Název: Call for papers : Studia paedagogica 24:2, 2019 : Issue topic: Transitions in educational contexts
Zdrojový dokument: Studia paedagogica. 2018, roč. 23, č. 1, s. [157]-[160]
ISSN1803-7437 (print)2336-4521 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/137845
Type: Jiný typ článku
Licence: Neurčená licence
Upozornění: Tyto citace jsou generovány automaticky. Nemusí být zcela správně podle citačních pravidel.
[1] Akos, P., & Galassi, J. P. (2004). Middle and high school transitions as viewed by students, parents and teachers. Professional School Counseling, 7(4), 212–221.
[2] Anderson, L. W., Jacobs, J., Schramm, S., & Splittgerber, F. (2000). School transitions: beginning of the end or a new beginning? International Journal of Educational Research, 33(4), 325–339. | DOI 10.1016/S0883-0355(00)00020-3
[3] Briggs, A. R. J., Clark, J., & Hall, I. (2012). Building bridges: Understanding student transition to university. Quality in Higher Education, 18(1), 3–21.
[4] Gasper, J., DeLuca, S., & Estacion, A. (2012). Switching schools: Revisiting the relationship between school mobility and high school dropout. American Educational Research Journal, 49(3), 487–519. | DOI 10.3102/0002831211415250
[5] Hanuschek, E. A., & Wößmann, L. (2006). Does educational tracking affect performance and inequality? Differences- in-differences evidence across countries. The Economic Journal, 116(510), c63–c76. | DOI 10.1111/j.1468-0297.2006.01076.x
[6] Pietsch, M, & Stubbe, T. C. (2007). Inequality in the transition from primary to secondary school: School choices and educational disparities in Germany. European Educational Research Journal, 6(4), 424–445. | DOI 10.2304/eerj.2007.6.4.424
[7] Zeedyk, M. S., Gallacher, J., Henderson, M., Hope, G., Husband, B., & Lindsay, K. (2003). Negotiating the transition from primary to secondary school. School Psychology International, 24(1), 67–79. | DOI 10.1177/0143034303024001010
[2] Anderson, L. W., Jacobs, J., Schramm, S., & Splittgerber, F. (2000). School transitions: beginning of the end or a new beginning? International Journal of Educational Research, 33(4), 325–339. | DOI 10.1016/S0883-0355(00)00020-3
[3] Briggs, A. R. J., Clark, J., & Hall, I. (2012). Building bridges: Understanding student transition to university. Quality in Higher Education, 18(1), 3–21.
[4] Gasper, J., DeLuca, S., & Estacion, A. (2012). Switching schools: Revisiting the relationship between school mobility and high school dropout. American Educational Research Journal, 49(3), 487–519. | DOI 10.3102/0002831211415250
[5] Hanuschek, E. A., & Wößmann, L. (2006). Does educational tracking affect performance and inequality? Differences- in-differences evidence across countries. The Economic Journal, 116(510), c63–c76. | DOI 10.1111/j.1468-0297.2006.01076.x
[6] Pietsch, M, & Stubbe, T. C. (2007). Inequality in the transition from primary to secondary school: School choices and educational disparities in Germany. European Educational Research Journal, 6(4), 424–445. | DOI 10.2304/eerj.2007.6.4.424
[7] Zeedyk, M. S., Gallacher, J., Henderson, M., Hope, G., Husband, B., & Lindsay, K. (2003). Negotiating the transition from primary to secondary school. School Psychology International, 24(1), 67–79. | DOI 10.1177/0143034303024001010