The legacy of the Linguistic Circle of Prague

Title: The legacy of the Linguistic Circle of Prague
Source document: Theatralia. 2012, vol. 15, iss. 2, pp. 24-36
  • ISSN
    1803-845X (print)
    2336-4548 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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My contention is that the epistemological and theoretical foundations of theatre semiotics was very much developed by the Prague School during the 1930s by scholars such as Petr Bogatyrev (1971, 1976, 1976a), Jindřich Honzl (1971, 1976, 1976a), Jiři Veltruský (1976, 1976a, 1976b, 1989, 1990) and indeed later by the works of Jan Mukařovský, Felix Vodička and others; that is, they introduced the paradigm (in the sense of Thomas Khun, 1970), and what followed in the early 1970s was 'normal science': the development of those foundations, and no important breakthrough came afterwards. They did the ground and seminal work, very much as the Russian Formalists did pertaining to narrative, literary history and poetic analysis. Thus, my intention in this paper is to underline this contribution and the importance that, without any doubt, the Circle would have had if their work could have been known and published before the advent of the so called School of Paris.
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