Alleum est planta et est duplex... : pojednání o česneku jako úvod do problematiky Herbáře Křišťana z Prachatic

Title: Alleum est planta et est duplex... : pojednání o česneku jako úvod do problematiky Herbáře Křišťana z Prachatic
Source document: Graeco-Latina Brunensia. 2009, vol. 14, iss. 1-2, pp. [287]-296
  • ISSN
    1803-7402 (print)
    2336-4424 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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The author analyzes the first Latin herbarium of Bohemian origin, which was written by Krišťan of Prachatice (f 1439), master of arts from Prague University, an important mathematician, astronomer and doctor ofmedicine. His Herbarium is preserved in its original Latin version as well as in a Czech translation. A single lemma - on garlic - invokes a large number of questions that could be answered only with the help ofa critical edition of the whole treatise. The paper brings transcriptions of four different accounts of garlic that show that not all copies of the Herbarium traditionally ascribed to Krišťan of Prachatice are indeed his work. Latin and Czech texts ofthe Herbarium certainly circulated in more versions and it is necessary to determine the following: 1. Which is the original version of the Herbarium, and which are its later adaptations? 2. Which of the texts have nothing in common with the Herbarium and were transmitted as a work of Krišťan of Prachatice only because of his reputation? 3. To what extent do the individual versions vary within the Latin or Czech text traditions as regards the number of lemma and their content? 4. What is the relationship between the Latin and the Czech versions (whether the Czech version is a literal translation, aparaphrase ora loose adaptation of the original Latin text)? 5. When were these versions composed if we take into consideration the preserved manuscripts? 6. What are their sources?
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