Early Modern Times. Cambridge: Polity, 2020. ISBN 978-1-5095-3679-5.
[20] Musée International de la Parfumerie [online]. [accessed 2024-08-19]. Available from www: https://www.museesdegrasse.com/presentation-du-musee-0.
[21] Museo Villoresi [online]. [accessed 2024-08-12]. Available from www: https://museovilloresi.it/museo/.
[22] Muzej emocij - Музей эмоций [online]. [accessed 2024-08-02]. Available from www: https://museumofemotions.ru/.
[23] Muzej parfyumerii - Музей парфюмерии [online]. [accessed 2024-08-19]. Available from www: http://parfmuzey.ru/.
[24] Norse-ty niffs. In JORVIK Viking Centre [online]. 2017 [accessed 2024-08-01]. Available from www: https://www.jorvikvikingcentre.co.uk/press/norse-ty-niffs-historic-aroma-packages-trialled-bring-vikings-smells-home/.
[25] Olfactory Art Keller [online]. [accessed 2024-08-03]. Available from www: https://www.olfactoryartkeller.com/.
[26] Perfume museum [online]. [accessed 2024-08-19]. Available from www: https://museumperfume.ru/perfume-museum.
[27] Rose and geranium hand and body lotion. In V&A Shop [online]. [accessed 2024-08-12]. Available from www: https://www.vam.ac.uk/shop/homeware/home-fragrance/rose-and-geranium-hand-and-body-lotion-166839.html.
[28] Scents of Exile. In Olfactory Art Keller [online]. 2021 [accessed 2024-08-10]. Available from www: https://www.olfactoryartkeller.com/exhibitions/scents-of-exile.
[29] SOXAREVA, Tatyana. Poslushajte aromat: istoriya zapaxov v iskusstve. In ARTGID – СОХАРЕВА, Татьяна. Послушайте аромат: история запахов в искусстве. In АРТГИД [online]. 2021 [accessed 2024-07-07]. Available from www: https://artguide.com/practices/2203.
[30] SPENCE, Charles. Scenting the Anosmic Cube: On the Use of Ambient Scent in the Context of the Art Gallery or Museum. I-Perception [online]. 2020, vol. 11, no. 6 [accessed 2024-08-05]. Available from www: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2041669520966628. ISSN 2041-6695. https://doi.org/10.1177/2041669520966628
[31] Spicy`s Gewürzmuseum GmbH [online]. [accessed 2024-08-01]. Available from www: https://www.spicys.de.
[32] Sunflower pop eau de parfum. In Floral Street [online]. [accessed 2024-08-15]. Available from www: https://floralstreet.com/products/sunflower-pop-eau-de-parfum.
[33] The Coffee Museum [online]. [accessed 2024-08-10]. Available from www: https://www.coffeemuseum.ae/index.php.
[34] The Chocolate Museum [online]. [accessed 2024-08-10]. Available from www: https://www.thechocolatemuseum.co.uk.
[35] Van Gogh Museum and Floral Street Present Parfum 'Sunflower Pop'. In Van Gogh Museum [online]. 2021 [accessed 2024-08-15]. Available from www: https://www.vangoghmuseum.nl/en/about/news-and-press/press-releases/van-gogh-museum-and-floral-street-present-parfum-sunflower-pop.
[36] Van Gogh Museum Wins Brand & Lifestyle Licensing Award for Sunflower Pop Perfume. In Van Gogh Museum [online]. [accessed 2024-08-15]. Available from www: https://www.vangoghmuseum.nl/en/about/news-and-press/news/van-gogh-museum-wins-brand-lifestyle-licensing-award-for-sunflower-pop-perfume.
[37] Vse muzei parfyumerii Evropy – Все музеи парфюмерии Европы. In Perfume museum [online]. [accessed 2024-08-19]. Available from www: https://museumperfume.ru/perfume_museum_in_the_world.
[38] Welterbe Info Point [online]. [accessed 2024-08-14]. Available from www: https://worldheritage.hamburg/de/spicys-und-speicherstadtmuseum-gedaechtnisse-des-welthafens/.
[39] Zahrada vůní. In Centrum léčivých rostlin LF MU [online]. 2022 [accessed 2024-08-01]. Available from www: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=466384005291436&set=a.181548960441610.