Title: [Kroonen, Guus. Etymological dictionary of Proto-Germanic]
Source document: Linguistica Brunensia. 2014, vol. 62, iss. 1, pp. 113-124
ISSN1803-7410 (print)2336-4440 (online)
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/130129
Type: Review
License: Not specified license
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Kroonen, Guus. Etymological dictionary of Proto-Germanic. Leiden: Brill, 2013. xli, 794 s. Leiden Indo-European etymological dictionary series, v. 11. ISBN 978-90-04-18340-7.
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[1] A = Adams, D. Q. 2013. A Dictionary of Tocharian B. Revised and Greatly Enlarged. Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi.
[2] Abaev, V. I. 1958–95. Istoriko-ėtimologičeskij slovaŕ osetinskogo jazyka, I-V. (Moskva) Leningrad: Nauka.
[3] Adams, D. Q. 1985. The Indo-European Word for 'apple' again. Indogermanische Forschungen 90, 79–82.
[4] Adams, D. Q. 1987. Marginalia to the Tocharian Lexicon. Tocharian and Indo-European Study 1, 1–9.
[5] Adams, D. Q. 1999. A Dictionary of Tocharian B. Amsterdam-Atlanta: Rodopi.
[6] Adams, D. Q. 2006b. Etymological connections of the Tocharian word for 'Village' and the Germanic Word for 'House'. With Notes on Tocharian B koṣkiye 'hut', and koṣko '± reproach'. Journal of Indo-European Studies 34, 390–400.
[7] Adams, D. Q. 2011. Three additions to the Tocharian B aviary. Tocharian and Indo-European Study 12, 33–43.
[8] Anreiter, P. 1987. Zum phonologischen Prozeß *u̯ → tochar. Ø /#_{*r, *l}. Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 1, 10–18.
[9] Antonsen, E. H. 2002. Runes and Germanic linguistics. Berlin – New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
[10] Aura Jorro, F. 1985–93. Diccionario micénico, I-II. Madrid: Consejo superior de investigaciones científicas.
[11] Bailey, H. 1979. Dictionary of Khotan Saka. Cambridge: University Press.
[12] Beekes, R. S. P. 2000. Roots with a nasal infix in Pokorny. In: Language contact: substratum, superstratum, adstratum in Germanic, ed. by Dirk Boutkan & Arend Quak. Amsterdam-Atlanta: Rodopi, 3–24.
[13] Billy, Pierre-Henri. 1993. Thesaurus Linguae Gallicae. Hildesheim-Zürich-New York.
[14] Blažek, V. 2000. Baltic *[ ]lākija- m. / *[ ]lākijāf. "bear". Linguistica Baltica 8, 49–56.
[15] Blažek, V. 2002a. The 'beech'-argument – State-of-the-Art. Historische Sprachforschung 115, 190–217.
[16] Blažek, V. 2002b. A Baltic key to the etymology of Germanic *aikō"oak". Baltistica 37/1, 23–24.
[17] Blažek, V. 2003. Slavic-Tocharian Isoglosses IV. Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 10, 11–13.
[18] Blažek, V. 2004. Indo-European "apple(s)". In: Die Indogermanistik und ihre Anrainer. Dritte Tagung der Vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaftler der Neuen Länder Stattgehabt an der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität zu Greifswald in Pommern am 19. und 20. Mai 2000, ed. Thorwald Poschenrieder. Innsbruck: IBS 114, 11–30.
[19] Blažek, Václav. 2011. Tocharian Studies, ed. by Michal Schwarz. Brno: Masaryk University.
[20] Boutkan, D. 1998. On the form of North European substratum words in Germanic. Historische Sprachforschung 111, 102–133.
[21] CHD The Hittite Dictionary (L-N, P, S), ed. by H. G. Gütterbock & H. A. Hoffner. Chicago: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago 1989f.
[22] Ching Chao-jung. 2008. On the names of cereals in Tocharian B. Paper presented at the International Conference for the Centenary of Tocharian Studies(Moscow, August 2008).
[23] de Bernardo Stempel, P. 2007. CIb. auzu 'hausio', auzeti 'haurit', auzanto 'hauriant': water in the Botorrita bronzes and other inscriptions (K.0.8, 1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 5.1). Palaeohispanica 7, 55–69.
[24] Delamarre, X. 2001. Dictionnaire de la langue gauloise. Paris: Errance.
[25] Demiraj, B. 1997. Albanische Etymologien (Untersuchungen zum albanischen Erbwortschatz). Amsterdam-Atlanta: Rodopi.
[26] DRS = Dictionnaire des racines sémitiques, by David Cohenet alii. Paris-La Haye: Mouton 1970.
[27] Džaukjan, G. B. 1967. Očerki po istorii dopis'mennogo perioda armjanskogo jazyka. Erevan: Izdatel'stvo Akademii nauk Armjanskoj SSR.
[28] ESIJ = Ėtimologičeskij slovaŕ iranskix jazykov, Tom 1–3, red. V. S. Rastorgueva & D. I. Ėdeľman. Moskva: Vostočnaja literatura 2000–2007; Tom 4, red. Džoj I. Ėdeľman. Moskva: Vostočnaja literatura 2011.
[29] ESSJ = Ėtimologičeskij slovaŕ slavjanskixx jazykov, red. Oleg N. Trubačevet alii. Moskva: Nauka 1974f.
[30] Falk, H. & Torp, A. 1909. Wortschatz der Germanischen Spracheinheit. Göttingen: Vandhoeck & Ruprecht.
[31] Falk, Knut-Olaf. 1966. Slavjanskoe nazvanie duba. Scando-Slavica 4, 265–285.
[32] Feist, S. 1914. Indogermanen und Germanen. Ein Beitrag zur europäischen Urgeschichtsforschung. Halle: Niemeyer.
[33] Friedrich, P. 1970. Proto-Indo-European Trees. The Arboreal System of a Prehistoric People. Chicago – London: University of Chicago Press.
[34] Gamkrelidze, T. V. & Ivanov, V. V. 1984. Indoevropejskij jazyk i indoevropejcy. Tbilisi: Izdateľstvo Tbilisskogo univerziteta.
[35] Georgiev, V. 1977. Trakite i texnijat ezik. Izd. na Bălgarskata akademija na naukite.
[36] Hackstein, O. 2002. Uridg. *CH.CC > *C.CC. Historische Sprachforschung 115, 1–22.
[37] Hamp, E. P. 1973. Review of Friedrich 1970. American Anthropologist 75, 1093–96.
[38] Hamp, E. P. 1979. The North European word for 'apple'. Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 37, 158–166.
[39] Henning, W. B. 1963. The Kurdish elm. Asia Major 10, 68–72.
[40] Hilmarsson, J. 1985. Toch. A kāc, Lat. cutis, OIcel. húð< I.-E. *kuHtís "skin". Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung 95, 162–163.
[41] Horn, P. 1893. Grundriss der neupersischen Etymologie. Strassburg: Trübner.
[42] Huld, M. E. 1984. Basic Albanian Etymologies. Columbus: Slavica Publishers.
[43] Huld, M. E. 2005. Albanian akull and Indo-European 'water'. Journal of Indo-European Studies 33, 53–62.
[44] K = Kroonen, Guus. 2013. Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Germanic. Leiden-Boston: Brill.
[45] Kimball, Sara E. 1999. Hittite Historical Phonology. Innsbruck: IBS 95.
[46] Kluge, F. 1884. Die germanische Consonantendehnung. Beiträge der deutschen Sprache und Literatur 9, 149–186.
[47] Klimov, G. A. & Xalilov, M. Š. 2003. Slovaŕ kavkazskix jazykov. Moskva: Vostočnaja literatura.
[48] Kroonen, G. 2010a. Faroese ta and its Relevance to the Germanic Auslautsgesetze. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 66/1, 21–28.
[49] Kroonen, G. 2010b. Proto-Germanic *krēpja- and Proto-Slavic *krěpъ'strong'. Journal of Indo-European Studies 38/3–4, 402–408.
[50] Kroonen, G. 2010c. False exceptions to Winter's law: on the effects of Kluge's law on the Proto-Germanic consonantism. In: Accent matters: papers on Balto-Slavic accentology, ed. by T. Pronk & R. Derksen. Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi.
[51] Kroonen, G. 2010d. On Gothic iupand the Germanic directionals. NOWELE 58–59, 367–380.
[52] Kroonen, G. 2011a. The proto-Germanic n-stems: a study in diachronic morphophonology. Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi.
[53] Kroonen, G. 2011b. Neuniederländisch zeug 'Sau' und spugen 'speien': zwei Beispiele der westgermanischen Velarisierung? Amsterdam Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 67, 149–161.
[54] Kroonen, G. 2012. Reflections on the o/zero-ablaut in the Germanic iterative verbs. In: The Indo-European verb. Proceedings of the Conference of the Society for Indo-European Studies (Los Angeles, Sept 2010), ed. by Craig Melchert. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 191–200.
[55] Kroonen, G. – Lubotsky, A. 2009. Proto-Indo-European *tsel- 'to sneak' and Germanic *ste-lan- 'to steal, approach stealthily'. Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia 14, 237–241.
[56] Kuiper, F. B. J. 1995. Gothic bagmsand Old Icelandic ylgr. NOWELE 25, 63–88. | DOI 10.1075/nowele.25.04kui
[57] Kylstra, A. D. & Hahmo, S. - L. & Hofstra, T. & Nikkilä, O. 1991–1997–2012. Lexikon der älteren germanischen Lehnwörter in den ostseefinnischen Sprachen, I-III. Amsterdam-Atlanta: Rodopi.
[58] La Piana, M. 1939. Studi linguistici albanesi, I: Prolegomeni allo studio della linguistica albanese. Palermo: S. Pezzino.
[59] Lehmann, W. P. 1942. The Indo-European dh-determinative in Germanic. Language 18, 125–132. | DOI 10.2307/408976
[60] LEIA = Vendryes, J. 1959. Lexique étymologique de l'irlandais ancien(A). Dublin: Institute for Advanced Studies – Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
[61] Leslau, W. 1987. Comparative Dictionary of Gecez (Classical Ethiopic). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
[62] LIV = Lexikon der indogermanischen Verben 2, eds. by Helmut Rix with M. Kümmel, T. Zehnder, R. Lipp, B. Schirmer. Wiesbaden.
[63] Looijenga, T. 2003. Texts and Contexts of the Oldest Runic Inscriptions. Leiden: Brill.
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[78] Puhvel, J. 1991. Hittite Etymological Dictionary, Vol. 3: Words beginning with H. Berlin-New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
[79] Rastorgueva, V. S. – Ėdeľman, D. I. 1982. Prikaspijskie jazyki: giljanskij, mazanderanskij (s dialektami šamerzadi i velatru). In: Osnovy iranskogo jazykoznanija. Novoiranskie jazyki: zapadnaja gruppa, prikaspijskie jazyki, ed. Vera S. Rastorgueva. Moskva: Nauka, 447–554.
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[2] Abaev, V. I. 1958–95. Istoriko-ėtimologičeskij slovaŕ osetinskogo jazyka, I-V. (Moskva) Leningrad: Nauka.
[3] Adams, D. Q. 1985. The Indo-European Word for 'apple' again. Indogermanische Forschungen 90, 79–82.
[4] Adams, D. Q. 1987. Marginalia to the Tocharian Lexicon. Tocharian and Indo-European Study 1, 1–9.
[5] Adams, D. Q. 1999. A Dictionary of Tocharian B. Amsterdam-Atlanta: Rodopi.
[6] Adams, D. Q. 2006b. Etymological connections of the Tocharian word for 'Village' and the Germanic Word for 'House'. With Notes on Tocharian B koṣkiye 'hut', and koṣko '± reproach'. Journal of Indo-European Studies 34, 390–400.
[7] Adams, D. Q. 2011. Three additions to the Tocharian B aviary. Tocharian and Indo-European Study 12, 33–43.
[8] Anreiter, P. 1987. Zum phonologischen Prozeß *u̯ → tochar. Ø /#_{*r, *l}. Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 1, 10–18.
[9] Antonsen, E. H. 2002. Runes and Germanic linguistics. Berlin – New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
[10] Aura Jorro, F. 1985–93. Diccionario micénico, I-II. Madrid: Consejo superior de investigaciones científicas.
[11] Bailey, H. 1979. Dictionary of Khotan Saka. Cambridge: University Press.
[12] Beekes, R. S. P. 2000. Roots with a nasal infix in Pokorny. In: Language contact: substratum, superstratum, adstratum in Germanic, ed. by Dirk Boutkan & Arend Quak. Amsterdam-Atlanta: Rodopi, 3–24.
[13] Billy, Pierre-Henri. 1993. Thesaurus Linguae Gallicae. Hildesheim-Zürich-New York.
[14] Blažek, V. 2000. Baltic *[ ]lākija- m. / *[ ]lākijāf. "bear". Linguistica Baltica 8, 49–56.
[15] Blažek, V. 2002a. The 'beech'-argument – State-of-the-Art. Historische Sprachforschung 115, 190–217.
[16] Blažek, V. 2002b. A Baltic key to the etymology of Germanic *aikō"oak". Baltistica 37/1, 23–24.
[17] Blažek, V. 2003. Slavic-Tocharian Isoglosses IV. Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 10, 11–13.
[18] Blažek, V. 2004. Indo-European "apple(s)". In: Die Indogermanistik und ihre Anrainer. Dritte Tagung der Vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaftler der Neuen Länder Stattgehabt an der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität zu Greifswald in Pommern am 19. und 20. Mai 2000, ed. Thorwald Poschenrieder. Innsbruck: IBS 114, 11–30.
[19] Blažek, Václav. 2011. Tocharian Studies, ed. by Michal Schwarz. Brno: Masaryk University.
[20] Boutkan, D. 1998. On the form of North European substratum words in Germanic. Historische Sprachforschung 111, 102–133.
[21] CHD The Hittite Dictionary (L-N, P, S), ed. by H. G. Gütterbock & H. A. Hoffner. Chicago: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago 1989f.
[22] Ching Chao-jung. 2008. On the names of cereals in Tocharian B. Paper presented at the International Conference for the Centenary of Tocharian Studies(Moscow, August 2008).
[23] de Bernardo Stempel, P. 2007. CIb. auzu 'hausio', auzeti 'haurit', auzanto 'hauriant': water in the Botorrita bronzes and other inscriptions (K.0.8, 1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 5.1). Palaeohispanica 7, 55–69.
[24] Delamarre, X. 2001. Dictionnaire de la langue gauloise. Paris: Errance.
[25] Demiraj, B. 1997. Albanische Etymologien (Untersuchungen zum albanischen Erbwortschatz). Amsterdam-Atlanta: Rodopi.
[26] DRS = Dictionnaire des racines sémitiques, by David Cohenet alii. Paris-La Haye: Mouton 1970.
[27] Džaukjan, G. B. 1967. Očerki po istorii dopis'mennogo perioda armjanskogo jazyka. Erevan: Izdatel'stvo Akademii nauk Armjanskoj SSR.
[28] ESIJ = Ėtimologičeskij slovaŕ iranskix jazykov, Tom 1–3, red. V. S. Rastorgueva & D. I. Ėdeľman. Moskva: Vostočnaja literatura 2000–2007; Tom 4, red. Džoj I. Ėdeľman. Moskva: Vostočnaja literatura 2011.
[29] ESSJ = Ėtimologičeskij slovaŕ slavjanskixx jazykov, red. Oleg N. Trubačevet alii. Moskva: Nauka 1974f.
[30] Falk, H. & Torp, A. 1909. Wortschatz der Germanischen Spracheinheit. Göttingen: Vandhoeck & Ruprecht.
[31] Falk, Knut-Olaf. 1966. Slavjanskoe nazvanie duba. Scando-Slavica 4, 265–285.
[32] Feist, S. 1914. Indogermanen und Germanen. Ein Beitrag zur europäischen Urgeschichtsforschung. Halle: Niemeyer.
[33] Friedrich, P. 1970. Proto-Indo-European Trees. The Arboreal System of a Prehistoric People. Chicago – London: University of Chicago Press.
[34] Gamkrelidze, T. V. & Ivanov, V. V. 1984. Indoevropejskij jazyk i indoevropejcy. Tbilisi: Izdateľstvo Tbilisskogo univerziteta.
[35] Georgiev, V. 1977. Trakite i texnijat ezik. Izd. na Bălgarskata akademija na naukite.
[36] Hackstein, O. 2002. Uridg. *CH.CC > *C.CC. Historische Sprachforschung 115, 1–22.
[37] Hamp, E. P. 1973. Review of Friedrich 1970. American Anthropologist 75, 1093–96.
[38] Hamp, E. P. 1979. The North European word for 'apple'. Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 37, 158–166.
[39] Henning, W. B. 1963. The Kurdish elm. Asia Major 10, 68–72.
[40] Hilmarsson, J. 1985. Toch. A kāc, Lat. cutis, OIcel. húð< I.-E. *kuHtís "skin". Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung 95, 162–163.
[41] Horn, P. 1893. Grundriss der neupersischen Etymologie. Strassburg: Trübner.
[42] Huld, M. E. 1984. Basic Albanian Etymologies. Columbus: Slavica Publishers.
[43] Huld, M. E. 2005. Albanian akull and Indo-European 'water'. Journal of Indo-European Studies 33, 53–62.
[44] K = Kroonen, Guus. 2013. Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Germanic. Leiden-Boston: Brill.
[45] Kimball, Sara E. 1999. Hittite Historical Phonology. Innsbruck: IBS 95.
[46] Kluge, F. 1884. Die germanische Consonantendehnung. Beiträge der deutschen Sprache und Literatur 9, 149–186.
[47] Klimov, G. A. & Xalilov, M. Š. 2003. Slovaŕ kavkazskix jazykov. Moskva: Vostočnaja literatura.
[48] Kroonen, G. 2010a. Faroese ta and its Relevance to the Germanic Auslautsgesetze. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 66/1, 21–28.
[49] Kroonen, G. 2010b. Proto-Germanic *krēpja- and Proto-Slavic *krěpъ'strong'. Journal of Indo-European Studies 38/3–4, 402–408.
[50] Kroonen, G. 2010c. False exceptions to Winter's law: on the effects of Kluge's law on the Proto-Germanic consonantism. In: Accent matters: papers on Balto-Slavic accentology, ed. by T. Pronk & R. Derksen. Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi.
[51] Kroonen, G. 2010d. On Gothic iupand the Germanic directionals. NOWELE 58–59, 367–380.
[52] Kroonen, G. 2011a. The proto-Germanic n-stems: a study in diachronic morphophonology. Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi.
[53] Kroonen, G. 2011b. Neuniederländisch zeug 'Sau' und spugen 'speien': zwei Beispiele der westgermanischen Velarisierung? Amsterdam Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 67, 149–161.
[54] Kroonen, G. 2012. Reflections on the o/zero-ablaut in the Germanic iterative verbs. In: The Indo-European verb. Proceedings of the Conference of the Society for Indo-European Studies (Los Angeles, Sept 2010), ed. by Craig Melchert. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 191–200.
[55] Kroonen, G. – Lubotsky, A. 2009. Proto-Indo-European *tsel- 'to sneak' and Germanic *ste-lan- 'to steal, approach stealthily'. Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia 14, 237–241.
[56] Kuiper, F. B. J. 1995. Gothic bagmsand Old Icelandic ylgr. NOWELE 25, 63–88. | DOI 10.1075/nowele.25.04kui
[57] Kylstra, A. D. & Hahmo, S. - L. & Hofstra, T. & Nikkilä, O. 1991–1997–2012. Lexikon der älteren germanischen Lehnwörter in den ostseefinnischen Sprachen, I-III. Amsterdam-Atlanta: Rodopi.
[58] La Piana, M. 1939. Studi linguistici albanesi, I: Prolegomeni allo studio della linguistica albanese. Palermo: S. Pezzino.
[59] Lehmann, W. P. 1942. The Indo-European dh-determinative in Germanic. Language 18, 125–132. | DOI 10.2307/408976
[60] LEIA = Vendryes, J. 1959. Lexique étymologique de l'irlandais ancien(A). Dublin: Institute for Advanced Studies – Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
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