Ο Νικόλαος Κοπέρνικος ως μεταφραστής των "Ἐπιστολῶν" του Θεοφύλακτου Σιμοκάττη : γλωσσικά και ιστορικά συμφραζόμενα

Název: Ο Νικόλαος Κοπέρνικος ως μεταφραστής των "Ἐπιστολῶν" του Θεοφύλακτου Σιμοκάττη : γλωσσικά και ιστορικά συμφραζόμενα
Transliterovaný název
O Nikolaos Kopernikos os metafrastis ton "Epistolon" tou Theofylaktou Simokatti : glossika kai istorika symfrazomena
Variantní název:
  • Nicolaus Copernicus as translator of the "Letters" of Theophylact Simocatta : linguistic and historical context
Zdrojový dokument: Neograeca Bohemica. 2024, roč. 24, č. [1], s. 29-[45]
  • ISSN
    1803-6414 (print)
    2694-913x (online)
Type: Článek
Přístupová práva
otevřený přístup

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In this paper, I present a lesser-known aspect of the work of the Renaissance scholar and world-renowned astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus. As is well known, Copernicus' studies of astronomy required him to master Greek in addition to Latin. It is likely that he began his systematic study of Greek in Bologna in the classes of the well-known Hellenist Antony Urceus Codrus and continued while studying in Padua. As some researchers point out, it was during his stay in Padua – about which little is known – that Copernicus began to translate Greek texts into Latin. It is known that aft er his return from Italy, Copernicus set about translating the fi ctitious letters of Theophylact Simocatta. At the end of 1509, Copernicus' booklet of 22 pages (Theophilacti scolastici Simocati [sic] ep[isto]le morales, rurales et amatorie interpretatione latina) was published in Krakow. The translation of Simocatta's letters is an interesting document of Polish humanism. It is the fi rst ever translation from Greek by a Polish scholar. I will try to provide some insight into the historical and linguistic context of Copernicus' translation, and, using selected examples, shed some light on the question of the equivalence of Copernicus' translation to the Greek original.
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