Title: Cesta Karla Vorovky k Americké filosofii
Variant title:
- Karel Vorovka's way to American philosophy
Source document: Studia philosophica. 2009, vol. 56, iss. 1-2, pp. [59]-67
ISSN1803-7445 (print)2336-453X (online)
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/115452
Type: Article
License: Not specified license
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This year it is 130 years since the birth and 80 years since the death of Karel Vorovka (3/2/1879 - 15/1/1929) as wellas 80 years since the publication of his American Philosophy. The author shows the way that led Vorovka to this work: his strong orientation to western thinking, his attendance at the 6th international philosophical congress taking place at Harvard University in Cambridge near Boston (13-17/9/1926) and his personal and professional relationships with Anglo-American philosophers. It presents Vorovka's "trip reports" from American meetings and the results of his studies: reviews of some Harvard philosophers' works (R. B. Perry, W. A. Hocking, C. I. Lewis) and journal articles on American neo-realism, personalism and behaviorism, which were eventually included in his, American Philosophy.